BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you two aren't kidding, it's a monster, and shit the bed stink coming off it. i've really had to prune mine out but i can see it's going to be top.

few phone pics. i had to take a birds eye view it's sprawled out




Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers KC it's been a bumpy run this time and it feels alien not having anything in veg! I've decided on the next round to go in. want to run down some of the stuff i recently crossed.

found a few more selfed dog pips, the last thing i crossed, smelly cherry x smelly berry and some psycho killer BX's. should be some real gems in them.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol, the latest, i was having night sweats and the missus thought i had an overactive thyroid, was looking up symptoms and causes last night for a half hour. went to bed, changed it before we jumped in and low n behold she's got the winter duvet on the bloody bed. no wonder i was sweating cobs it's been a heatwave in the uk for the last week or so!

was a piece in the paper the other day about tony jacklin Snr. I was like no shit, i know hem talks about the young buck jacklin, but i never really knew much about him. it read like he was a rebellious rocker or something going out to get a job his folks didn't agree with lol. seemed a cool cat.

what's new over the pond man?

i'm off for a cycle, done 7 miles to work going to go past my place by 7 miles and then back. it's way too hot for the gym.



Well-Known Member
Hows the gout lad? really need to stop self diagnosing, you'll give yersen a heart attack with all that internet doctors pish you read.:)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha mate it's the missus, she is a medical student of sorts. i just get on with it. the pains have subsided massively since i upped my carb/beer and general food intake. i stopped hammering the cross drainer and have been cycling a lot more instead, much more fun, though the kite has returned a bit. that's more to do with having a full week on the booze n bbq's :razz:

clocked 30 miles today, 20 odd on sunday, am probably going to cycle to work n back rest of the nice weather. beats the fuck out of the peasant wagon and knocks 20 mins off the journey


Well-Known Member
my best mate growing up, both his mum and dad were doctors (not gp's either). And he was forever sick, or ill, or had some cold or someshit, lol. I never had anything much apart from self inflicted stuff like salmonela food poisening, lmfao.....


Well-Known Member
oh, and much respect to the cycling mate. Not as bad on ye olde bones and joints either.


Well-Known Member
Well you know I live a pretty dull life work then home. and because of where i live I gotta keep me head down.

But yesterday was a different day.

A friend came over to the shop to help me trim, and he brought 2 oz of mushrooms.

Of course the first bit wasn't enough so between the two of us we ate 3/4 of an oz. Laughed for hours. Not much trimming got done..LOL
a fun day. But not something I want to do again right away..LOL.

a fuckin buddy from the golf course called and I spoke to him for a min or so and realized how fuked up i was and hung up...LOLOLOLOLOL

BTW were you talking about TJ SR or JR??

Tony is in the UK now at Murfield for the OPEN. Hes not playing but making some good money off the course, He just picked Glenmarangie as a sponsor.