BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah was a bit tender today like D.

thanks amber! I would have continued but the that won were not even sweating. I just thought nah its not worth it. The grounds were pretty eh. They had a weird obelisk but it was way out the grounds. That's not actually a maze, just an ornamental garden. Looks like one but the woman said all the school trip lids think it is and go charging in only to realise its not and they've wrecked it.

as for the why would anyone eat that. Well after a few beers in game for most things lol


Well-Known Member
Were you wearing the cowboy outfit?

Here in Orange County we call that a two tortilla sauce. You need one going in and one coming out!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah two tortilla sauce. yup no wasn't in the cowboy gear. I was tempted to go as homer simpson with a spoon carved from a bigger spoon but didn;t have the time to prep.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha yeah its good for most pain applications. I need a little more up though. my fave, that's a tough one i like the deep blue a lot and psycho killer. my new plemon is a great cross, in the vape bag. shit man i don't know haha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I love ipa's haha and sour beers, most Belgian beer but not wheat beers. Lager I started on but developed a taste for gin.

I like too many to have a favourite doc!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yo dude, how ya doing mate? I put that plemon into flower and lost the cut ffs. It looks great apart from the mite damage lol, very fast getting fat compared to casey jones and cheese.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ello mate I was just thinking of you. A lad I've given it to up here has done the same. DST has a bunch of them and someone else local I think so I should be ok.

I'm alreet, bit sick of painting. My lass has decided she doesn't like the colour in the living room. Red letter day Saturday was, not one but two trips to BnQ for tester paints.

hows yaself man? fam ok, bairns growing too fast!?

good luck with the Borg man.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hattie had her graduation on friday lol, Littel girl starts big school in september ffs lol. Wee man is grand, he fell off his trike and split his head open the other week lol. A+E wernt too bad they see him quite sharpish lol for a+e. My mates dad died this morning, heart attack or something. He was my dealer ffs got nothing to see me till the plemon is ready.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
crikey her graduation!? man time flies. sounds like the youngun is going to be a handful. aye A&E are good with bairns and head injuries you're first in the queue. sorry to hear about your mates dad. shite when it's that sudden. shite when it's not too i guess.

I've got nowt til I grow some ffs. well I've odds n sods my pal gives me but I'll be moved in 3 weeks and cracked on.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Life can suck big hairy balls at times, just a shame it bites em too lol. That plemon is the best looking plant i have in flower at the min. recon ill take a cut off the bottom and cross my fingers it reveges. Im in the same boat with casey too. Fucking thing came with mites when i got the cut bk in feb and i aint been able to rid mesen of the creepy lill fuckers since. Its like they swap from my veg room to my tent and back again.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye they're a ballache, just have to break the cycle man, spraying morning and night for days on end I was. think it's only a 3 day cycle but you get para man I was spraying everytime i went in for a bong haha

mr west

Well-Known Member
on the upside if there is one lol, i just planted 11 blue pit/ dog seeds the other day so fingers crossed i get at leaset one fem as my seed male fem ratio has been bollocks all last summer.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i mind on you saying you had a really bad run. was that not the fireballs or something you got all males out of a pack. 2 packs you should see at least one lol. that would be insanely bad luck. you should see a few more than 1