BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
My problem was the holes at the bottom of the pots. I dunked the entire pot over the top of the soil in some coco wet. The flies were all gone when I checked them last. I need to go out and check them right now.
I've pretty sure I've almost eradicated the adults but the larvae still seem to be thriving.


Well-Known Member
Most insects.won't live in pure worm castings. Does benefit the soil. So does the compost. Trays will get ya every time though. That's where the real issues are developed. Perlite on top works too.

You can blow DE on them for other pests.and.probably on the soil and.trays while.dry also to help. I'm gonna preventative treat w DE soon myself.


Well-Known Member
A tiny drop of dish soap in your water will kill almost any bug. They can't handle soap. Olive oil works well too. Makes them suffocate.


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard of predator mites for gnats. The nematodes burrow into the larvae and lay eggs which hatch and eat their way out. Nasty business really

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Not so keen on putting compost or worm castings on top of my coco tbh.

I'll get them out or just finish them and move the snips into the new room when its built lol. Preparation is key lmao


Well-Known Member
Just don't accidently put too much in a spray bottle and spray your can burn the shit out of them in too high a concentration. So I imagine you need to go easy on the amount for the bottom feed....however I guess burning tips off roots will only cause them to branch out more.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the fertilome is in the spray bottle for adults and that if left to drop on the leaves will burn them. I've three yellow sticky traps up and nothing stuck to them barring fan leaf tips and my hair, no gnats ffs I just need to get shot of the larvae.

I mixed up the spray bottle of fertilome and just straight filled the saucers with it last night.


Well-Known Member
Cut the yellow sticky traps up and lay them on the top of the pots so the little cunts get caught as soon as they hatch. Only peel one side off though and have it sticky side up.
I have them hung off my shades at face height and have had one stuck to my cheek before which was most unwelcome lol