
no smart boy... the 3000 dollar strains are not in the list i took the time to type to you are they. You are a moron... i hope you keep rambling so that you crush your crediblity even more... i got stuff to do, peace
go sit in a grow room and breathe on plants that way you arent a complete waste of oxygen.

Whoever you are... the fact that you would argue about something that you only have hearsay information about, when I HAVE ORDERED FROM THEM and am telling you the site is not a scam...

and you want to argue?

people like yourself need to die... you are the reason wars start... you fight about things that have no relevance to you, and that you yourself have no accountibility to speak on.
sherryberry when you order the $5000 dollar strain and smoke some then you tell me about how they are all class.But im sure you would like to peddle your bullshit with no rebuttals then you would earn an easier pay Check,oh ya you don't work their sorry.
HHahahahahaha Sherri quit bullshitting us we know you've never ordered from them !!! Where's the pics or the grow journals???I mean if bcseeds is that damn good would you want to show pics ??? That place sucks your full of it or you get some sort of kick back to promote those scamers
no smart boy... the 3000 dollar strains are not in the list i took the time to type to you are they. You are a moron... i hope you keep rambling so that you crush your crediblity even more... i got stuff to do, peace
credibility from who,you?get real,if i tried selling bullshit genetics for $5000 dollars,credibility would be the least of my concerns,now if i spent $5000 i would seriously hope that it wouldnt give me credibility,and if it did,i can only cringe at the thought to whom.you keep talking about the list,im asking your thoughts on the $3000+ strains,you must have some thoughts on it,unless it makes your brain hurt,then i ask that you refrain from discussing it.
sherryberry crack is a shitty game,its tough to make a buck,but i applaud your efforts,not many people with a hurting brain(jonesing)would take the time you took to give us the end around on a scam site,but please get your hurtin brain some rest,and in the mourning ask the kind folk at bcseeds to send you some of their strains for hurtin brains,take care aye.
i gotta be honest,with a name like sherryberry i had day dreams about night time in the middle of the afternoon,then you started with the names,that really put a damper on things,i believe we could of made something out of this,now im not so sure.
i dont photograph my grows, as stated in many of my threads.


if you are in michigan, we are close to eachtoher.

Myself and 3 other michigan people trade clones.

They too order from bcseeds

none of us have had problems.

Id trade you a clone so you can grow it side by side one of your other plants.

I have no reason to argue with you...

you have no idea what you are talking about, and you have no desire to give their stuff a shot, you arent a rational human being because if you looked at some of my posts, you would see that i trade clones with people in michigan, and you would ask for a clone so you can see for yourself...

but you dont.

you just want to discredit a company that you have never used.

And thus, you discredit yourself. You are a hater.

As far as 5000 dollars go, would i pay it? no.

But people buy million dollar ferraris, why? because they are unique.

people in our industry make a lot of money.

Sometimes, if you have the money, you want the best.

Im sure bcseeds is selling some of these seeds, otherwise they wouldnt mark them that high...

and if they are selling them... why is that bad business? thats good business. they are making money, you arent.

You are a hater, and the funny thing is you have no reason to hate.

The reality is probably that you suck at making friends because i know if i had my doubts about a seed company, and a guy said they were awesome, i would be nice to the guy, and ask him for a clone or a seed off one of his plants, and give it a shot.

I like solutions. I like finding better stuff than i already have.

You are a person who wants to believe you have the best, and goes out of your way to discredit anything that claims to be better than what you already have.

You are a sorry excuse for life.... your insecurity shines brighter than a 1000w light.

If bashing a company... you have never done business with... makes you feel better...

frankly, you are a person i wouldnt want to be friends with, you are lame, what you spend your time tlaking about is lame.

And you guys are mad because you dont understand supply and demand, and hate a company for making money off people willing to spend it?

And you want to call the site a scam?

where are the people spending the 2000 bucks who are complaining? Oh, thats right, they arent.

why dont you protect people who actually have a problem with a company, instead of spend your time trying to protect people from a company that they enjoy doing business with.

your life... based on this thread... is a waste of time.

theres no way around it.
I can't believe you would try and run a scam on us I thought we were friends!!! I'm kicking you off my buddy list damnit!!!!
sherryberry you have pointed out many things that plague my meager existence,i ask that with your knowledge of the many mind altering strains bcseeds posses,which of them would set my life on track,and money is no object when it comes to makeing my life something to be proud of.
sherryberry my first car was made in Michigan,it practically makes us family,so im going to trust your friendly advice,my question is do bcseeds really have 45%thc strain that yields 4 pounds per light,or are they just fuckin with the truth,i trust you to set me strait.
I can't believe you would try and run a scam on us I thought we were friends!!! I'm kicking you off my buddy list damnit!!!![/QUOTE.do you really want to get in the bad books of bcseeds and miss out on 60 free seeds,you might want to rethink this,maybe smoke some IQ bud before you make such drastic changes.
sherryberry do you know if i use aeroponics if i could push out 6 pounds per light in 30 days,instead of 4 pounds in 45 days.i think it can be done what do you think partner.plus i may use guppyponics as well to increase yield even more.
I heard from many people from all over the world say that BC has the best seed bank!! I never tried them and I probably won't!!
I heard from many people from all over the world say that BC has the best seed bank!! I never tried them and I probably won't!!
Yes BC has many good seed banks like kindseed and vancouverseedbank,but bcseeds is considered a scam site,they have 3 other seed company names with the same address all listed as scams.if you google it you will see.
If there really was a strain as strong as they claim then wouldnt it make sense that eventually we all would be smoking it? the one person who claims to have grown and smoked this super strain would have turned someone on there is no way someone would smoke the strongest weed in the world and not want to also grow some and so on and so on and so one all the weak strains would get weeded out and there would be nothing but this awesome weed all over the world. I want to see this weed that gets me higher than my white widow with big ol hash piece on top that I paid less than 50 for 10 seeds. How come no one ever has a pic of these amazing grows
i would totally pay $1500 for the jedi seeds. 45 percent thc, 1000-plus gr/m...unfortunately i cant afford that, so i was looking at some of their more economical seeds and i came across this one...i think im gonna get it.

Price: 195.00CND

Product Description

Cupid Bud - 10 Pack
Unlike our LOVE BUZZ BUD, Cupid Bud does not have the same physical traits, it's effects are more psychological, turning you into a more physically and mentally more attractive person to the person your trying to impress......

well, you get the picture. my question is - im 43 and single. im 5 foot 3 inches, 237 lbs. my skin is so-so. i have a lazy eye and pee my pants sometimes. if i smoke this bud, will hot chicks want to bone me even though i live in my parents basement?
I have an friend who has ordered from BCseeds and has always got their beans and more.... my issue with BCseeds revolves around their yeild and thc claims... if thye had repsonded to any of my questions in any of several emails, i would have a warmer fuzzier feel....

That being said I am probably gonna start some Jedis from clones in my next grow... will let you know how it goes...
If there really was a strain as strong as they claim then wouldnt it make sense that eventually we all would be smoking it?

what do you think myself and the other people have grown it are trying to say?

does it have 40%thc... i doubt it...

but does it have MORE thc than the typical strains every other seedbank has?


So, sorry the number isnt to your liking. But most thc... yes they do, otherwise i wouldnt keep ordering from them.

The reason not everyone orders their stuff is because people on this thread, who have affiliation with other seedbanks, and are idiots.

Like i said in my first post on here...

you guys are only hurting yourself, and if someone is dumb enough to listen to you, frankly, i guess they deserve to lose to.

Order your beans elsewhere...

pretend theres nothing better, im done arguing with you guys, have fun typing negative bullshit for no reason other than trying to sound important and knowledgable.

You are neither...

you havent tried thier stuff

and you have nothing better to do than write on a mj forum about stuff you havent tried.

ill say it again... your life is fantastic.
were do the lies begin and were do they end,you people troll for those scam artists that have 3 companies under one mailing address and 2 of them do not send seeds,yet you people give these shysters your money,that is your prerogative,im here to tell people don't get rolled by these jerkoffs at bcseeds,they are nothing but lieing thieving wack jobs,i would like to be more to the point but kids visit here,so i cant say what i really think of these cowards,who probably reek of urine from pissing them selves running from someone they burned.