Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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i have been meaning to go out there but the humidity and temps are so high this past week that it's not safe for me to be out in the swamp where it is much worse. i almost went today but were looking at 95 degrees and humity at 73%. i am very worried about the other plants, but im afraid my hands are tied, the seeds i bought from nirvana take a back seat to the roadtrips, because they were a gift. and with this weather i barely have time for the roadtrips so the rest will just have to wait, and if they don't survive, well then yeah it's going to kill my yield, but better to take good care of some than crappy care of all. there is just no way for me to pack out enough water for them as well, and i really wasn't expecting the river to go dry on me like it is actually looking like a pretty boring day for me, so i might do it anyway but it's not likely.


Well-Known Member
well im currently stuffing my pack will various water jugs and bladders, charging my camera battery, and getting my tools squared away, the plants will get moved around today, i figure if i move them every few weeks they will be impossible to rip. lol they need water and nutes and im hoping to find some males, as last trip i could only identify two females and no males in the bunch yet, hopefully i can also find my last 15 missing plants so they don't polonate the ones i do have... pics will come in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
May the Spirits be with you BEANER, Good luck finding your lost babies.
I must do some watering my self, It is dam hot out tho.


Well-Known Member
yeah it is waaaaay to hot and dry this year, it sucks, definatly not the best season to be using grow bags, as i found out today, all my plants were badly in need of water, except of course the ones transplanted to the riverbed, they are lush and pretty, so after a lot of deliberation, i transplanted every one of them to the riverbed. i looked and looked, and found 4 more, but many more are still missing, and im not sure the 4 are going to pull through, they were pretty much dead from the drought.

oh well, i guess this year the harvest will not be super big, I had no idea of the dry conditions i was going to have to deal with when i first chose my spots, had i known i might have put them somewhere easier to get water to them or directly in the ground where they wouldn't dry out so fast. the survivors are looking ok, and just like last time, i found several females, but no males are showing yet, and only one plant is developing alternating nodes. pics will come in a bit, but i was just digging in a riverbed for the past 2 hours and i stink, so ill do it after i get out of the shower.

thanks for all the support guys!


Well-Known Member
i was at the the great outdoors and you could see a helicopter had been hovering around above the tall pushed it back and down,scarry scarry.


Well-Known Member
well here are some pics, they are all about 6 inches shorter now as i burried the stem a little when i transplanted them, and the last few are drooping from the shock, but by the time i left they were already perking up, they were pretty root bound, and made for easy transplants.

I hate cops and rippers, what a sad grow this is turning into, from almost a hundred plants to barely 20, my main plants would be 6 foot tall by now, but i am stuck with a handfull of knee high babies that only have a few more weeks to grow. the soil is perfect for them however and they should really take off now but looking at fdd2blk's backyard just makes me depressed, his plants were bigger than these when he first put them out, I hope they start to pick up, He has been a good freind to me and i dont want to let him down any more.



Well-Known Member
i went and checked out the local hemp fields today, frick, they were all dead, next year is gonna be a bad year for them, they died before the seeds even started to form, so only last years seeds that didn't sprout will stand a chance, but thats part of weeds survivul, some seeds just don't sprout the first season.

It just goes to show you though, as hardy as weed is, in this drought we are having this year, it will be VERY hard to keep them alive without human intervention, luckily i am finally not worrying about that, in my babies new in-ground location they will be moist for most liekely the rest of the year.


Well-Known Member
i went and checked out the local hemp fields today, frick, they were all dead, next year is gonna be a bad year for them, they died before the seeds even started to form, so only last years seeds that didn't sprout will stand a chance, but thats part of weeds survivul, some seeds just don't sprout the first season.

It just goes to show you though, as hardy as weed is, in this drought we are having this year, it will be VERY hard to keep them alive without human intervention, luckily i am finally not worrying about that, in my babies new in-ground location they will be moist for most liekely the rest of the year.
Good to hear beaner! love to attitude. I too lost all but 3-5 of my outdoor stuff due to after spring flooding(rare) but ohh well. The ones that did survive have managed a little human intervention due to drought as well. My biggest girl is between 5-6 feet now. It grew like a foot on me in 4 days after the last jug of water and 20-20-20 peters. Keep it up!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Beaner, Is everything going ok now. DId you find the rest of those plants or would they have died by now, and how are the ones in the river bed going.



Well-Known Member
i feel your pain beaner, im done to 5 plants which 3 are only a foot tall. i started with about 30 at least i learned from my mistakes for next year


Well-Known Member
well i think it's going pretty good, but i wouldn't know i haven't been out there, but we have gotten a few rains, so they should be very happy, im waiting to go back till im sure i can kill all the males in one sweep, gonna have to talk to fdd2blk about when that should be, but i just spent the weekend camping and now im hitting the bar so ill do my best to catch up on the forums when i get back. thanks for the love!


Well-Known Member
wow so the males will start flowering around next week? i guess that means i better get out there soon for sexing...
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