Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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His last post on this website was 1 sept, it's not like him (not that I know him personally) to go this long without posting. Maybe he's on hols
The long delays in updates make me worry. The last time he didnt have a post in this thread for a long time, he went to jail for parking tickets. I hope all is well.
While reading every sentence of this thread, i realized and got paranoid that two of the subcribers were aprehended and their location stated it was the dea.still beaner believed it was ok to state what company he worked for,what kind of housing he lived in, that he had worked for them,his last charges and a time period they were sentenced to him and his ethnicity,even the state he lived in. with all of this info and the right connections it probly wasnt too hard for leo to track him down they might of even known him before they knew of his crop because of how detailed in miage and terrain he described his swamp, there cant be to many reall estate agencies that own swamps in minnisota and are located next to a construction site and have a river nearly thirteen feet wide that seasonally fills with rain water saving the reall estates companys actuall real estate from showing upclose pictures of you fingerprints holding a handful of soil used for an illegal cause cant be too smart either,but i have seen it a few times on this website allready,thats not very different than SIGNING A STATEMENT THAT YOU ARE A GROWER! i worship this man for all he was trying to do for his community and wish there was more people with a pair like his out there but i really dont believe he was very careful at all sometimes going out two days in a row.the man should have camped and fire and cooking at your site??? i hope his wife is doing allright!:cry:
hell the man apparently did time in service and everything they have to have his prints on file,to identify after the possibility of them getting removed by that same piece of shrappnel apparently imbedded in his foot.
Jesse, I'm confused are you merely speculating based on the fact that beaner has not been very careful in hiding his location and other personal information or do you have first hand knowledge that something bad has happened?

i realized and got paranoid that two of the subcribers were aprehended and their location stated it was the dea.

I'm also confused by this statement. Is this info from part of this thread that i may have overlooked? Or again do you know beaner and/or have some first hand knowledge.
Sorry i'm just confused by you post, clarification will appreciated.

sorry i might have been paranoid for no reason i do that sometimes i thought i had seen two seperate people comment on this thread but i just read the names of every subscriber twice which took forever and could only find one eastlosgl for location it listed: user has been deleted and seized by the dea and i thought i had read that again on another persons location.sorry if my bad eyesight stressed any of you. And also i do not know and/or have not made any sort of contact with any of the growers on this or any other website!
i absolutely know nothing of whatever horrible fate has befallen are beloved beaner.blow some smoke for our homie!!!:cry:
Thanks for the clarification, sometimes i can be easily confused. I hope all is well with beaner.
Maybe i'm just paranoid also,but I too feel that some people are very brash about their information disclosure. obviously leo is probably not seeking out small time growers but nonetheless it seems like an unnecessary risk, to provide this forum with specific location/personal info that is somewhat irrelevant to the discussions at hand.
all the crack on the streets and they have to fuck with heads.....last issue of high times i read in one article it was stating that the zine4 was goingto stop advertizing halucies and absynth and other drugs and stick with actually advertizing herb....bullshit....advertizing damn it alll!!!!.....not even seven pages after was a ad for coca seeds. might as well sell herion or just opium.:spew:
I think its all made up, about the rippers/leo, this kid is just smart and knows how to make things interesting
( I hope otherwise gl & GB)

this was a great read, how does it end! only the bean knows
ooooh! i think ive read this story before so i know to! he climbed to the top of one of his plants and traded some miller and shrooms to the giants for a duck who shits bricks of hash and ever since then hasnt had any reason to post about growing....probly hasnt left his house in weeks, i wouldnt pizza delivers chinese too. why leave?:-? speaking of people disapearing what ever happened to videoman i havent seen anything from him in a long time....
alot of people start journals and dont finish them,he was good at createing suspence i will say that,like i just got out of jail,then waiting a day to say why,and then the leos who never came back,or found the other people are pleading for him to respond,hopeing for some mystyrious reason why he dissapeared.
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