Belief Without Evidence WTF?

'god equals supernatural' , first prove your god exists before assuming it and then making brash statements , otherwise you have as much credibilty as if you were talking about the honey monster .
can i put your god in a labatory to do tests lol no i cant because he has done a vanishing act lol
you are correct , the masses follow blindely with no proof , no proof needed for alot of dim people , yet other smarter people require proof and evidence .
im glad you find the post offensive , it might make you stop n think for yourself .
enjoy your dump .

ps ....believe it or dont .? err ...................dont
every person imet who claims they dont believe in God, deep down they do. the devil tricked some angels and he tricks us, he wants to have more power than God Almighty. the wages of sin is death. if your not under Gods law then your ways will destroy you because only through God can you live in peace, love, and harmony. people who seeks earthly pleasure before God are wrong and they know it so the devil steps in and says little things that sound good to you and seems ok but you know it aint right in Gods eyes so when you do those things you feel guilty, because you are. the devil steps in again and tells you things. boom got you again, and after round and round again you take on the views of satan which is, true free will= anything you want to do. God gave free will from the get go to choose as you wish, his ways are perfect and keeps us all happy, and perfect. Satan was wrong in his views because only with God will it be truth, peace, love and happiness, away from God is the exact opposite war, hate, sadness, anger, violence, lies etc. which is the devils way. if the devil can trick angels in heaven he can trick people on earth which he does. what we got now is the illuminati(devil worshipers) who are people who got tricked by the devil who are controlling everything and tricking us to doing evil(devils way). your blind if you cant see Gods truth. God is real, and the prophecies in the bible happened foreal and are happening today as it is written. were living in the last days and the Lord has a set date and time when hes coming in which no man knows. so isay to you, who read my post just now- repent, pray, and submit yourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ while hes being merciful to you and keeping you alive another day so that you may be saved. because once you die, the doors of mercy will be closed forever.
every person imet who claims they dont believe in God, deep down they do. the devil tricked some angels and he tricks us, he wants to have more power than God Almighty. the wages of sin is death. if your not under Gods law then your ways will destroy you because only through God can you live in peace, love, and harmony. people who seeks earthly pleasure before God are wrong and they know it so the devil steps in and says little things that sound good to you and seems ok but you know it aint right in Gods eyes so when you do those things you feel guilty, because you are. the devil steps in again and tells you things. boom got you again, and after round and round again you take on the views of satan which is, true free will= anything you want to do. God gave free will from the get go to choose as you wish, his ways are perfect and keeps us all happy, and perfect. Satan was wrong in his views because only with God will it be truth, peace, love and happiness, away from God is the exact opposite war, hate, sadness, anger, violence, lies etc. which is the devils way. if the devil can trick angels in heaven he can trick people on earth which he does. what we got now is the illuminati(devil worshipers) who are people who got tricked by the devil who are controlling everything and tricking us to doing evil(devils way). your blind if you cant see Gods truth. God is real, and the prophecies in the bible happened foreal and are happening today as it is written. were living in the last days and the Lord has a set date and time when hes coming in which no man knows. so isay to you, who read my post just now- repent, pray, and submit yourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ while hes being merciful to you and keeping you alive another day so that you may be saved. because once you die, the doors of mercy will be closed forever.
Just like I said in the other thread, your post is so bat shit crazy I could almost grow plants with it.
the fbi snatched me up 1day and showed me the ''plan'' of the illuminati, and let me say, the devil himself wrote it, no doubts about it. if you ever saw it YOU WILL BE CREEPED OUT TO THE POINT OF NIGHTMARES EVERY NIGHT FOR A WEEK!
It seems you're just completely mentally unsound, would that be an accurate assumption?
every person imet who claims they dont believe in God, deep down they do. the devil tricked some angels and he tricks us, he wants to have more power than God Almighty. the wages of sin is death. if your not under Gods law then your ways will destroy you because only through God can you live in peace, love, and harmony. people who seeks earthly pleasure before God are wrong and they know it so the devil steps in and says little things that sound good to you and seems ok but you know it aint right in Gods eyes so when you do those things you feel guilty, because you are. the devil steps in again and tells you things. boom got you again, and after round and round again you take on the views of satan which is, true free will= anything you want to do. God gave free will from the get go to choose as you wish, his ways are perfect and keeps us all happy, and perfect. Satan was wrong in his views because only with God will it be truth, peace, love and happiness, away from God is the exact opposite war, hate, sadness, anger, violence, lies etc. which is the devils way. if the devil can trick angels in heaven he can trick people on earth which he does. what we got now is the illuminati(devil worshipers) who are people who got tricked by the devil who are controlling everything and tricking us to doing evil(devils way). your blind if you cant see Gods truth. God is real, and the prophecies in the bible happened foreal and are happening today as it is written. were living in the last days and the Lord has a set date and time when hes coming in which no man knows. so isay to you, who read my post just now- repent, pray, and submit yourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ while hes being merciful to you and keeping you alive another day so that you may be saved. because once you die, the doors of mercy will be closed forever.
yeah ok mate , prove any of that nonsense is true or im calling BULLSHIT .
yeah ok mate , prove any of that nonsense is true or im calling BULLSHIT .

icould prove it true but iwant people to see with their own eyes so they wont be in doubt even when its proved. just open up the holy bible to what Jesus says it will be like in the last days, turn on the news, and test the bible to see if its right or wrong. you can test any part of the bible if you dont believe in God and youll know first hand whether its real or not
Hey Diesel, trying to teach love to these cold hearted dudes is tickling my funny bone! hehehehe. What the fuck do they believe in? Let's speculate. They believe that spending all the life studying about Dinosaur bones is extremely important for man kind. What else. oOOooooo how about their men from space that anal probe them day and night? Yea that's some good comforting bullshit to believe in and care about OH! yesss and videotaping GHOSTS for youtube, very fucking important indeed. Whoops! my eggo's just popped up from the atheist toaster
you go ahead and think that, we'll see who's right in the end.
icould prove it true but iwant people to see with their own eyes so they wont be in doubt even when its proved. just open up the holy bible to what Jesus says it will be like in the last days, turn on the news, and test the bible to see if its right or wrong. you can test any part of the bible if you dont believe in God and youll know first hand whether its real or not
Bullshit you can prove it, you cant prove the unprovable.
Ok heres one for you. Jesus supposidly healed people and even brought one dude back from the dead... how come the only place there's any reference to this is the Bible? Not think the Romans would've noticed?
Hey Diesel, trying to teach love to these cold hearted dudes is tickling my funny bone! hehehehe. What the fuck do they believe in? Let's speculate. They believe that spending all the life studying about Dinosaur bones is extremely important for man kind. What else. oOOooooo how about their men from space that anal probe them day and night? Yea that's some good comforting bullshit to believe in and care about OH! yesss and videotaping GHOSTS for youtube, very fucking important indeed. Whoops! my eggo's just popped up from the atheist toaster
WOW i dont know anyone who does any of those things , lol men from outer space lol ghosts lol and dinosaur bones ?
i dont need to be taught love its a natural instinct im born with .
icould prove it true but iwant people to see with their own eyes so they wont be in doubt even when its proved. just open up the holy bible to what Jesus says it will be like in the last days, turn on the news, and test the bible to see if its right or wrong. you can test any part of the bible if you dont believe in God and youll know first hand whether its real or not
yeah sure you could , you are mad dude sheer mad .
Right? Freaking 8th graders.
8th graders, seems you need your glasses checked, or, am i a ten year grow vet who is only 8 years old.. Screw religion this is the new chat topic.. j/k..

Anyways.. It is true guys hate to brake it to you.. Santa is Fake.. No such thing as Wizards. Therefor your god in all his Might is one big false Overlord. Not trying to be mean but you guys been getting scammed like kids for thousands of years..
All jesus was is a hippy who was walking around using hemp oil to help heal people.. Someone decided to make him the son of God... Whoopdiwhoo. You all need to get your heads out of your asses and see the Light, or show me some real evidence not just words and omg Miracles.. Bunch of Sissie gurls need to see the Light.
Ok heres one for you. Jesus supposidly healed people and even brought one dude back from the dead... how come the only place there's any reference to this is the Bible? Not think the Romans would've noticed?

...well, jesus, the's an energy and it does heal. Back from the dead? You mean back from the throes of one's lower nature? Sure thing. There's a big difference between jesus and christ. "christos"

...the second coming of christ, not jesus. It's adulthood from my perspective. He's to be seen as an example, look at the way his life was described. Seem familiar? The apostles are alive and well. Moses is alive and well, etc. etc... they are fundamentals of human behavior. The metaphor of his 'riding into town on a donkey' is indicative of moving into adulthood.
Atheism is BS too.. It is easier not claiming anything.. But my only claim is that you are ALL full of bullshit. No mighty Wizards in the Sky, no Lord of Darkness below. Its all a fantasy kids.