Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

you'll fail but the democratic party will win.
Trump and Pence have a higher favorability rating than both the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton. How do you plan on winning when your candidate and your party is hated by everyone but people who already have their heads up their own asses?

What does the Democratic party stand for? Why can't any Democrats answer that question? What are you going to sell to the American people in 2018 and 2020 besides "TRUMP BAD!!!"?
@ttystikk , Sanders supports 'Our Revolution', which is a political ally of Justice Democrats. You asked me a week or two ago about that

As far as this idea that we should support whatever candidate runs against Trump or the Republicans because they're so terrible and if they win again minorities and gay people will be hurt more, well, sure, if the Democratic party gives me something to vote for. So far they have given me nothing and I don't expect that to change between now and 2018 or 2020 given their elected leadership after the election. Their actions show their unwillingness to change. Demanding adequate representation is not some progressive 'purity test', it's all that matters in a representative republic. If your representatives don't represent you, why would you support them?

Justice Democrats are going to run these establishment Democrats over in 2018. When we win, it's going to change the entire game forever
Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be a fine model for this new movement.

He told the banksters of his day that he was proud to be their enemy and thrived on their hatred of him.

The impulse of greed and privilege is still strong in this country. We need a new morality and code of ethics, one that includes making sure all Americans prosper, not just a wealthy and powerful few.

Ending campaign finance starts with calling it what it is; legalized, organized bribery of our political system.

Ending corporate personhood is another idea whose time is overdue.
Trump and Pence have a higher favorability rating than both the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton. How do you plan on winning when your candidate and your party is hated by everyone but people who already have their heads up their own asses?

What does the Democratic party stand for? Why can't any Democrats answer that question? What are you going to sell to the American people in 2018 and 2020 besides "TRUMP BAD!!!"?
im impressed. some actual real questions being asked. curious to see how folks respond to you..
i've answered that already but you don't believe in facts or evidence anymore.
Then wait and see who wins

You with empty rhetoric and platitudes and the least liked politician in the country or me with actual policy positions supported by popular candidates

I suspect that even when the results are in, you'll deny them or make more excuses. We'll see
Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be a fine model for this new movement.

He told the banksters of his day that he was proud to be their enemy and thrived on their hatred of him.

The impulse of greed and privilege is still strong in this country. We need a new morality and code of ethics, one that includes making sure all Americans prosper, not just a wealthy and powerful few.

Ending campaign finance starts with calling it what it is; legalized, organized bribery of our political system.

Ending corporate personhood is another idea whose time is overdue.
so you must give away all your cannabis for free? i mean, only greedy folks would want money.
Then wait and see who wins

You with empty rhetoric and platitudes and the least liked politician in the country or me with actual policy positions supported by popular candidates

I suspect that even when the results are in, you'll deny them or make more excuses. We'll see

i've answered that already but you don't believe in facts or evidence anymore.
Yeah, I saw it too.

Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest.

Playing games around the margins and hoping incrementalism works are both loser's games and have proved unequal to the challenges at hand.

It's time to force the Democratic Party to the left, by threatening it with extinction by mass Exodus if it doesn't.

Why don't you lay out what you believe in? Afraid it wouldn't be popular?
Why don't you lay out what you believe in? Afraid it wouldn't be popular?
He supports candidates and party first, policies second. The definition of a political shill. While you and I support Sanders because of his policy positions. If he came out tomorrow and said he supported Gorsuch or the AHCA, you and I both would have no problem condemning him for it. You think someone like Buck has ever criticized Hillary Clinton in his entire life? Obama? Never. It has never happened.
He supports candidates and party first, policies second. The definition of a political shill. While you and I support Sanders because of his policy positions. If he came out tomorrow and said he supported Gorsuch or the AHCA, you and I both would have no problem condemning him for it. You think someone like Buck has ever criticized Hillary Clinton in his entire life? Obama? Never. It has never happened.
If we are to solve the very real problems our country faces, we need to focus on policies rather than personalities.
If we are to solve the very real problems our country faces, we need to focus on policies rather than personalities.

fuck that. i want a candidate who goes out there and literally trashes everyone on the right. calls trump a rapist who settled multiple rape lawsuits. drags mike pence for jailing women for miscarrriages and mandating miscarriage funerals. calls out bill o'reilly for beating his wife in front of his kids. mercilessly mocks bathroom stall toe-tappers like larry craig. shoves the fucking knife in by calling out david duke's love of trump. a vicious attack dog who will mercilessly brutalize the hypocrite cowards on the right.

basically any democrat out there supports the same policies we do.
There is never any response because if these questions were answered honestly, they would match my analysis

So instead we're left with trolling, which is an admission of defeat
precisely. so far, @Fogdog is the only one ive seen here that can respond with original thought and answer questions as opposed to personal insults only. @ttystikk is trying (see post 395) but he still cant control himself from unprovoked attacks, like he did to me the other day. so i responded in kind, and i dont think he wants to be my friend now, rofl. folks gotta understand, they get what they give....
Certainly not right before a national election.
Never, as far as I can remember. Not even when Obama garners a 93% failure rate on something as abhorrent as the drone program. You can support someone and still call out their fuckups. Holding someone accountable makes them better. Buck is the exact same as a Trump supporter who never questions or criticizes his emperor's mistakes. That tells them they can fuck up as much as they want and they will still have the fanatics support. Where is the incentive to improve?
Nobody in any section of the party would want to help Trump get elected, would they?
I can't imagine they would, however I don't view legitimate criticism of the Democratic establishment or the candidate they push or the reasons they push them as helping Trump. I think it helps the American people.