Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

She also accepted $600,000 from Goldman Sachs after she was SOS while she was planning her presidential bid

How progressive would you rate that?

pretty goddamn progressive.

those donations came from employees of goldman sachs. highly educated people living in one of the most diverse and progressive cities in the nation.

thanks to people like you who sneer at civil rights issues for vulnerable americans as mere "identity politics" posting threads asking about why hillary was coughing, we now have 6 goldman sachs higher-ups in the cabinet.

good job.
In other words, great soundbites and manufactured fury signifying nothing of lasting consequence.

We already have one of those in office.

manufactured fury?

you're not genuinely outraged that the person more right wingers get their news from than anyone else beats his own wife in front of his goddamn kids?

i want the next candidate to cause these pieces of shit to meltdown live on TV every fucking night. i want him to whip the nation into a populist rage based on the hypocritical deeds of the rapist in chief and vice president 'bury your miscarriage, ladies'.

i don't need to manufacture any outrage about that.
I supported the actual progressive, Bernie Sanders, during the Democratic primary against the more moderate Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Buck and Fogdog are moderate Democrats, ttystikk and I are progressives.

Was it my criticism of Obama that made you think I was a moderate? Given that in most mainstream publications he's portrayed as a hard left Democrat?
i got the moderate flavor because of the criticism of poor performance by a democrat based on a measured result (i.e. drone program fail mention) instead of a criticism with an emotional basis only (he could've done MORE for lqbt rights [made up for comparison only]) and this quote (well said, 100% agree) "You can support someone and still call out their fuckups."

I havent heard this from a progressive before. But I wouldnt expect to read it in an article because its filtered. Which is why i like these places for the diamonds in the rough. raw. cheers

Mrs Clinton's speech in China is the best you've got?

We have problems HERE that need solving!

like the gender pay gap? like a vice president who jailed a woman for a 20 week old stillborn? like a president who sent out this tweet?


like a president who stood up in a debate and talked about "ripping babies out of the womb at 9 months", as if that were a thing that actually happened, solely to demonize women for exercising their persona autonomy?

like laws being passed mandating that doctors lie to women about the health effects of an abortion, or the health of their child in the womb?

how about three times as many men named john runnning fortune 500 companies than women of any name whatsoever?

did ya ever think we still have a shit ton of equality issues right here at home to worry about still?

how about this one from oklahoma, where it's OK to mouth rape a woman if she is unconscious?
pretty goddamn progressive.

those donations came from employees of goldman sachs. highly educated people living in one of the most diverse and progressive cities in the nation.
You think someone like Buck has ever criticized Hillary Clinton in his entire life? Obama? Never. It has never happened.

Right, so Buck believes it's progressive to accept $600,000 in bribes from one of the financial institutions responsible for crashing the global economy. Interesting..

That lends credibility to my previous point that he will never criticize any establishment Democrat, ever.

thanks to people like you who sneer at civil rights issues for vulnerable americans as mere "identity politics" posting threads asking about why hillary was coughing, we now have 6 goldman sachs higher-ups in the cabinet.

good job.
Was it thanks to me because I didn't vote for Clinton in a state that she won or because we were telling you what was going to happen when you were calling us conspiracy theorists?
like the gender pay gap? like a vice president who jailed a woman for a 20 week old stillborn? like a president who sent out this tweet?


like a president who stood up in a debate and talked about "ripping babies out of the womb at 9 months", as if that were a thing that actually happened, solely to demonize women for exercising their persona autonomy?

like laws being passed mandating that doctors lie to women about the health effects of an abortion, or the health of their child in the womb?

how about three times as many men named john runnning fortune 500 companies than women of any name whatsoever?

did ya ever think we still have a shit ton of equality issues right here at home to worry about still?

how about this one from oklahoma, where it's OK to mouth rape a woman if she is unconscious?
Notice, not a single economic issue abound. All social issues.


If one didn't know any better, he might think Buck actually supports trickle down economics.. Why don't you ever address economic issues? More than 50% of Americans earn less than $30,000/year. More than 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Why don't you care about these issues? What policies do the politicians you support advocate for? What do you advocate for?
No question the Obama administration badly fumbled their early advantage away.
Nope, he did not. He worked with what the voters gave him in a conservative congress. He took office during the worst recession in 70 years and did a fine job of bringing the country out of it. That you claim failure because he couldn't overcome a radical obstructive congress is on you, not him. He made progress. The ACA still stands and the right wing party is realizing just how much of an accomplishment that legislation was.
Obama was a progressive president when it came to social issues; identity politics. Because corporations largely don't invest vast amounts of money in them because they haven't yet influenced their profit margins.

Is it progressive to wage unconstitutional, offensive wars? Is it progressive to arrest people for buying or using drugs? For selling medicinal marijuana to legal patients? To enact a right-wing healthcare program designed by the Heritage Foundation?

Obama was far better than both McCain or Romney, but to call him a progressive president undermines your intelligence.

You seem to be satisfied with a government that only addresses the social issues. I want a government that addresses the social issues & the economic issues. I believe the economic issues are more important because the social issues will be protected by the population if some administration looking to repeal the rights of gays or minorities attempts it. The economic issues are more important because they are what affect more people in more significant ways. Both parties support the interests of big business. That's why wages remain stagnant, benefits non existent, union membership abysmal, and despair everywhere. Yes, wage gaps in gender and ethnicity are important and should be addressed, but wage stagnation, corporate greed and campaign finance reform should take priority in every political conversation that deals with every single social issue. Reforming campaign finance is an umbrella issue that touches everything else down the line. It is step 1 in fixing this problem.
Oh look at the pretty straw man you set up and knocked down. What a magnificent debate tactic that was.
You conflate two unrelated concepts. You are confused about what progressive politics are.
can you clarify progressive politics a little? just a few bullet points is cool if you can, it would help. the perception i get from what i read is that accepting corporate money like that is not progressive.
Right, so Buck believes it's progressive to accept $600,000 in bribes from one of the financial institutions responsible for crashing the global economy.

*employees of financial institutions

so is it a bribe from Big Window when i donate to the politicians i want to see win?

or is that an individual who happens to work for a company making his own donation?

and you should show more appreciation for nancy pelosi. she's good at her job. i was under the impression that comnpetence and leadership were good values in any party.
manufactured fury?

you're not genuinely outraged that the person more right wingers get their news from than anyone else beats his own wife in front of his goddamn kids?

i want the next candidate to cause these pieces of shit to meltdown live on TV every fucking night. i want him to whip the nation into a populist rage based on the hypocritical deeds of the rapist in chief and vice president 'bury your miscarriage, ladies'.

i don't need to manufacture any outrage about that.
That's fine as far as it goes, I'm still much more interested in them passing legislation that will make a lasting positive impact on how's this country is run going forward.

Democrats also voted to repeal Glass-Steagel. Those aren't the kind of Democrats I'm looking for to represent MY interests. And I can't expect them to as long as their priorities are more about maximizing contributions to their campaign funds than maximizing my quality of life.
can you clarify progressive politics a little? just a few bullet points is cool if you can, it would help. the perception i get from what i read is that accepting corporate money like that is not progressive.
The progressive political movement had its heyday about a hundred years ago and the term lost any real meaning when the movement sputtered out after Roosevelt Bull Moose party dissolved.

Absent an organized movement, the term drops into a general ideal of supporting progress and change. Progressive can be conservative or liberal in nature. Progressive liberals support social and economic change for the general public. What distinguishes liberals from progressive liberals is that progressive liberals support government regulations and enforcement actions, such as banking reform in the form of regulators and laws to force change on banks. Liberals might want the same things but shy away from authoritarian actions such as enforcement through laws and regulations.

Campaign contributions are legal and protected as free speech under the Citizen's United ruling. Progressives advocate repealing this ruling but feel no moral obligation to stop taking them if legal. The moralistic liberal would eschew them on principle, which more closely matches Paddy's attitude. The less lofty progressive may campaign for finance reforms but sees no reason to eschew legal campaign contributions, especially if by not accepting legal contributions, their opponent, who favors unlimited donations from corporate donors, gains an advantage..

Examples of progressive (progressive liberal) reforms and actions are: Social Security, Civil Rights Act, EPA, Affordable Care Act.

Examples of liberal actions and movements: Tree sitting to protect forests, sit-in type protests, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood

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president is just one man and one branch of government. he's not supposed to be that powerful
president wants to bomb it happens; wants to create a shadow government we get fema and homeland security. He wants to create a war on drugs ... Try closing g-bay or ending war or expanding education or putting the police in check.
president wants to bomb it happens; wants to create a shadow government we get fema and homeland security. He wants to create a war on drugs ... Try closing g-bay or ending war or expanding education or putting the police in check.
I firmly believe just education alone could solve all our problems.

Education isn't what you learn, its learning how to think and learn.