Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

Never, as far as I can remember. Not even when Obama garners a 93% failure rate on something as abhorrent as the drone program. You can support someone and still call out their fuckups. Holding someone accountable makes them better. Buck is the exact same as a Trump supporter who never questions or criticizes his emperor's mistakes. That tells them they can fuck up as much as they want and they will still have the fanatics support. Where is the incentive to improve?

I can't imagine they would, however I don't view legitimate criticism of the Democratic establishment or the candidate they push or the reasons they push them as helping Trump. I think it helps the American people.
if your party is going to be more successful, they are going to need more thinking like this. but based on who they installed as the new DNC chair, it may be unlikely. looks like a further slide left at DNC level, and you seem to be rather moderate. just my observation
if your party is going to be more successful, they are going to need more thinking like this. but based on who they installed as the new DNC chair, it may be unlikely. looks like a further slide left at DNC level, and you seem to be rather moderate. just my observation


pathetic in so many ways
if your party is going to be more successful, they are going to need more thinking like this. but based on who they installed as the new DNC chair, it may be unlikely. looks like a further slide left at DNC level, and you seem to be rather moderate. just my observation
I supported the actual progressive, Bernie Sanders, during the Democratic primary against the more moderate Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Buck and Fogdog are moderate Democrats, ttystikk and I are progressives.

Was it my criticism of Obama that made you think I was a moderate? Given that in most mainstream publications he's portrayed as a hard left Democrat?
I supported the actual progressive, Bernie Sanders, during the Democratic primary against the more moderate Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Buck and Fogdog are moderate Democrats, ttystikk and I are progressives.

Was it my criticism of Obama that made you think I was a moderate? Given that in most mainstream publications he's portrayed as a hard left Democrat?

You don't even know what a progressive is. Sanders is a progressive. Obama was a progressive president. You are not.
obama was more progressive then most presidents but not all that progressive. Sanders would be much more so..
Obama was much more progressive in his campaign rhetoric but pulled back when he dealt with real governing. If he had more than a few months of filibuster-proof Democratic controlled congress we might have seen more get done. I seriously doubt that Sanders would have been able to do much better with this congress. Still, Sanders was the candidate I supported in the primaries. Of course I would prefer him to be in charge of the WH than the dumpster fire we now have.
Obama was much more progressive in his campaign rhetoric but pulled back when he dealt with real governing. If he had more than a few months of filibuster-proof Democratic controlled congress we might have seen more get done. I seriously doubt that Sanders would have been able to do much better with this congress. Still, Sanders was the candidate I supported in the primaries. Of course I would prefer him to be in charge of the WH than the dumpster fire we now have.
Makes me wonder if the president isn't as powerful when it comes to the progress of freedom
Obama was much more progressive in his campaign rhetoric but pulled back when he dealt with real governing. If he had more than a few months of filibuster-proof Democratic controlled congress we might have seen more get done. I seriously doubt that Sanders would have been able to do much better with this congress. Still, Sanders was the candidate I supported in the primaries. Of course I would prefer him to be in charge of the WH than the dumpster fire we now have.
No question the Obama administration badly fumbled their early advantage away.

You don't even know what a progressive is. Sanders is a progressive. Obama was a progressive president. You are not.
Obama was a progressive president when it came to social issues; identity politics. Because corporations largely don't invest vast amounts of money in them because they haven't yet influenced their profit margins.

Is it progressive to wage unconstitutional, offensive wars? Is it progressive to arrest people for buying or using drugs? For selling medicinal marijuana to legal patients? To enact a right-wing healthcare program designed by the Heritage Foundation?

Obama was far better than both McCain or Romney, but to call him a progressive president undermines your intelligence.

You seem to be satisfied with a government that only addresses the social issues. I want a government that addresses the social issues & the economic issues. I believe the economic issues are more important because the social issues will be protected by the population if some administration looking to repeal the rights of gays or minorities attempts it. The economic issues are more important because they are what affect more people in more significant ways. Both parties support the interests of big business. That's why wages remain stagnant, benefits non existent, union membership abysmal, and despair everywhere. Yes, wage gaps in gender and ethnicity are important and should be addressed, but wage stagnation, corporate greed and campaign finance reform should take priority in every political conversation that deals with every single social issue. Reforming campaign finance is an umbrella issue that touches everything else down the line. It is step 1 in fixing this problem.
fuck that. i want a candidate who goes out there and literally trashes everyone on the right. calls trump a rapist who settled multiple rape lawsuits. drags mike pence for jailing women for miscarrriages and mandating miscarriage funerals. calls out bill o'reilly for beating his wife in front of his kids. mercilessly mocks bathroom stall toe-tappers like larry craig. shoves the fucking knife in by calling out david duke's love of trump. a vicious attack dog who will mercilessly brutalize the hypocrite cowards on the right.

basically any democrat out there supports the same policies we do.
In other words, great soundbites and manufactured fury signifying nothing of lasting consequence.

We already have one of those in office.
hillary went to china decades ago and stated unequivocally that "women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights".

it doesn't get any more progressive than that.

Mrs Clinton's speech in China is the best you've got?

We have problems HERE that need solving!
Makes me wonder if the president isn't as powerful when it comes to the progress of freedom
The presidency is basically a bully pulpit. Its success depends on building consensus and garnering public support.

Der Chumpster Fire is currently discovering this the hard way.