Bernie Sanders owns Donald Trump using Trump's own words against him

Our news media is no longer bound by the truth; the FCC guidelines now lack the force of law.

This has given rise to a propaganda machine masquerading as news dissemination, which then uses its credibility to deliberately misinform the public.

We watched it happen to Mr Sanders over and over again throughout the campaign.

If it's legally acceptable to lie to the American public on a mass scale, our democracy is a sham.
names don't create rifts. rifts are created by how racist assholes react to names.

Just know Buck, most are racist assholes even Dems.

And with this knowledge you want to give your child a name that individualizes them not stigmatize.

You know this to be true because why? case study of Cali growers..we can all relate? Yes? Why does Jose become Joe? Because medicinals are a white growers world.

Once again, don't hate the player, hate the game.
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Our news media is no longer bound by the truth; the FCC guidelines now lack the force of law.

This has given rise to a propaganda machine masquerading as news dissemination, which then uses its credibility to deliberately misinform the public.

We watched it happen to Mr Sanders over and over again throughout the campaign.

If it's legally acceptable to lie to the American public on a mass scale, our democracy is a sham.

And with lack of information, they just sit around now and making their own..defining the tweet of a madman.
My daughter and son-in-law liked the name 'Luke' but didn't want to give him the obligatory 'Lucas', so they named him a derivative so there would be individualism, yet inclusion with the nick name.

My mother named me according to the theme of Camelot, Jackie Kennedy and all things Paris..since you all dox me, you know the spelling and it stands for the French symbol of freedom..but a horror in school growing up. I was made fun of, no one knew how to pronounce it..any personalized items in a gift shop my name would never be there..I felt an outcast.

When I named my daughters I gave them names of the times Top 10. They complained that they went to school with others with same name and had to go by Susan X meaning first letter of last name designated the difference from Susan A, Susan B and Susan X.
My daughter and son-in-law liked the name 'Luke' but didn't want to give him the obligatory 'Lucas', so they named him a derivative so there would be individualism, yet inclusion with the nick name.

My mother named me according to the theme of Camelot, Jackie Kennedy and all things Paris..since you all dox me, you know the spelling and it stands for the French symbol of freedom..but a horror in school growing up. I was made fun of, no one knew how to pronounce it..any personalized items in a gift shop my name would never be there..I felt an outcast.

When I named my daughters I gave them names of the times Top 10. They complained that they went to school with others with same name and had to go by Susan X meaning first letter of last name designated the difference from Susan A, Susan B and Susan X.

An old favorite

Just know Buck, most are racist assholes even Dems.

And with this knowledge you want to give your child a name that individualizes them not stigmatize.

You know this to be true because why? case study of Cali growers..we can all relate? Yes? Why does Jose become Joe? Because medicinals are a white growers world.

Once again, don't hate the player, hate the game.
Once again someone didn't like the name Kunta Kinte he was beaten until he said his name was fucking Toby. You still feeding that type of bullshit today. Instead of trying to stop this racist bigoted shit, you say dumb shit like "don't hate the player, hate the game".
Who the fuck to say Amy is a better fucking name than Kibibi. I'm clueless to the meaning of Amy but I do know Kibibi means princess/little lady.
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I don't discriminate and give credit where credit is due.

When I don't like what he says, I say it..I say it to Buck too.. @Unclebaldrick has said it to you..

I don't believe in 'your team, my team'..we're all on the same team.
no we are not on the same team. No way in the fuck can I be on a team of a snitch or racist. You like anyone who will agree with you at the time. You need attention just like Pie. You two are one and the same.
Once again someone didn't like the name Kunta Kinte he was beaten until he said his name was fucking Toby. You still feeding that type of bullshit today. Instead of trying to stop this racist bigoted shit, you say dumb shit like "don't hate the player, hate the game".
Who the fuck to say Amy is a better fucking name than Kibibi. I'm clueless to the meaning of Amy but I do know Kibibi means princess.

Don't shoot the messenger, that better?

Why don't I stop it? Racism and bigotry? Why don't 'I'? :lol: why don't you stop torturing your kids with names to show the world how YOU are going to be DIFFERENT?

Perhaps you should ask Kibibi what it's like for her in a day with that name.
no we are not on the same team. No way in the fuck can I be on a team of a snitch or racist. You like anyone who will agree with you at the time. You need attention just like Pie. You two are one and the same.

Instead of debating in a calm rational manner you just call me names and make claims that aren't true.

This is why you end up on can't handle conversation with thoughts and ideas that differ from yours.

I feel sorry for those who are so close minded.
Don't shoot the messenger, that better?

Why don't I stop it? Racism and bigotry? Why don't 'I'? :lol: why don't you stop torturing your kids with names to show the world how YOU are going to be DIFFERENT?

Perhaps you should ask Kibibi what it's like for her in a day with that name.
The Kibibi that I know owns her own hair saloon with a degree in marketing. She is doing pretty damn well for herself. Only weak minded folks like yourself see a problem with her name. You support some straight white supremacy bullshit. I can guarantee my kids name will only support them in life. Their names have meaning. I have only heard how beautiful their names are. Has your name create wealth for you ? Has your name made you a better parent ? Has your name made your marriage a success. NO No NO.
Placing ads on Craiglist with your name don't count. Escort names are not real
Instead of debating in a calm rational manner you just call me names and make claims that aren't true.

This is why you end up on can't handle conversation with thoughts and ideas that differ from yours.

I feel sorry for those who are so close minded.
How many fucking times are you going to put me on ignore and when will you realize how a fuck I don't give.