Best High Food/Drink

peanuts are real good munchie foods...

for some reason i love hot stuff when im high
it makes my cotton mouth go away and it just tastes so damn good
and it clears up that sore after smoke throat

i always make a big glass of hot tea right after i smoke because it perks me up, clears my cotton mouth, and tastes fuckin good
lemonade. not bottled. powder mix kind. a little too strong. prepare b4 blazin or ull fukk up somehow.
shit you look good
you got dank
and you got the munchies
.....wanna get married?
better yet... let me be your friend with benefits/roomate
yeah man sometimes you get reeeaaal lucky with bud in orlando
i have got real white widow and real purple haze here
i just wished i lived out west where bud is good and people are actually smart about it
here in o-town people are fucking retarded when it comes to weed
they dont know different weed strains just the word crippy
usually people know the stuff my strain or i hear nugs, dank, hydro, dro, and other shit that basically everyone knows
crippy is like a florida thing only thats why we're the shit