Best High Food/Drink

heads a lucky fucker. no snow, and he cud prolly kick a tree an have an orange fall into his hand. i can kick a tree and cause a pinecone avalanche;)
i just thot of a game tho. wut u do is dont go shopping for a long azz tyme, then only have bud brownies and ganja snacks in the house. try that and ull make real good frends with water.
heads a lucky fucker. no snow, and he cud prolly kick a tree an have an orange fall into his hand. i can kick a tree and cause a pinecone avalanche;)
i just thot of a game tho. wut u do is dont go shopping for a long azz tyme, then only have bud brownies and ganja snacks in the house. try that and ull make real good frends with water.
water huh, cant you kill urself by drinking too much?
yeah its like 70F outside right now lol
when i walk to my boys house i always eat these little sour fruit thingys off this tree when im stoned... the taste sooo good...
did i mention im wearing a t-shirt the entire time...
almost every summer i go to africa and kick it at a firends place. in tanzania there's always a grill sizzling around each corner so you can always smell fresh meat in the distance. when the sun starts setting we usually head out to this place called "Sleep Way", which is an outside club set up on a beach shore. picture that eating some good ass african food, listening to some bongo flava (african music), watching the sun set into the ocean, and chilling with your friends. its heaven man you can even spark some on the beach.
almost every summer i go to africa and kick it at a firends place. in tanzania there's always a grill sizzling around each corner so you can always smell fresh meat in the distance. when the sun starts setting we usually head out to this place called "Sleep Way", which is an outside club set up on a beach shore. picture that eating some good ass african food, listening to some bongo flava (african music), watching the sun set into the ocean, and chilling with your friends. its heaven man you can even spark some on the beach.
that be sounding cool
I went through this HUGE stage about 5 years ago where all i ate when stoned was icing sugar on toast. i'd go through a loaf of bread and a packet of sugar each night. now i'm much more a savery munchie person. gimmie a suvlaki or a QP and i'm in heaven. if i want a sugar hit, nothing beats chocolate especally with hazelnuts. OH YEAH!! damn, making myself hungry... wonder whats in the fridge?...

OH!! and cheese! any cheese(jarlsberg mmmm) on bickies. mate. that's the shit!

hot chocolate and juice for drinkys but of cause nothing beats a good beer.
I joined the forum for the soul purpose of stating the fact that I cant believe no one has said Grilled Cheese!
oh its been said by me a few times in different munchie threads but everyone ignores the fact that grilled cheese is heaven like lol.:mrgreen:
Grilled cheese, pepperoni pizzas and smore poptarts, they own all.
Chocolate fudge milkshake and Bulmers cider as its so refreshing and sweet haha. :peace:
Little Caesar's Canadian (Bacon, Mushroom, Ground Beef), A Chicken Caesar salad wrap, Pepsi (so refreshing) and for desert, a Baconator
Best snack ever?

Ultimate Oreo Cookie Dough Cookie:

Take two Oreos. Sandwich together with pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough. Dip in whipped cream (optional). Drink a lot of milk.

Oreos and cookie dough is the best combination ever. Definitely best at parties with a tube of cookie dough.
The first time i ever smoked I ate a half of a large ham, bacon, and onoin pizza! With a liter mountain dew, andddd A whole fucking double chocolate cake I got for my B-day:D
But my favv thing to calm my munchies Is chinese food, mountain dew andd mashed potatoes.. weird mix but very good!