Biden and China's Xi are on the phone: Your Thoughts.

We might re-evaluate the bullshit tariffs that did nothing but raise prices for the consumer, but that's it.
The Chinese are not going to piss off the USAWorld.
Why would they?
For that shithead Putin & for that shithole Russia?
It would be a PR diaster
China will simply get the popcorn out & watch.
Surely, the Chinese are famous for playing the long game
no im just not oblivious and ignorant to what is happening. the last 4 years america was thriving under trump, while the last 4 months america crumbled with biden.

yes i am an american.
Then we should if nothing else you are not my enemy. As Americans we should at the very least be able to look around and not want to make the lives of our friends, family, and neighbors actively worse, because that hurts us all.

im not sure russia has actually "attacked" us 'mericans...
What else would you call something like shutting down a oil pipeline with their online attack?

Or the Russian troops in Syria that got wiped out after they attacked our soldiers?

The hundreds of millions of Americans who have been spammed nonstop lies that are designed to have the greatest impact on them based on all of their online data being collected and used in personality profiles?

I get you might want to 'stand up for your team' or whatever bullshit it is that you feel the need to defend. But if you are not just another in the endless line of paid trolls (foreign (cat fishing as an American) or domestic), hopefully you can take a step back and take a breath before you feel the need to give the propaganda inspired trigger phrases, and realize it is better to have the information on how you are being attacked than not to.

Unless you know and are just unwilling to admit it.

everyone wants to blame trump, but this shit didnt happen when he was in office.
Ha. Yes it did. And he actively helped spread the lies because it helped him keep people snowballed.

and whtever data about us 'merican citizens that was allegedly "handed" over,
lol at 'allegedly'.

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Really you don't care that your friends and family had their information handed over to the Russian military by the Trump campaign to help him win the presidential election?

I do.

how is that going to help russia attack the us?
Data is a very powerful tool, and when used as a weapon it is extremely dangerous.

It would really be worth taking the time to hear about how the attack works at the basic level from one of the people who helped use this data to attack us. They don't get into the trolling campaign that is even more powerful when paired with the data analysis/A.I. tools.

The more data the more powerful those weapons become. And the easier it is to pinpoint and manipulate people into putting themselves into extremely dangerous situations or to become useful idiots and continue to push their messaging further to help brainwash others with the propaganda.

whats that data doing for russia?
Keeping us divided due to a large portion of our nation being brainwashed to actual facts because they get so triggered into having to defend whatever nonsense it is that the right wing (even the ones cat fishing as 'left') trolls program them to care about.
Then we should if nothing else you are not my enemy. As Americans we should at the very least be able to look around and not want to make the lives of our friends, family, and neighbors actively worse, because that hurts us all.

What else would you call something like shutting down a oil pipeline with their online attack?

Or the Russian troops in Syria that got wiped out after they attacked our soldiers?

The hundreds of millions of Americans who have been spammed nonstop lies that are designed to have the greatest impact on them based on all of their online data being collected and used in personality profiles?

I get you might want to 'stand up for your team' or whatever bullshit it is that you feel the need to defend. But if you are not just another in the endless line of paid trolls (foreign (cat fishing as an American) or domestic), hopefully you can take a step back and take a breath before you feel the need to give the propaganda inspired trigger phrases, and realize it is better to have the information on how you are being attacked than not to.

Unless you know and are just unwilling to admit it.

Ha. Yes it did. And he actively helped spread the lies because it helped him keep people snowballed.

lol at 'allegedly'.

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Really you don't care that your friends and family had their information handed over to the Russian military by the Trump campaign to help him win the presidential election?

I do.

Data is a very powerful tool, and when used as a weapon it is extremely dangerous.

It would really be worth taking the time to hear about how the attack works at the basic level from one of the people who helped use this data to attack us. They don't get into the trolling campaign that is even more powerful when paired with the data analysis/A.I. tools.

The more data the more powerful those weapons become. And the easier it is to pinpoint and manipulate people into putting themselves into extremely dangerous situations or to become useful idiots and continue to push their messaging further to help brainwash others with the propaganda.

Keeping us divided due to a large portion of our nation being brainwashed to actual facts because they get so triggered into having to defend whatever nonsense it is that the right wing (even the ones cat fishing as 'left') trolls program them to care about.

no im just not oblivious and ignorant to what is happening. the last 4 years america was thriving under trump, while the last 4 months america crumbled with biden.
You’ve just tested high for the exact kind of oblivious and ignorant as any of the seventy-plus million voters who fell for the Big Con. Fox and Newsmax are not news shows but entertainment shows with just enough verifiable local interest stories to feel like a news program. Tucker et al are actors, and that is their stage.
They feed your cherished delusions, like the one you garden that that man was doing anything other than taking an axe to “e pluribus unum”and toadying to every other autocrat on the planet.
This happened.

Then we should if nothing else you are not my enemy. As Americans we should at the very least be able to look around and not want to make the lives of our friends, family, and neighbors actively worse, because that hurts us all.

What else would you call something like shutting down a oil pipeline with their online attack?

Or the Russian troops in Syria that got wiped out after they attacked our soldiers?

The hundreds of millions of Americans who have been spammed nonstop lies that are designed to have the greatest impact on them based on all of their online data being collected and used in personality profiles?

I get you might want to 'stand up for your team' or whatever bullshit it is that you feel the need to defend. But if you are not just another in the endless line of paid trolls (foreign (cat fishing as an American) or domestic), hopefully you can take a step back and take a breath before you feel the need to give the propaganda inspired trigger phrases, and realize it is better to have the information on how you are being attacked than not to.

Unless you know and are just unwilling to admit it.

Ha. Yes it did. And he actively helped spread the lies because it helped him keep people snowballed.

lol at 'allegedly'.

View attachment 5104837

Really you don't care that your friends and family had their information handed over to the Russian military by the Trump campaign to help him win the presidential election?

I do.

Data is a very powerful tool, and when used as a weapon it is extremely dangerous.

It would really be worth taking the time to hear about how the attack works at the basic level from one of the people who helped use this data to attack us. They don't get into the trolling campaign that is even more powerful when paired with the data analysis/A.I. tools.

The more data the more powerful those weapons become. And the easier it is to pinpoint and manipulate people into putting themselves into extremely dangerous situations or to become useful idiots and continue to push their messaging further to help brainwash others with the propaganda.

Keeping us divided due to a large portion of our nation being brainwashed to actual facts because they get so triggered into having to defend whatever nonsense it is that the right wing (even the ones cat fishing as 'left') trolls program them to care about.

no im just not oblivious and ignorant to what is happening. the last 4 years america was thriving under trump, while the last 4 months america crumbled with biden.
Obama's last three years were better economically than Trump's first three (first three so you can't 'but Covid' away Trump's failures). And Biden's first year in office has seen more jobs gained than the entirety of the last 3 Republican presidential terms, all of which led America into a recession that the Democrats had to fix.

It must really suck to have to pretend to believe the Republican lies that are so easily shown to be the cons that they are.

Anyways, It is always nice when trolls just out themselves right off the bat at bringing nothing but bullshit to the table.

Be best new spam troll, be best.
Obama's last three years were better economically than Trump's first three (first three so you can't 'but Covid' away Trump's failures). And Biden's first year in office has seen more jobs gained than the entirety of the last 3 Republican presidential terms, all of which led America into a recession that the Democrats had to fix.

It must really suck to have to pretend to believe the Republican lies that are so easily shown to be the cons that they are.

Anyways, It is always nice when trolls just out themselves right off the bat at bringing nothing but bullshit to the table.

Be best new spam troll, be best.

woah woah woah your talking about obama why?
Oh look the new spam troll is pushing Russian propaganda that Giuliani pushed. Shocker.Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 10.20.29 AM.png

woah woah woah your talking about obama why?
Does it really matter?

Oh well, guess to show that your nonsense Trump cheerleading is the bullshit that it is. GDP in Biden's first year has risen over 5%, wages rose faster, and unlike Trump (who ruined any response we could have had to the pandemic when he ended it because Obama set it up) has had the most job gains in any year in American history.

It must suck to have to pretend like somehow Biden is not kicking ass in almost every category because of whatever programmed feels you have been told to feel.
Surely, the Chinese are famous for playing the long game
Fuck yea!
I studied Shaolin Fu Jai Pai Kung Fu for 2 years in Chinatown/NYC so I know a little bit about those sneaky bastards, and sneaky they are.
There are two combat systems used by the Chinese, which are base/core tactics for it's martial arts & military, and to a great extent is their life philosophy.
Point being is that they believe in a balance that will/must be attained.
A Ying/Yang so to speak.
So next time you eat at a Chinese restaurant & the greeter comes over to you all smiles & you think she's very nice & likes you, she really doesn't, your just another victim.
You should remember that.
A more likely reality is that she is now doling out the Ying (being nice) & the balance, the Yang is coming up next when she overcharges/poisons you.
So getting back to the point, the strategy now being used by the Chinese, in what will be a monumental shift in Global affairs, is Yang.
They will wait & observe for now too see what happens.
They are holding a carrot in front of a desperate Putin & you know what's funny, it's that Putin will never get it.
No way the Chinese will provide any substantial aid to Russia.
They'll let Russia die
But the US they need so they will bow to Biden to a degree & wait until what they think is the right time & then Taiwon comes into play.

I can't wait :)