Big time keef(trichs) stealing pics


Active Member
glad I don't go through you. thats what we call shady dealing. and like FDD said. your just making more future growers. reason I started my own grow. :P

to each his own on conducting business.


Well-Known Member
Hehe....thanks, you cured my thirst.

If you are into corpses and maggots she is now buried in a cemetery located in Georgia. :lol:

man i knew when i said it you were gonna say somethin like that, every time i say a momma joke thats the response i bad



Well-Known Member
ahhaha Ive bought a keifed bag once or twice. Theres alot more inside the buds but that shit on the outside counts. Just takes slightly longer to get faded I suppose. Personally I don't think that its worth it but to each his own. Thats really cool you got a big pile like that, it looked nice.
I prefer the whole bud though. =p


Well-Known Member
I just thought I would share this recent picture of my block of Keef
Should I smoke Hash or Keef? :confused:



Well-Known Member
I know of farms that produce plants only for keef. And they dont do anything with leftovers. If someone has elbows of keef that does not mean they "steal" it from your bud. Thats like hitting a vaporizer and selling the ash. :clap:


Well-Known Member
yea dude that aint me thats my buddy..but anyway thats what sucks about this site getting big we get these dumb fuck newbies like you tryin to pick out stupid shit and be funny.. god job nube


Well-Known Member
Lol I don't see what the big deal is. If his customers are that dissatisfied with his product, then wouldn't they stop buying? You don't go into Wal-Mart and tell the manager to stop making a product a certain way because it makes it inferior. If it does the job, then they buy it. If it doesn't then they should go elsewhere. If they don't have any other connects, well then it looks like our boy has a corner on the market.
thank god i grow my own... this is exactly the problem... YOU DONT SEE WHAT THE PROBLEM IS.... YOU GUYSARE STEALING FROM PEOPLE PERIOD.... YOU ARE TAKING THE ESSENCE OF THE CANNABIS AND KEEPING IT FOR YOU SELFISH LITTLE SELVES.... thats the problem you are theives. just like a bunch of drug dealers you give humans a bad name...


Well-Known Member
you're not borrowing, you're stealing. it says it right in your thread title.

so how do we feel about pot thieves? half the people on here are customers of someones. i'm sure they love this thread as much as me.

Does seem kinda shadey......


New Member
^^ Your totally right.... And BTW everything he said about being all hard and shit is bullshit.

If he was really one of the "biggest" and "hardest" people in his small town (keep wishing), he would've NEVER got jacked for that white widow plant.

HAHAHAAH thank god for the person that jacked it from you punk ass.

I fucking guarantee that you would bitch out if you ever ran into some real mofo's... unlike those "uppity white kids" that keep supplying you $$ for your crack habit.

Trust me dude, you cant fool all the people all the time.

Try that in any real hood, and you would be picking up your teeth.

You fucking shiest bug.


Well-Known Member
yea man my bad to say that.. ill just take shit from all you pussys who get ripped off by the ones higher on the chain:hump: again..MY BAD:twisted:

anyway man it dont matter what i say it dont matter what you say where on the fuckin internet... i relized that everyones "hard" on here and i just try to get you little timers mad... i basically did this thread for all the "hard" rollituppers to post on.... and you haters never stop comin..this thread can never die.....:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted: