nitro harley
Well-Known Member
I guess you don't like fox news either? lol sorry about your luck.
I guess you don't like fox news either? lol sorry about your luck.
I guess you don't like fox news either? lol sorry about your luck.
how much does your wife weigh?
is it below or above 350 pounds?
You can dream what ever you want. Maybe your inheritance dream will come true.
so about 400 pounds then?
When I dream the women are much smaller than that.
and when you wake up, you face your 400 pound whale of a wife.
I wake up early and the wife sleeps in for awhile longer usually. So I face her later in the day. How about you? can you face your wife in the mornings or does she go to work before you wake up?
it has always amazed me that whales can sleep underwater without drowning. apparently, they keep one side of their brain alert while the other side sleeps, so they can keep an eye out for predators and surface for air.
your wife is an amazing animal.
it has always amazed me that whales can sleep underwater without drowning. apparently, they keep one side of their brain alert while the other side sleeps, so they can keep an eye out for predators and surface for air.
your wife is an amazing animal.
Fox may make you dumb, but the others straight up lie to your face, so they already think you're an idiot.
I believe that in 2016 the dems will get another devastating blow to there power to do much, and the ACA will be over hauled to make more sense. I believe that we have been lied to about the success of the ACA and the truth will come out as soon as the last dem gets the boot.
The stupid voters will have much bigger fines to pay over the next to years and that is the "pay up suckers" and they have it coming for not paying attention. So time to pay up suckers.
Both are tax funded.
Both involve management from the federal government.
Both are inefficient, and in some cases, completely ineffective.
The VA system, if not the entire military medical system, was an excellent example to use showing how disgustingly fucked up health care becomes when it is bureaucratized at the federal level. Lots of money to the program. Lots of bureaucrats. Not a lot of service though.
The ACA is a ridiculous nanny state concept that is designed to do little more than enrich those that line the politicians pockets with tax payer dollars. It's a fucking disgrace, and should be abolished whole scale.
If people get free health care it is health care. If people pay for insurance it is insurance for health care. So you forgot about the free shit.
Bite the hand that feeds you. Smart.
Aren't you on Obamacare? And if I recall, you are paying less. I will have to dig up your quotes.
They canceled my policy and raised the rate 20% so there is no more savings. I posted there letter on here some where so people could read it. It really sucked. Thanks BarryO.
Your dumb dumb circular logic is mind blowing. It's making my eyes water. Congrats.
I am glad I could keep it simple for you.