BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


Active Member
need some advice folks.Today when i watered the girls,i picked up one of the pots and looked underneath and there are roots coming out the hole in the bottom of the 2 gallon pot.I thought 2 gallon pots were suppose to be good for 2 foot plants.I have a 1 foot plant and the roots are already coming out with 8 1/2 weeks to go.Do I really need to get these into 3 gallon pots?


Well-Known Member
need some advice folks.Today when i watered the girls,i picked up one of the pots and looked underneath and there are roots coming out the hole in the bottom of the 2 gallon pot.I thought 2 gallon pots were suppose to be good for 2 foot plants.I have a 1 foot plant and the roots are already coming out with 8 1/2 weeks to go.Do I really need to get these into 3 gallon pots?
Yeah I thought 1 one gallon per foot rule was suppose to be adequate . I was 14" with my tallest at starting veg I'm just over 30" at 3 weeks 12/12. I think I'll out grow the pot, but I'm afraid to repot this big since I would have to do it by myself. Don't wait if your going to repot.


Active Member
wow snew,you must have some sativa to grow 16"in 3 weeks.Mine have been flowering for 10 days and have grown 3-4"]


Active Member
so i measured the biggest today,its at 14" id say the rest are 13".I ordered 3 gallon grow bags to replant the girls into also.Still waiting on the co2 generator.


Active Member
Im not seeing the big stretch the first two weeks of flowering,maybe the roots coming out the bottom of the pots had something to do with that.Hope its not to late to get good growth by changing out the pots in week 3 of flowering.


Active Member
So I had a bit of nute burn,the worst I've had so far,nothing big.But I will tail back the nutes a bit from here.5 plants in a 2x4' tent might be too much,they are growing into each other,and i have them spread apart as much as possible but there so bushy.The biggest is about 15-16".The big thing for today was i had 5 extra 2 gallon pots so I cut the bottom off the 5 pots the plants are in ,filled up the 5 new pots about 1/3 of the way up,wet it down a bit,then put the plants into the new pots so they have about 4"of new fox farm ocean forest to grow into.Hopeing no ill effect come from this.
See white hairs but no balls or nothing that will show from a regular picture.I've seen pics of snew's black jacks at like 22 days with visible white hair balls.I guess alot of white hairs are going to be coming in week 3.Week 3 starts tommorrow.Havn't been getting too much feed back from you all.



Well-Known Member
I'm still here, but I didn't know the answer to your question - and I'm not one to give advice if I don't feel confidant in it. Aside from a small problem here and there, you seem to have it under control!


Well-Known Member
I think your looking great. Bushy, dark green what more can you ask for. Did you get your CO2 generator? How is that vaporizer working out?


Active Member
I think your looking great. Bushy, dark green what more can you ask for. Did you get your CO2 generator? How is that vaporizer working out?
snew,i dont like the vaporizer at all,i used it twice and im gonna re sell it.Didnt like the small hits it was giving me or the taste.Guess I'm to set in my ways:bigjoint:It sounded like a great idea.


Active Member
I just checked on them,4 hours after adding another pot underneath,no problems yet.Hope week 3 is more fun the weeks 1 and 2.


Active Member
I was checking out some video's of grows 2 weeks into flowering like mine,and I have to say,they all seem further along with the white balls of hair.I have a few but nothing like a small ball.I think I am behind schedule.Any comments?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it. Some people count their flowering from the day it's put into 12/12, and some don't count until buds actually start forming. Then there's different lights, medium, nutes, you get the idea. All in all, you're right on target.


Well-Known Member
Never! Seriously - the leaves are what the plant uses to grow your buds, and pulling them off, will not only remove some of those plant engines/storehouses - but actually redivert energy into growing new leaves! Look at the bottom of your plant - every time it loses a leaf, a new one starts growing - they don't really reach full size, but it's there. A better plan, would be to wait until your main colas are done - cut them off, and then lower the light, and finish flowering the remainder.


Active Member
So today I spent some time with my girls and about 10 leaves out of the entire grow have moderate nute burn(brown patches)The girls are really getting bushy,as they are up against the front and back walls,and running into each other now.I will take pics and measure them later today as my battery is dead right now,but the good news is today I could see enough white hairs in one place to start seeing WHITE HAIR BALLS FORMING.Some places more then others.The lower main stalk has a few long squiggly hairs,but the tops of the main colas are further along.Hope the co2 generator gets here today.I'm going to water tommorrow with straight water no nutes,as the leaves from the last watering are telling me we have all we need right now.
The t-5 4 footer i had as a side light was burning too many leaf tips with the girls now grown up to the front and back walls,so I moved the light to the bottom of the plants sitting on top of the pots facing up.Less leaves will lay on the bulb here as opposed to the front.Not sure if getting this 4' was worth it,in this tent its more of a pain in the ass then anything with the restriced space.I hope it got me an extra 1/2 ounce an it will be worth it,who knows,i dont,lol
Been spending alot of time looking at seeds and reading bios on them.I really want to grow more then 1 strain at a time next time but it's so hard to choose.Right now I'm leaning towards 3 kaya 47,1 blue cheese,and 1 G-13 Haze.
That way I can get different tastes which I'm really into.Green House seeds has those feminized variety packs of 5 and one of those has me really interested as you can get 5 different strains for about $40 and I'm not really wanting to buy packs of 5 when I really only need 1.In about 6 months I plan on renting a house and having alot more privacy then I do now.Then I can get more serious about this.


Active Member
Well, you could always get the 5pk, and save the rest of the seeds for another grow.
but thats what I kinda dont want,i want to keep trying different strains one grow after another,so I'd end up with a bunch of 5 packs that I only used 1 out of.It would be years before I ran out of strains to try.If i knew other growers selling the remaining seeds would be a good option,but I don't.
The variety 5 pack from Green House is the best bet,but I dont get to pick the exact 5 strains I want that way,its just cheaper then buying 5 packs of 5 hand picked strains