BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


Active Member
I just measured them at 17" for the tallest,and 15" for the smallest,the node spacing on the main stems is 2".Snew had commented earlier that his blackjacks really stretched in the first 2 weeks of flowering and he had node spacing up to 6" I think he said,I'll have to look back.I would think that my spacing is really good???comments????
pics to follow,I'll do a bunch,I want to show the node spacing.I have 1 girl,that has 6 top colas,and 2 side colas that are fighting to get as tall as the tops ones,and it has 8 nice bud sights.The others have 6,4,and 2 main colas.


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So I just got the home made c02 generator today,it's basically a cup with a lid,and a hose attatched to the lid.Then you put warm water in the cup and mix in the 2 different ingredients that come with it,and they mix and presto c02,it says each mix will last a week or 2 in my tent.It was 11 bucks so it was worth a try.The white hairs are coming more and more each day now,and to think 5 days ago I was worried,today I am giddy,as I see it all starting to happen.The adding another pot of soil under the original pots seem to be doing just fine,no problems as of yet,and I think they plants have found there new room and are digging fast into it as the girls seemed to have grown some from yesterday,more then normal.I had to lift the light caus they were to close,usually I lift the light before they are too close.About 7 1/2 weeks to go


Active Member
nice grow. those ladies are beautiful. i had some MAJOR stretch about 2 weeks into my la confidential, but they stopped and are filling in rather nicely. lookin good.


Active Member
nice grow. those ladies are beautiful. i had some MAJOR stretch about 2 weeks into my la confidential, but they stopped and are filling in rather nicely. lookin good.
thanks caashtree,my topo nodes are less then 2"apart,and some plants its closer to 1" apart at the top.So I never got the mad stretch,they have grown from 9" to 17" in 18 days of flowering.A bit of nute burn on some leaves,but 95% of the grow is green and sweet.I think i stunted there growth when the roots were coming out the bottom of the 2 gallon pots.I just cut the bottom off those suckers and put them right on top of another pot of soil.All seems good.Hope the c02 helps out.


Well-Known Member
I just measured them at 17" for the tallest,and 15" for the smallest,the node spacing on the main stems is 2".Snew had commented earlier that his blackjacks really stretched in the first 2 weeks of flowering and he had node spacing up to 6" I think he said,I'll have to look back.I would think that my spacing is really good???comments????
pics to follow,I'll do a bunch,I want to show the node spacing.I have 1 girl,that has 6 top colas,and 2 side colas that are fighting to get as tall as the tops ones,and it has 8 nice bud sights.The others have 6,4,and 2 main colas.
Your grow is looking great. I've never measure my node spacing not quite sure what it is but its very dense.
Sounds like the co2 Generator may be yeast and sugar, which I use. I have 4 bottles in my flower room and ready to start 1-2 for the veg room. I don't know if it produces enough to make a big difference but it does it more co2 anyway, can't hurt I don't think.
But Your plants are beautiful. Dark green bushy. I had some pictures PM'ed to me of Black Jack at at 3 weeks and 7 weeks. His 3 week looked better than mine. Tricones all over the leaves. But at 7 weeks big fat buds. Gorgeous plants. Hope mine progress that well.


Active Member
If you have to option I would consider keeping them under the MH until the end of the 'mad stretch', and stretch they will ;) I changed over to my hps at 1 week flower and still got a good 6" of stretch between internods. Mind you they were tight as a tick under the MH. Great grow thou, keep it up! My Blackjacks are about 3 weeks from coming down :)
ahhh,it was unitynot snew who said he got 6" between there blackjack nodes after flowering.
The smaller the better right??


Well-Known Member
ahhh,it was unitynot snew who said he got 6" between there blackjack nodes after flowering.
The smaller the better right??
Cheers Grow :)
Looking good bro ;-) , they are coming along nicely. Looks like your phenom is staying short and bushy, gonna make some nice tight buds :)
Keep it up and good luck!


Active Member
I noticed 2 days ago on my tallest plant,some of the large fan leaves have curled under.I'm pretty sure this is a water problem,too much or too little.This plant gets the same amount of water as the other 4 and those dont have the curling under issue.Any suggestions???


Active Member
Today is day 20 of flowering,the tallest girl is now 19" and I'm very happy with the progress of the bud formation,and to think 7 days ago I was out of my mind thinking I'm way behind.White hairs are getting more and more each day,the hair ball has defiantly formed and is getting bigger.Today I watered with nute water after going straight water the watering before(the watering before that I had my first real nute burn)So since this is my first grow,i've kinda come to the conclusion on this as far as what happens during flowering.Week 1,they get alot bigger,Week2 they get a little bigger,Week 3 hairs start to show, Week 4 White hair balls form.Cant wait for the hairs to cover the main stem and run into each other and the frosty leaves and buds.



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Thanks Doe Eyes,havn't gotten really many followers to this thread.Did u once say your growing BLZ bud?? Have you smoked it yet,if so got a report on taste and effect and grow heights/yield/flowering time.
My next grow is going to be 7 plants,all short ones all different strains all finishing in 8-9 weeks.Then I'm moving to a better place.


Active Member
Day 21 flowering,tommorrow starts day 1 of week 4.The tallest girl is now 20" the others are 18 or 19"It's been 24 hours since nute watering and no sign of nute burn this time around.Picked some dead leaves off the top of the pot that had fallen off and died.Have a very small bit of yellowing of the lower leaves on 1 plant,I'm pretty sure this is normal,and they just did get a dose of N in the week 3 fox farm feeding schedule.NO problems ,everything looks green with a few nute burn spots.The lower buds are not forming as fast as the top,I guess this is normal let me know?The tallest girl seems to also be the furtherest along,as it looks like she will be the first to have hairs from one node run up and meet hairs from another node.Can't wait for that,when you can't see the stem anymore.


Well-Known Member
Day 21 flowering,tommorrow starts day 1 of week 4.The tallest girl is now 20" the others are 18 or 19"It's been 24 hours since nute watering and no sign of nute burn this time around.Picked some dead leaves off the top of the pot that had fallen off and died.Have a very small bit of yellowing of the lower leaves on 1 plant,I'm pretty sure this is normal,and they just did get a dose of N in the week 3 fox farm feeding schedule.NO problems ,everything looks green with a few nute burn spots.The lower buds are not forming as fast as the top,I guess this is normal let me know?The tallest girl seems to also be the furtherest along,as it looks like she will be the first to have hairs from one node run up and meet hairs from another node.Can't wait for that,when you can't see the stem anymore.
I'm not sure what you mean by BLZ bud, so probably not.;-) I just finished up my Train Wreck not two weeks ago, have White Widow, White Rhino, Sour Cream and LA Woman a tad over four weeks in flower, and Lemon Skunk a tad over four weeks in veg right now. Check out the journal once if you like. (If you subscribe to a few other journals, some of those people will also subscribe to yours).

Yep what you're seeing is normal - those are what will be your "popcorn" buds, I'm sure you've heard the term around the forum? This is where your light penetration really counts - the stronger it is, the more of those lower buds will actually develop and grow. Supplemental side lighting will help them along, or you could choose to harvest the main colas first, and lower the lights to allow those buds to finish a bit more. That's what I plan in the future - don't really have room under my lights for now. But I'm here to tell ya, don't toss them aside - they are just as good as their larger counterparts. The tiniest little wisps can go to the hash pile - but the others, I just dry in a small cardboard box lined with newspaper, taped to a hanger and hung with the rest - stirred (gently) once or twice a day. This recent harvest, I got a little over two o's just in small buds - so yeah, don't discount them.