BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


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So live and let learn huh Doe eyes...I'm learning.....I wanted to talk about a few things i haven't mentioned so far.I use a $10 aquarium pump and i air ate my nute water before I water.My ph tester should be here any day now I really want to know where I'm at with my ph,not that i think i have problems,but I just want to be safe.I have read some threads about an occasionaly hermi poppin it's ugly head up every now and then with feminized seeds,I hope that doesn't happen to me.
I have noticed the last 14 days that my day time temps have come down to 76-83 and usually 78-81,which im very happy about.High temps during my veg cycle might have slowed down growth.My humidity has also slowly climbed up to mid 30%with the humidifier doing its job,without it I run 10-20% like I did through most of the veg cycle.So temps and humidity are looking better,awaiting the big bud nute next week and the first sign of white hairs.


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Hey doe eyes,i was wondering since i have never harvested before,do you weigh after drying but before curing,or do you weigh after curing to get your dry harvest weight?Think I can get at least 56grams off each of these?Just curious on what people would expect the yield to be around.Nirvana pretty much says 400 grams most everything they sell,lol.I sooooo
hope I get close to 400 grams off 5 plants 80 each.



Well-Known Member
I'd wait until after cured to wiegh - just because, you will pull out that last bit of moisture curing and lose just a little. Of course you can do it before as well, if you like - but just be cheating yourself, because it won't be quite accurate. Lovely ladies, btw.


Active Member
Yeah, your doing a great job so far grow2smoke1. The plants look really healthy and happy. I am starting a Blackjack grow as soon as my seeds arrive, should be any day now. Hopefully i can give them a good start like you did
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This will be my first grow. I will be doing an indoor soil grow. I'll be using foxfarm organic soil and foxfarm nutes so we'll see what happens. It will be cool to watch yours progress over the next few months. I will let you know when i get mine up and running so you can give me a few tips. I ordered everything online so the waiting for it all to arrive is nerve racking cause i really just want to get started. But i im scribed to your thread so this will be fun to watch your blackjack grow:bigjoint:


Active Member
great,im using fox farm soil and nutes myself.I was just looking on ebay and wishing i would of gotten a bigger tent then what i got.I'm looking at the 5x5 and a 600w light for the next grow,I have a list a mile long of strains I want to try and doing it 5 at a time like I can now isn't gonna cut it for me.Thinking of doing 10 differnt strains my next grow in a 5x5.Is blackjack all you will be growing this time around???Thats all I have going right now,I was such a rookie,i ruined my indica aurora and new york power diesel seeds.Since I have started with this grow I have gotten very interested in trying alot of different strains.Going for different tastes with the next grow


Well-Known Member
I word on that - only mix a few strains, and research to see that they will all be of a similar hieght - otherwise it's a pain in the ass to try and keep the lights close enough to the shorter strain.


I word on that - only mix a few strains, and research to see that they will all be of a similar hieght - otherwise it's a pain in the ass to try and keep the lights close enough to the shorter strain.
I just went to 12/12 on my blackjack/ white widow tonight. I may have gone early because I did not have alternating nodes on all of them. I see alot of opinions on it and while I may have reduced my yield I dont think any permanent harm will come to my girls.

G2 - what does your research tell you the actual flower time will be? I saw one grow at 9 and Ive seen one at 12 weeks. My white widow is supposed to be 8, but what do I know? This is my first grow and I'll be happy with pretty much anything although truthfully I'm hoping to be named Rookie of the year!

yours looks great...


Active Member
thanks for the complement jc.Well Unity did a blackjack grow and he went 10.5 weeks,and i believe by the look of his pics,that he did it right.I also believe each grow is different due to the amount of stress you give the plants during flowering,nutes,temps,light,so I I know its going to be between 9-11 like nirvana says.I have a 30x lighted magnifying scope and I will check out the trics at around week 8,also by eye is a good way,when 60-75% of the white hairs have turned orange/red/brown thats a good sign its time to harvest.This is my first grow so I have no real world exp,just a ton of time reading.Hopefully other blackjack growers will let us know how long theres took.
I am curious how tall yours were when you went to flower,mine were only 6-8"


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I was just sitting here thinking,the only unknown left with this grow is the yield.I know I'm gonna get killer bud caus I used great geneticis and feminized seeds.I know within reason how long its going to take to finish,what I don't know is how much im going to get,and im more the better,i didnt buy side lighting,co2 and 5 different nutes for nothing,ive seen people grow with water only and do well.


Active Member
Doe eyes is right about know the size of your plants,and i have tall/med/low,next to each strain on my list already.Also know how many flowering weeks your expecting to have for each strain.
I'm also considering a 12/12 from seed grow but cant seem to find any posts about it.For me the reasoning would be just to finish fast.


Active Member
i saw a video on youtube about a 12/12 grow with no veg time. On average most grows harvest between 8-11 weeks. I bought the 5 pack of femanized Blackjack seeds from Nirvana and heard great things so i am pretty excited. Nirvana says Blackjack will harvest around 9-11 but it totally depends on the state of the Trichs. I got my seeds this afternoon and it was awesome, i opened the package to find my seeds and there was a Santa hat inside so i opened the hat and there were my 5 Blackjack seeds, i dug deeper into the hat and i found another bag of 10 more seeds. Nirvana had put it in with my order as a Christmas gift:clap: How cool is that. Talk about going the extra mile for the customer:-P so all i am waiting for is my light system to arrive next week. I am so Jonzin to get started.:weed:


i saw a video on youtube about a 12/12 grow with no veg time. On average most grows harvest between 8-11 weeks. I bought the 5 pack of femanized Blackjack seeds from Nirvana and heard great things so i am pretty excited. Nirvana says Blackjack will harvest around 9-11 but it totally depends on the state of the Trichs. I got my seeds this afternoon:-P so all i am waiting for is my light system to arrive next week. I am so Jonzin to get started.:weed:
G2, Mine were only 6-8 too. I'm also growing the white widow and I've been reading they dont need/like a lot of veg time, so I took both into consideration and sort of split the difference.

My "room" is one corner of a walk-in closet. I am doing a combo cfl and soon to be recieved LED because I dont have the venting option and heat would kill the effort. I'm noticing some stank. I've got 3 pounds of Zeolite and an odor reducing CFL bulb. They help a little, but wont hold up long term. I'm gonna supplement some ona gel ( mixed up in a concoction I found on here)into my central air intake.

How does ozone generator work in your main room? What did you go with? I've also been looking at vapes and am leaning towards the Herbalaire 2.1.


Active Member
In my opinion nothing is gonna beat an ozone generator for odor removal.The thing is,with high does of ozone,you cant be in the room very long.So since i'm not gonna evacuate my house to turn it on,i use it for 30 min or less at a time through out the day.Mine is pretty high strenght,3500 ppm,defiantly know how powerful a unit is before buying.I turn on the generator with its timer if i know im gonna be out for more then an hour so the house can get a good dose and not be at extreme high levels by the time i get back.So thats one way i use it,then ill use it after i smoke to kill that smell,thats another way i use it,and like i said through out the day 30 min or less.I just got my ona gel today and the big bud nutes,the ona gel is at the front door along with an air purifier.


Active Member
just think,10 or so years ago this would of never been possible for most of us.I mean if not for the internet,utube,and forums like this,i for one,would of never been able to get the equiptment,the knowledge,and the materials needed to do this.Do you think alien worlds have weed? I hope so.


Active Member
day 4 of flowering pics
ordered the overdrive today,and the co2 set up.We will see how a $16 co2 generator works,my temps are a bit high so it should work.I have read you need temps a bit high for co2 to work,and im around 81-83 alot.

