BLM lies continue. Here's what you don't know about Alton Shelton, Baton Rouge shooting "victim".

I used to see a girl who worked at the BLM, the Bureau of Land Management. It is going to be a while until my mind switches wiring. Good thing the radical right hates them both.
Meanwhile 2015 shattered record for hottest year.
The 97% has always been contrived bullshit perpetuated by ignoramuses. The same retards can be found pointing to events like weather reports and projecting it to represent hundreds and thousands and millions of years. UB1
The 97% has always been contrived bullshit perpetuated by ignoramuses.
So according to the retarded video you linked (not based on peer reviewed research) and to you, a dumb ass, the scientists you describe as ignoramuses who are not only the world's foremost experts in the fields they study, but in many cases highly decorated scholars and even NOBEL LAUREATES, would review scientific research and not notice logical fallacies and poor methodology. You contend that peer reviewed research is flawed and that the meta-analyses (yes, more than one) which were yet again peer reviewed and conclude that there is a scientific consensus, are actually "contrived bullshit perpetuated by ignoramuses".

Yet you expect to be taken seriously...
So according to the retarded video you linked (not based on peer reviewed research) and to you, a dumb ass, the scientists you describe as ignoramuses who are not only the world's foremost experts in the fields they study, but in many cases highly decorated scholars and even NOBEL LAUREATES, would review scientific research and not notice logical fallacies and poor methodology. You contend that peer reviewed research is flawed and that the meta-analyses (yes, more than one) which were yet again peer reviewed and conclude that there is a scientific consensus, are actually "contrived bullshit perpetuated by ignoramuses".

Yet you expect to be taken seriously... reality it goes more like this...

A global warming activist from Australia compiled a bunch of scientific papers and concluded that 97% of them said that the earth was warming and that humans were the main cause. Unfortunately, only 2% of those papers suggested that humans were the main cause. On those papers that suggested the earth was warming he also ignored the magnitude of any suggested warming and many times even if the paper did not suggest there was warming he included them in the 97% because HE felt it was implied.

Bottom line is the 97% statement has no meaning and tries to ignore the magnitude so as people don’t realize the puniness. Add to that that any replacement outside of nuclear that creates less CO2 is not ready for prime time and still reliant on fossil fuels (of which we have plenty of for years to come). Seriously. Such gullible fools to take it to such silly extremes. You are a dull tool.

Tough hop, asswagon. reality it goes more like this...

A global warming activist from Australia compiled a bunch of scientific papers and concluded that 97% of them said that the earth was warming and that humans were the main cause. Unfortunately, only 2% of those papers suggested that humans were the main cause. On those papers that suggested the earth was warming he also ignored the magnitude of any suggested warming and many times even if the paper did not suggest there was warming he included them in the 97% because HE felt it was implied.

Bottom line is the 97% statement has no meaning and tries to ignore the magnitude so as people don’t realize the puniness. Add to that that any replacement outside of nuclear that creates less CO2 is not ready for prime time and still reliant on fossil fuels (of which we have plenty of for years to come). Seriously. Such gullible fools to take it to such silly extremes. You are a dull tool.

Tough hop, asswagon.
Speaking of reality, I have two words:


It doesn't really matter if Cook was a high school student or a PhD candidate (he was a PhD candidate) because he wasn't the only author and it was a peer reviewed meta-analysis of thousands of peer reviewed studies representing all of the peer reviewed climate research which has ever been conducted.

So when you call me an ass wagon or a dull tool, I need only remind you that you think that all of the leading experts in the world on climate science who conduct and reviewed scientific research are "ignoramuses who contrive bullshit". Meanwhile you have cited nothing to back your uneducated and retarded opinion which was issued to you by a ruthless and profitable group of international corporations.

Yet you expect to be taken seriously...
Speaking of reality, I have two words:


It doesn't really matter if Cook was a high school student or a PhD candidate (he was a PhD candidate) because he wasn't the only author and it was a peer reviewed meta-analysis of thousands of peer reviewed studies representing all of the peer reviewed climate research which has ever been conducted.

So when you call me an ass wagon or a dull tool, I need only remind you that you think that all of the leading experts in the world on climate science who conduct and reviewed scientific research are "ignoramuses who contrive bullshit". Meanwhile you have cited nothing to back your uneducated and retarded opinion which was issued to you by a ruthless and profitable group of international corporations.

Yet you expect to be taken seriously...

Not sure how to explain it any simpler for you, Repeating your meaningless none-point may work as deception in an internet forum...but we both know your arm-flailing does not deflect from your asswagon status.
I like how you believe you have argued effectively. Good on ya.
Again, if you cannot understand how your continued use of that 97% statistic has been thoroughly debunked then your delusions are grand.

Maybe we can find an area of agreement. Those same peer reviewed papers indicate that ...


Happy now?
Humans cannot possibly be the main reason given we only produce 5% of the CO2 created or released into the atmosphere...