BLM lies continue. Here's what you don't know about Alton Shelton, Baton Rouge shooting "victim".

You see? This is what makes you an asswagon. Fact is that only 2% of those same papers cite humans as the main reason for global warming.
So the peer review process just completely missed that huh? The overwhelming majority of the world's climate scientists are just ignoramuses who contrive bullshit and human's are not the cause of global warming, because you say so. You. A dumb ass on a pot forum.

Yet you expect to be taken seriously...
He cited your own peer reviewed research but you were too obtuse to notice.
No, he said that it was flawed. he was wrong though, since it passed peer review. You probably shouldn't have discussions about any kind of science until you learn basic critical thinking skills.
Humans cannot possibly be the main reason given we only produce 5% of the CO2 created or released into the atmosphere...

oh, you poor, stupid, tiny penis having loser.

there is such a thing called the carbon cycle. CO2 is created in many ways, and it is sequestered in many ways.

generally, the whole thing just about balances out. but if you take millions of years of sequestered CO2 and put it all into the atmosphere suddenly over the course of a century, that's when you get a massive and sudden spike of CO2 concentrations. we have now passed 400 PPM, which has not happened in the last 800,000 years.


this is due to our measly little contribution of 5% too.


your penis is incredibly tiny. lose your password.
So the peer review process just completely missed that huh? The overwhelming majority of the world's climate scientists are just ignoramuses who contrive bullshit and human's are not the cause of global warming, because you say so. You. A dumb ass on a pot forum.

Yet you expect to be taken seriously...

No, he said that it was flawed. he was wrong though, since it passed peer review. You probably shouldn't have discussions about any kind of science until you learn basic critical thinking skills.
No, wrong again, asswagon. My statement is based on data from those SAME peer-reviewed articles you hold dear. Not saying they "missed" anything. You, seriously, are not very bright.
No, wrong again, asswagon. My statement is based on data from those SAME peer-reviewed articles you hold dear. Not saying they "missed" anything. You, seriously, are not very bright.
Let me see if I get this straight, since I'm an ass wagon who is not very bright.


The conclusion of the meta-analysis study, which was peer reviewed, does not follow from the data it cites.


The peer review process did not miss this obvious flaw.


It is still flawed, yet passed peer review.


It is contrived bullshit, by ignoramuses.


You expect to be taken seriously.
Let me see if I get this straight, since I'm an ass wagon who is not very bright.


The conclusion of the meta-analysis study, which was peer reviewed, does not follow from the data it cites.


The peer review process did not miss this obvious flaw.


It is still flawed, yet passed peer review.


It is contrived bullshit, by ignoramuses.


You expect to be taken seriously.

You really need to step up your game if you want to be taken seriously by those of us who actually matter.
It's quite simple, when the cop says any of these phrases "I'm placing you under arrest", "Put your hands behind your back" or any variant of those, you cease all dialogue and physically comply. Those statements mean you are being taken to the beginning of your journey through the legal system and that NOTHING you say or do is going to prevent that reality. If you don't do exactly that, any number of bad things could and SHOULD happen to you. If you don't agree with that last statement, you're an idiot.

Not following orders should not get you killed.

Reaching for a gun while repeatedly being told not to? Well, that might get you killed.
Not following orders should not get you killed.

Reaching for a gun while repeatedly being told not to? Well, that might get you killed.

Shouldn't get you killed, but it definitely deserves a swift and brutal education of how to conduct yourself during an arrest.
Shouldn't get you killed, but it definitely deserves a swift and brutal education of how to conduct yourself during an arrest.

Both recent shootings involved black men with guns with criminal histories who did not follow orders. It isn't surprising they were killed. Not by white people either in at least one of the cases. I'm still waiting for leftists crying about racist police to explain why east Asians have no problems whatsoever in their community with this type of violence. I guess it's selective racism?

The real problems started in the 50's. The left doesn't want to talk about the real problems though. Just wants to exploit dead people for a political agenda. Which is certainly about the most disgusting thing you could possibly do with these cases (make the problem worse, not solve anything, increase violence, leftists are happy about it), but it's not surprising that a group who wants to tell everyone else how to live at the barrel of a gun has no problems with such a practice.
No, they don't. Dude, you're the only one who is saying that they expect to be taken seriously. Believe me, idiots realize that they are stupid, they just don't like to admit it.

You could be right, maybe they don't expect to be taken seriously, but I definitely think they hope to be.