Well-Known Member
i would say 6" to 8" away you just dnt want the radiant heat to burn your plants if you can get a close as possible would be best jus do the hand test 9put your hand under the light and if it burns your hand or to you seem too hot then its to close)


Active Member
i would say 6" to 8" away you just dnt want the radiant heat to burn your plants if you can get a close as possible would be best jus do the hand test 9put your hand under the light and if it burns your hand or to you seem too hot then its to close)
I like to keep a MH or HPS light a bit farther away than just the "hand-test" during the first few weeks of veg in order to not burn out the little girls. Well, I think it works better anyway, but I have no real proof.

GL with the grow!


Well-Known Member
Its about day 11 now and my girl has grown quite a bit since she sprouted. I have my light on an 18/6 cycle which seems to be doing great. Here is a picture of the little one after about a week and a half.


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i have 5 fem seeds for a rainy day. i kind of loaded up on beans as i m new and didn't want to send them to my house after i been growin. very interested in how you cheese turns out. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Da Kine. I just added some 1/4 strength technaflora nutes to my girl this morning...interested in seeing how she does with it. Ill be updating regularly so check often.


Well-Known Member
Well only 2 days after my last update she has grown quite a bit of new growth. Check it out. How big should I grow her before taking cuttings for flower?

2 Days Ago



Well-Known Member
are those rocks so the water is evenly displaced over the soil, thus resulting in the soil not getting hard packed and keeping the soil loose?


Well-Known Member
Yea the rocks are so the water doesnt make holes in the soil when i water and to displace it evenly. Also give support for the stem.


Well-Known Member
no problem i did terrible for my first grow but for twenty bucks and barely any research not bad though lol i got two to be 8 in tall then they died but i literally just started second grow and pulled the ones that died out so ill see how it goes but ur set up is boss


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good words pimpmasta. Good luck with your next grow man...putting a little bit of money in it at first is definately worth it. Ive noticed my girl has grown even more since yesterday...pretty cool.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
Well only 2 days after my last update she has grown quite a bit of new growth. Check it out. How big should I grow her before taking cuttings for flower?

2 Days Ago

it is cool to see the growth day to day. they shoot up like weeds!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
it is cool to see the growth day to day. they shoot up like weeds!:leaf:
Isn't it beautiful watching nature do it's thing even in an artificial environment?

Check my grow out too! I'm about 31-32 days into Veg, I just got a 400W HPS so hopefully we'll see some primo results :weed:


Well-Known Member
Its been just over 2 weeks from the time my plant was just a seedling. Growing very fast! I have a question for all you RIUppers...When is a plant ready to take cuttings from it?

DAY 15



Well-Known Member
hey, ive ordered some blue cheese as well, so will be watching urs flower.

u can take a cutting from as small as about 6 nodes on the plant. this isnt my experience, its just what ive read from people on here.

sorry i didnt read all of ur grow but if these arnt fem seeds then u will want to wait till sex shows. dont wanna be cloning a male :p

good luck


Active Member
Hi man:)
I am not an expert but in my opinion u should wait about a month to take a cuttings or wait when u know that plant is healthy and big enough to take a cutting...
yesterday we took 2 cuttings before put them into flowering...
good luck man do not rush yourself too much:)