#Brexit & #Texit

Spoken like a true drunk driver.
View attachment 3718713
Found your future mug shot.
I can honestly say I've only drove drunk once, over 15 years ago and it was a poor decision on my part at the time. I can also say I've know people who could drink all day and drive perfectly fine. I'd be willing to bet there's a 10:1 ratio, if not more, of people who are driving with a slight buzz to the people diving shit faced. Every Thursday the bar near the buisness park where I used to work was the Thirsty Thursday spot for all the companies, literally hundreds of drunks leaving over the course of the night. That's one bar, there were 3 others that were packed on Thursdays in that town. Every place I've worked did a Thirsty Thursday at a local bar. Most of Americas culture is centered around drinking, sporting events, concerts, cookouts, holidays, going to the beach...shit even auto racing! We're not supposed to drink and drive yet most people drive to bars on the weekends, to get drunk, only to have to drive home. Yet there's an almost zero tolerance attitude to drunk driving. I've never quite understood that. Even the laws are confusing, you can blow under the limit, but over 0, and pass a field sobriety test, yet still get arrested. I just don't do it, I don't worry about it. I just think it sucks for the people getting fucked over because they had a couple beers at the game, or a couple glasses of wine at dinner. Shouldn't bars be illegal seeing how all they do is promote drunk driving?
About ten years ago the state police had a traveling "drunk driving" simulator they were taking around to bars so people could see what diving drunk is actually like. They scraped the program after 2 weeks when it started showing people could actually drive just fine at, and well above, legal limits. Big back fire. I have no problem with dangers in life, makes it more interesting and keeps people alert. Read my liberty/safety quote.
Yeah, the legal limit is bullshit some can handle more alcohol than others. I know one guy who will drink about the legal limit and be tipsy meanwhile I barely feel it. Also women half will drink 3 beers and act drunk.

Should be more like if you're actually drunk but no now they are trying to get people for driving high when a good 90% of the time I drive I'm high. Lol, But I've been pulled over high plenty times just act natural. :)
Yeah. All those people that have had drunk drivers hit their homes and gotten killed or injured should have been more alert. It's their fault really, when you think about it. Look at how big their house is and it's near the street and shit! They are just asking to get hit IMHO.
Funny you say that, my neighbors house has been hit 3 times, twice by drunks. He's made money off it every time. House is totally remodeled now...next time he's taking the money and heading to the Philippines. I'm sure that scenario is atypical.

Random casualties are going to happen in any society, especially as it gets more congested. At what point do you stop trying to regulate everyone's safety? When it effects less than 1% of the population? 0.1%? 0.01%? 10,000 people? 1000 people?
I can honestly say I've only drove drunk once, over 15 years ago and it was a poor decision on my part at the time. I can also say I've know people who could drink all day and drive perfectly fine. I'd be willing to bet there's a 10:1 ratio, if not more, of people who are driving with a slight buzz to the people diving shit faced. Every Thursday the bar near the buisness park where I used to work was the Thirsty Thursday spot for all the companies, literally hundreds of drunks leaving over the course of the night. That's one bar, there were 3 others that were packed on Thursdays in that town. Every place I've worked did a Thirsty Thursday at a local bar. Most of Americas culture is centered around drinking, sporting events, concerts, cookouts, holidays, going to the beach...shit even auto racing! We're not supposed to drink and drive yet most people drive to bars on the weekends, to get drunk, only to have to drive home. Yet there's an almost zero tolerance attitude to drunk driving. I've never quite understood that. Even the laws are confusing, you can blow under the limit, but over 0, and pass a field sobriety test, yet still get arrested. I just don't do it, I don't worry about it. I just think it sucks for the people getting fucked over because they had a couple beers at the game, or a couple glasses of wine at dinner. Shouldn't bars be illegal seeing how all they do is promote drunk driving?
[too long didn't drank] yea right buddy

one or two, depending on duration, is all ya get when traveling..
unless ya have a ride. the laws aren't that confusing.