bud rot?:'(

First time growing and its on its 5th month bud is rotning in 2 places how do i prevent this from hapening?:(


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Pick it all off. Check and see if there are caterpillars in there. ur plant looks ok. The only way to prevent mold is to keep it dry as possible. If it rains shake the water off as much as possible after it stops.
check the buds you probably have a worm or caterpillar or something living in the buds

I would spray with some bud rot stop

I`d use some systemic fungicide/pesticide during veg or at the start of flower

there`s many friendly products you could use

but check for slime and webbing normally its a caterpillar or worm or grub living inside the bud
Can i use anyyhing to spray on buds ?

yeah they sell stuff made from malt exacts it`s a bactria based, called "bud rot stop"

some low Hydrogen Peroxide might help

but check the buds you`ll find shit nesting in them

Bud rot is normally like PM or some black mould that starts in the stems of the buds

your`s looks like the kind that`s caused by pests
Is it caused by a bug or is it botrytis (bud rot)? I would investigate the inside of one of the infected buds more closely...also the fan leaves with the crinkly ends is a sign of botrytis.. give one of them a pull.. If it comes off easily look at the stem where it came from.... I live in a rain forest... I'm an expert on mold... lol
can i spay this directly on the bud?

Yes, but do it in the morning so it can dry rather than sit wet on the buds. The active bacteria remains after drying.

I agree that you should inspect closely, but in my experience, that looks like classic budworm damage. All the related terms have become interchangeable, basically. If you see little black dots after breaking off the browned areas, that's their waste. Don't wait.
Boy this is a tough one. I don't think it's mold just by where it's located. Mold likes dark moist areas where small leaves transpire between the bud and stem. It doesn't have the structure of any spores I've seen... It really looks like webs to me.. are you familiar with spider mites?? Look at the bottom of your leaves for little white buggers.. webs only on the buds or elsewhere?
Boy this is a tough one. I don't think it's mold just by where it's located. Mold likes dark moist areas where small leaves transpire between the bud and stem. It doesn't have the structure of any spores I've seen... It really looks like webs to me.. are you familiar with spider mites?? Look at the bottom of your leaves for little white buggers.. webs only on the buds or elsewhere?

He's already got a thread going on this. Discuss it there.
I think you found the culprit!! From what I understand spiders are nocturnal. When the lights go out, they go to work!! I'm sure that isn't mold and more than likely plain old spider webs.. Lmk if it changes..
Well I figured since the OP has a similar concern it would be beneficial to share knowledge, being that someone who knows a lot about mold chimed in.

then we have the post Nazi over here :roll:

Pardon me OP CBDstoner909. I will no longer post on this thread and will delete my previous comments.