Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

Heres some pics for ya bug
I think magnesium would be my guess too. Since you are already at 4 ml/gal I would do a quick soil test to see if potassium levels have gotten too high and if everything looks to be in range then I would kick the cal/mag up some more.
Hey Bug...I have not chimed in at all but I have been following your grow for a while. How has drying/curing been going? Any smoke reports yet?
Hey Bug...I have not chimed in at all but I have been following your grow for a while. How has drying/curing been going? Any smoke reports yet?
Hey Hot Diggity, thanks for following. It's Groundhog Day here with the trimming routine. 3 gallons of Green Crack trimmed and being burped. Trimmed 1 gallon of the Mekong and put another 2.5 -3 gallons of untrimmed buds into bags. I won't trim them unless the first gallon turns out being worthwhile. Bud structure on these is pretty poor so I doubt I'll trim them, I'll either hash them or toss them depending on how it smokes. Just finished 4.5 gallons of trimmed Chocolope Kush over the weekend but it is still going from jars to bags and back to get moisture down a bit more. Started working the Kosher Kush last night and it is going more slowly than I'd like. Small buds with lots of little leaves, but I think it will be worth the effort. Tora Bora and OG#18 still on the dry line.

I've sampled a little here and there but with moisture still in the 60-65% range, it all tastes pretty lousy. I do expect that to change. The Green Crack smokes like a pure sativa, all head no body buzz. This is what I wanted in this one especially since the Mekong may be a bust. I will do some smoke reports for sure when everything is cured up in a few weeks. Each morning I'll take a single toke of one strain with my coffee and try to describe. I've lost a great deal of my sense of smell this summer with allergies and nose surgery so that's a little disappointing. Whatever subtleties they possess I probably won't be able to discern.
I know its been said many times n these 21 pages but DAYAMNN your greenhouse garden is such an inspiration!:clap::clap::clap: So many thoughtful/efficient tweaks you make blowin it up under the sun at altitude look easy-peasy.

Congrats on the harvest, and thanks for layin out such a killer blueprint. :leaf:
I know its been said many times n these 21 pages but DAYAMNN your greenhouse garden is such an inspiration!:clap::clap::clap: So many thoughtful/efficient tweaks you make blowin it up under the sun at altitude look easy-peasy.

Congrats on the harvest, and thanks for layin out such a killer blueprint. :leaf:
Thanks elkamino! It's all easy after you've spent years fucking things up every way possible.
Whew! Kosher Kush is in the jars. 10.5 quarts or so with decent density if not size. Aroma is very strong and uber musky kush. I expect that to deaden a little when they sweat out and then come back near end of cure. Tried the Green Crack again and the flavor still isn't there, but better. The high is pure sativa. Soaring and motivationally functional for me. Great day time smoke I think, especially if the flavor and aroma come around. I get a couple days off now to rest the eyes before trimming up the Tora Bora.
Very nice trim. I don't even wanna ask how long that took.
Ha, I don't exactly know for sure! I'd guess about 4 hours per gallon average. Probably half that rate for small buds and twice that rate for cola buds. Just glad to be in home stretch!

Working the last of the OG#18 today. Not a big yielder at all for me but has a really nice smell to her so I'm trimming everything dime size or bigger. Was doing more quarter size or bigger nugs on the rest. I'm going to coffee test the Mekong later this morning and decide if she is going in jars, getting hashed, or getting tossed.

A really nice lemon scent has come out on the Green Crack in the last 72 hours so I think she is almost done. A nice surprise as I wasn't getting any of that while she grew. The Chocolope Kush is definitely heavier on the cantaloupe than the chocolate. Not a big fan of cantaloupe, but I must say I am digging the flavor of the smoke, very refreshing. Everything else is still a little too damp for tasting.
@pinkjackyle - Testing the Mekong High this morning to see what I want to do with her. This question arises from a really loose bud structure that makes trimming a low reward effort. It also takes up too much storage space. But here goes on the smoke report you requested after about a 10 day cure and current moisture content in the 57% range.

The aroma is actually quite nice and a little different. The immediate connection that my brain makes to the bag aroma is to a dry merlot or maybe even an aged cabernet. Some hints of spice and cedar as well. There is definitely something interesting about it but I can't decide if it is an aroma that will hold my attention once everything else I grew is smokeable. But it is different enough from everything else I grew that it will be good for mixing with others.

Took one large toke 30 minutes ago. This was my first toke of the day so I was starting with a clear head. The smoke was smooth but unremarkable for any distinct flavors. Did not clean the pipe first so I'll have to try the flavor a few more times with a clean pipe to really know.

The high is about 90% cerebral, 10% body - mainly in my hands which feel a little lighter. The head is uplifting and moderately euphoric, actually quite pleasant and peaceful. No anxiety. The strength is maybe a 4 or 5 out of 10 but the quality is worth keeping. I know a lot of people that grew up smoking in the 70s and they really miss being able to smoke an entire fat joint without getting too high. This would probably be the stuff for them. I will try that next and see where it takes me. At one toke I am still very functional and feeling motivated to get stuff done so could also be a very good morning smoke before work. I doubt it has the strength to cut through as a later in the day smoke.

So I think I'm going to keep this around. I may just do a very rough trim on the last of it and then grind it all up for storage. That way I can get about 4 gallons of volume down to a few quart jars.

mekong high buds.jpg
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Yea man, that's a good looking harvest :) Congrats!! I know you mentioned before LA Con being one of your favs...what breeder do you usually go with for that?
the roses were in full bloom and the trees still had leaves two days ago. confused daffodils were popping up in my garden.

not so much anymore though!

good job on getting it all in with perfect timing.
Yea man, that's a good looking harvest :) Congrats!! I know you mentioned before LA Con being one of your favs...what breeder do you usually go with for that?
Thanks! The LA Con that I ran two years ago was from DNA Genetics. Not a big yielder at all, but the quality was there. Tried their Connie Chung last year which is a LA Con cross and I was very disappointed with it. Did not give me Chinese Eyes.
the roses were in full bloom and the trees still had leaves two days ago. confused daffodils were popping up in my garden.

not so much anymore though!

good job on getting it all in with perfect timing.
Thanks, always nice when the polar vortex waits at least until November to drop. Stay warm!
Smoke Report - Green Crack from Cali Connect, 4/1-10/15/14
55% Sativa/ 45% Indica per seed company description.


Grow notes: Good strain for outdoor grows or for greenhouse grows with lots of ceiling room due to long internodal spacing and vigorous growth. Extremely difficult to train or supercrop without snapping off branches so I would not recommend for an indoor grow. I was only able to control height by topping and ended up topping this one 5 times to keep it contained in my grow space. I'm going to grade the overall quality of this grow at a B+ due to premature yellowing in mid to late flower. Inner 10 gallons of soil in 60 gallon smart pots was to be a super soil blend, but due to poor composting it had to be replaced with Roots Organic soil which proved to be inadequate for this long of a grow. AACT's applied every two weeks.

Yield: A little under 3 gallons with dry trimmed bud weight of 23.0 oz. or 652 grams. Bud density is good.

Jar Aroma: Herbal, semi-sweet, pungent, lemon fresh, clean. Rated at 7 or 8 out of 10.

Smoke test: 1 toke taken in morning after two cups of coffee. Rated smoothness at 8 out of 10 and a little more jar time will likely improve this. Clean lemon notes leave a refreshing aftertaste. Lemon not as powerful as a Super Lemon Haze aroma, but very nice.

Peak Head Intensity: rated 8 or 9 out of 10.

Head Direction: Stimulating with decent clarity. Euphoric, up, clean.

Peak Motivational Level: rated 8 or 9 out of 10. You could have fun cleaning the garage with this.

Peak Body Intensity: rated 3 out of 10, smokes more like a sativa than indica.

Body Direction: More stimulating than relaxing. Legs feel ready to move. Good daytime smoke.

Overall Impression: rated 8 or 9 out of 10. It doesn't hit all the notes but what it does, it does well. Should be great for mixing. Strong high for 2.5 hours from one toke.


Unedited notes from coffee test:
10:35am - big toke
10:39 - taking off - head going up, body buzzed a little and feels moving, energetic
10:43 - legs restless and rocking, head still going up, but clear
10:45 - very high for 10 min. Fast starter.
10:50 - buzz in brain just mellowed, cleaner focus, body calming down some but still energetic, euphoria is moderate.
10:55 - leveling out at nice place to be. Now accustomed enough to high to be able to get stuff done. Good motivational level.
11:05 - more coffee sounds good.
12:00 noon - still stoned, little or no decline in strength
1:15pm - coming down.
so based on your results, will you be running GC again? The nugs look very tasty, and very nice report :)
I have enough on hand now that growing more of it isn't something I'll contemplate for a bit. I like variety and only rarely do repeat grows. But you never know...I'm just going to enjoy for now and make grow plans later. bongsmilie