Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

sounds like a good plan :) That is one thing i miss outdoor vs indoor....down time lol
I'm working hard today...coffee testing my buddy's Kosher Kush, the one I started for him under a blood red moon. It is doing well so far, but I expect mine to be better.:eyesmoke:
That would be the romulan. she don't finish in michigan. Not going to run her outside until I get a better greenhouse. Mine is more like a jail.
Smoke Report - Chocolope Kush from DNA Genetics, 4/1-10/23/14
70% Sativa/ 30% Indica per seed company description.

CK bud.jpg

Grow notes: More robust growth than I expected and just barely kept her off the roof. Weight of buds required a lot of work in late flowering to keep them up as they tried to fall over. I'm going to grade the overall quality of this grow at a A- due to premature yellowing in late flower. Easy plant to grow and train. AACT's applied every two weeks.

Yield: 26.1 Oz. or 740 grams, Personal Best, decent bud size and good density (pics are cola tops).

Jar Aroma: Herbal, semi-sweet, strong cantaloupe scent with hint of chocolate, true to name. Low kush aroma.

Smoke test: 1 toke taken in morning after two cups of coffee. Rated smoothness at 9 out of 10. Fresh tasting herbal with strong cantaloupe flavor on exhale and hint of chocolate on finish.

Peak Head Intensity: rated 7 or 8 out of 10.

Head Direction: Leans more toward confused, non-linear thinking, daydreaming, moderate euphoria. creative.

Peak Motivational Level: Not a great smoke for getting stuff done. Doesn't leave you on the couch, but does leave you a bit adrift.

Peak Body Intensity: rated 7 or 8 out of 10.

Body Direction: Very relaxed, very chill.

Overall Impression: rated 8 out of 10. I'm probably more interested in smoking this one for the aroma and taste than the high and I don't care for cantaloupe in general but this is very refreshing. Could be a wonderful after dinner smoke or pass out smoke. Not one I'd recommend for daytime unless it is the weekend or you truly don't give a shit about your job. High was very relaxed and left me feeling a little fuzzy in the head. A great feeling for watching football or late night tv. Unable to clock duration of high due to emergency nap - very poor sleep the night before due to late night hash making fun so not necessarily a reflection on the strain.

CK bud 2.jpg

Unedited notes from testing:
9:17am - big toke
9:22 - pretty strong high coming on. Body relaxing, mind slowing/relaxing
9:28 - losing track of time and daydreaming, enjoying strong body buzz, very relaxing but still up - classic hybrid but would have guessed more indica than 30%, so prob an indica pheno.
9:33 - Earlier sample of this was no where this intense. Nice surprise.
9:36 - Not a functional high at the moment, not ready to work just now.
9:52 - Ability to focus is coming and going. Body feels great.
9:57 - Can't work, going for hike (pics from hike)
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10:20 - back from hike, still stoned but will try to get some stuff done. Kush comes out in the high, not in the aroma or taste.
10:30 - emergency nap
Smoke Report - Kosher Kush from Reserva Privada, 4/1-10/24/14
Mostly indica per seed company description.

kk bud 1.jpg

Grow notes: Not known to be a huge yielder or to produce big buds, this grow was true to form. I had an easy time with this one and was able to easily repair one branch that broke off at main node. She wants to grow in a column so spreading the canopy is a very good idea but should be done gingerly. I'm going to grade the overall quality of this grow at an A. I was able to maintain healthy green fan leaves until almost exactly two weeks before harvest. I favor a two week fade so this was right on target for me, others can disagree if they like, fuck 'em. AACT's applied every two weeks.

Yield: 15.8 Oz. or 448 grams, very good density, about as hard as I can grow them in greenhouse.

Jar Aroma: Herbal, earthy, musky, kushy kushy, hint of sweetness, dill? Something reminds me of a Jewish deli, maybe just the name fucking with my brain. Whatever it is, I like it. I'm biased toward earthy smelling stuff...which is why I grow in earth.

Smoke test: 1 toke taken in morning after two cups of coffee. Rated smoothness at 9 out of 10. Earthy and smooth like a good cigar, very clean. More testing needed.

Peak Head Intensity: rated 8 out of 10. Pretty high for a straight indica.

Head Direction: Surprisingly good clarity. Linear thinking possible with a little effort. Medium high euphoria. Creative. Fun. No anxiety.

Peak Motivational Level: Difficult to peg down. I rated it all the way from 4 to 8 where a 1 is bed time and a 10 is up up up. A lot of interesting contradictions in effects in this one. Relaxing and up. Social and meditative. It hits a lot of notes and is hard to pigeon hole. Semi-functional to functional.

Peak Body Intensity: rated 9 or 10 out of 10. Again, a little contradictory, my heart is racing while I sit feeling perfectly relaxed. I feel like I'm well oiled and sort of floating when I move around.

Body Direction: Very relaxed, yet not lethargic when smoked in morning.

Overall Impression: At the risk of being labeled a Cannabis Cup fan boy, or a home grow douche-bag that thinks his pot is better than it is, I'm going to give this a high rating anyway. I DO like to grow the Cannabis Cup winners even though it is all political or whatever, blah blah blah. I don't always get good results with them, so I know I have some objectivity. I DO generally like my pot more than may be warranted because I grew it. So if nothing else I have confessed my bias. So my overall rating on this strain is a 9 or 10 out of 10. I'm writing down a 10 in my personal journal. Others can disagree if they like, fuck 'em.

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Unedited notes from testing:
10:08am - big toke
10:10 - coming on
10:13 - strong high, big body buzz, unclear still where it is going, up or relaxing? Audio enhancement.
10:15 - Brain feeling relaxed, I think. Body feels loose.
10:19 - Mid/high euphoria. My eyes feel red!
10:20 - Hard stone but pretty clean, functional with some focus. Extremities feel light.
10:25 - High more relaxed than up, but has some up. Hits good notes, very broad depth to high.
10:28 - 20 minute buzz is phenomenal, bias? Strong hi feels legit to me. Need an outside opinion.
10:31 - My eyes are red! Moving around feels like flowing. Creative thoughts. More up now. High is still evolving.
10:34 - Heart rate is up yet relaxing. Motivation good yet sitting good too. Contrary ends of spectrum.
10:39 - Feel good all over body and head. No anxiety.
10:47 - Winner strain - very good stuff. Any time stuff? Possibly.
10:53 - Meditational properties, no let up in strength.
11:05 - Legs rocking/moving
11:30 - Still high

End of notes - unable to track end of high due to lapse in protocol. More testing needed.
hey quick question for you...when you brew your AACT...do you ever have large amounts of slime? I been doing AACTs for a while now, usually I make 2 a week. Anyway, this last batch it seemed like every inch of the bucket, the stones, the tubs, and free floating there was a large amount of slime. That ever happen to you?
hey quick question for you...when you brew your AACT...do you ever have large amounts of slime? I been doing AACTs for a while now, usually I make 2 a week. Anyway, this last batch it seemed like every inch of the bucket, the stones, the tubs, and free floating there was a large amount of slime. That ever happen to you?
I have had that issue and in my case it was due to inadequate cleaning between uses. I even got a little slime when I tried to run back to back teas in my brewer without cleaning in between. I now break everything down and scrub it and soak it in diluted H2O2 after every run.
Smoke Report - Tora Bora from Reserva Privada, 4/1-10/28/14
LA Confidential crossed with X-18, named because it is an Afghani crossed with a Pakistani and Tora Bora (Osma Bin Laden's one time hideout) is on the border of the two countries. I chose this strain because I'm a huge fan of the LAC and I loved the name.

TB bud 1.jpg

Grow notes: This strain did not appear to be overly sensitive to nutrients when it was small. It was transplanted into some super soil that proved too hot for my other plants, but this one did fine. After it went into the greenhouse bay, it did develop downward clawed leaf tips suggesting it got into something pretty hot. I would guess that I had a hot spot in the bay where she was planted but really don't know for sure as the plants on either side did great. Like the LA Con, this one was pretty untrainable. Topped once and that was enough to contain her as she does not grow that big. I'm going to grade the quality of the grow at an A- since she got a little overfed but never burned. Kept a dark green color and developed wonderful purple hues from the X-18 genetics and some cool nights. AACT's applied every two weeks.

Yield: 11.0 oz or 312 grams, bud size and density is average.

Jar Aroma: PIne, earthy, herbal, musky. Rated 8 or 9 out of 10 but I'm biased toward this type of flavor profile.

Smoke test: 1 toke taken in morning after two cups of coffee. Rated smoothness at 10 out of 10. I had low expectations for smoothness given that this one was a tad overfed, so go figure. I did not get the sweet finish that I loved the LA Con for, but my taste buds are challenged these days so maybe that will come?

Peak Head Intensity: rated between 2 and 4 out of 10.

Head Direction: Mostly clear headed but moderate euphoria makes it hard to peg. Very functional and clean.

Peak Motivational Level: rated between 5 and 7 out of 10. Pure indicas don't usually rate this high with me.

Peak Body Intensity: rated 9 or 10 out of 10. Clearly this is where this strain shines brightest.

Body Direction: Very relaxing without putting me to sleep. Strong medicinal qualities for body pain issues. May be good at night as well but did not make me feel sleepy or tired when smoked in morning with coffee. All day potential for smoking.

Overall Impression: It doesn't hit all that many notes, but when it comes to body relaxation with a clean head it rates extremely well. I am excited to mix it with a cerebral sativa and see if it takes me to bliss and back. I'm going to give it an overall rating of 8 out of 10. I love the aroma, smoothness of the smoke, strong relaxing body buzz and duration of the high.

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Unedited notes from testing:
9:50am - big toke
9:54 - coming on - body
10:01 - got distracted from test, feeling great, pretty clear head and great body stone.
10:06 - Still going up strong! Great body buzz, not at all sedative.
10:13 - Surprisingly functional head given strength and intensity of body buzz.
10:16 - Delighted by head clarity so far, this has a.m. indica possibilities for me.
10:18 - Moderate euphoria, relaxed, low heart rate, able to work, up, semi-motivational.
10:24 - Good addition to collection, hits body/head combo different than my other 2014 strains.
10:26 - Reminds me of the LA Confidential - but did not get sweet taste like the LA had.
10:29 - Getting munchies, appetite stimulated - more coffee!
11:15 - Going strong - no change - still relaxed body buzz and good feeling head.
2pm - Still high, but intensity level began to decrease after 2 hours.
Happy Thanksgiving!

I finished my smoke test on the OG#18 by Reserva Privada and I'm just going to give an abbreviated report. Quality of the grow was probably a C. Listed as an indoor only strain and I can't argue with that. Last time I try and indoor only in my greenhouse as I generally fall short of expectations on those. I have to think my temperature variance is probably the issue. Anyway, grew great through veg and started to flower on time, but then flowered extremely slowly and was never able to catch up. Yielded 8.5 oz. The good news is that even though buds are small, they smoke really nice. I rated it an 8.5 for quality of smoke out of 10. I imagine it would be even better if grown correctly.

So, here's my end of season rankings and final yield summary. I am tweaking some of the rankings based on additional testing. The Green Crack jar aroma has continued to improve and is now a very pungent lemon clean.

Kosher Kush - rated 9.5 - 15.8 oz.
Green Crack - rated 9.0 - 23.0 oz.
The OG #18 - rated 8,5 - 8.5 oz.
Chocolope Kush - rated 8.0 - 26.1 oz.
Tora Bora - rated 8.0 - 11.0 oz
Mekong High - rated 5.0 - 12.5 oz

Average yield - About a pound, 16.15 oz - Personal Best

Overall I am very pleased with the season and grateful it is over!

Thanks to everyone who followed along this year!
Very respectable yields, especially with your height concerns. Have a great thanksgiving, stay safe and enjoy the off season :)
Great journal. Very inspiring. Even to a city-living yank in a non medical state (I need to move). Can't wait to see what you come up with next season. I want a bowl pack of that kosher! What I would do for just one toke!