You rarely have to enter a house for an empty sparkletts jug.
Every house have a 5 gallon water jug where you live?
You rarely have to enter a house for an empty sparkletts jug.
So why didn't grammy give your aunt the vehicle? Seems selfish.
Your story gets better by the post BTW. I love it when a story really gets going, until every illogical inconsistency is explained away. Its like watching politicians give speeches.
You know what they say about Politicians who open their mouths, right?
Poor grammy, forced to sell her property and take a cab to be able to qualify for welfare.
And anyway... I don't need no fukkn guns....View attachment 2995483
Posted for the ladies...
Every house have a 5 gallon water jug where you live?
If you carry a weapon you need to stop using the sidewalk?
OMFG, do you subscribe to soldier of fortune magazine?
If you carry a weapon you need to stop using the sidewalk?
OMFG, do you subscribe to soldier of fortune magazine?
It could have absolutely nothing to do with genetics, and the mother fucker that stole the TV could have just been hungry and needed cash. Maybe he can't get a job, maybe he went bankrupt, no one knows why he did it, and no one ever will because someone ended his life over a purse/loot bag.
Way to talk out your ass though.
Could be, however, it could also be that the motherfucker doesn't have the genes to behave in "civilized" society. There are families that have multiple generations that have been worthless piece of shit criminals. Why?
Defective genes.
They lack the capacity to empathize with their fellow man and believe THEIR needs outweigh those of their fellow citizens.
To say all of these worthless pieces of shit are simply "hungry" or "can't get a job" is bullshit. Most of them are just fucking lazy, have no personal discipline, and want to do their own thing at the expense of others, and amazingly enough, they pass these traits on to their spawn.
To deny genetic factors would indeed be "talking out your ass".
You seem to be confusing genes with a parent's ability to fuck up their children. Unless you can demonstrate how the thief gene manifests so strongly in groups with fewer economic options. Until then, it's just un-cited flights of fancy.
You seem to be confusing genes with a parent's ability to fuck up their children. Unless you can demonstrate how the thief gene manifests so strongly in groups with fewer economic options. Until then, it's just un-cited flights of fancy.
Look at human families. Why is it that some families have generation after generation involved in criminal activity? While environmental factors can not be ignored, neither can genetic factors. Shitbags breeding with shitbags will result in the creation of more shitbags. It's in the genes.
She ended up having to, and my aunt had to pay taxes and registration on it she couldn't afford; not to mention the part where she had no stable employment and couldn't maintain solid insurance for it. So everything went south from there. It's not a sob story. These days my grandma qualifies for section 8 in a location with reasonable transport costs. Before it was bullshit because she had to give her only transportation to the least responsible family member she had.
Tell you what, you walk by a random assortment of cover and concealment that is known for criminals lurking within it, I'll avoid it. You go looking for trouble armed and I'll avoid it while unarmed. Let's see who ends up stabbed first. Sound good?
Why would you be out walking where the bad parts of town are? where you KNOW criminals hang out? Seems to me you would avoid those areas of town in the first place, but then again if you walk in the street, no one can get you there, not criminals anyway, they only jump out of concealed areas to get the jump on people.
Criminals pick soft targets, they don't like witnesses or crowds generally. You can choose to decide that I would for some reason walk into traffic, and not on the edge of the road where it would be dumb to jump someone. However, that would be a ridiculous assumption.I avoid the bad parts of town, but that doesn't mean that the bad folks haven't changed things up. If it's dark and I'm alone, then I avoid areas that put me at risk whenever possible. The town I live in is all residential, and the tweakers do lurk in overgrowth by alleys and the various river crossings in town. If it's dark, and you can't see your surroundings clearly, then you should be avoiding the area. Excuse me for keeping my examples simple for you; I shall elaborate. Avoid: Large unkempt growth, poorly lit alleys and roads, people that tell you that you got a purdy mouth, and strangers in windowless vans offering sugary treats. Proceed thoroiugh: Well lit areas and high traffic areas. Better? Like I said, make yourself a hard target and you will rarely have trouble.
Why the hell would I remain ignorant of the places I should not venture? Of course I know where the bad areas are; that's just good sense.
When someone gives you a vehicle, you don't pay taxes on it. so looks like grammy took advantage of her.
I am sure the annual $50 registration was a killer for your poor aunt.
If grammy would have been smart, she would have told them she used the car for her mail order business so that she could get customer orders shipped.
Poor granny, forced to sell her car to a family member who couldn't afford it in the first place, just so that she could get welfare.
In my family we take care of each other, sorry yours doesn't.
\According to stats Canada;
[TABLE="class: cst-tbl-data"]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-header2"][/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-header1"]2008[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-header1"]2009[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-header1"]2010[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-header1"]2011[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-header1"]2012[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-unit2"][/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-unit, colspan: 5"]homicides[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Canada[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Newfoundland and Labrador[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Prince Edward Island[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Nova Scotia[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]New Brunswick[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Quebec[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Ontario[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Manitoba[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Saskatchewan[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Alberta[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]British Columbia[SUP]1[/SUP][/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Yukon[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Northwest Territories[/TH]
[TH="class: cst-tbl-r1"]Nunavut[/TH]
Those are total murders, not even just guns.... that's everything.
611 is the biggest numbe, so let's use that.
611/34,800,000*100,000 = 1.75 per 100,000 people.
(The lowest number gives us 543/34,800,000*100,000 = 1.56 murders per 100,000)
14,612/313,000,000*100,000 = 4.66
1.75 VS 4.66 = Canada wins. By a long shot.
Not only are you much more likely to be shot to death in the USA, you're more likely to just straight up get murdered by any means.
I just drive my car.