Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

I'm going to believe an organization full of professionals who make it their job to get the facts correct, not some random dude on the internet.
Their job is to promote their viewpoint. Your definition of "professionals" is somewhat loose.
Uncle Ben is just a d-bag. Just another North American Snake Oil Distributor.

Like the random internet guy who erroneously states
"Most of the population" lives in cities?

As of February 16, 2014, the United States has a total population of 317 million,[SUP][1][/SUP] making it the third-most populous country in the world.[SUP][2][/SUP] It is very urbanized, with 82% residing in cities and suburbs as of 2011 (the worldwide urban rate is 52%).[SUP][3][/SUP] California and Texas are the most populous states,[SUP][4][/SUP] as the mean center of U.S. population has consistently shifted westward and southward.[SUP][5][/SUP] New York City is the most populous city in the United States.[SUP][6][/SUP]

I thought 82% was more than 50%?

50% would be equal parts in the city and rural areas, whereas 82% is greater than 50%, therefore constitutes most of the population.

See what I did there?
So it has nothing to do with guns, thanks for admitting as much.

The gun murder rate most definitely has to do with guns, but more so the style of living in the USA , IMO.

The attitude people have is what makes the biggest problem. When the general attitude towards humans is more civilized, fewer retards feel inclined to shoot people. When people cling to outdated views on legal issues (e.g. "I'mma fukn' shooot ne1 that steps on ma propurtee"), you end up with a country stuck in the past, that has a significantly higher murder rate, and gun murder rate than the rest of the developed world, by a shockingly high margin.

Just having a shit load of guns isn't the problem, it's the attitudes of the morons yielding them that constitutes the biggest problem.

There is clear documented evidence of the idiocy I'm speaking about in this thread.

Look @ Switzerland;

8,000,000 people, around 3 million guns - 0.70 per 100,000 gun murder rate. 320,000 of those guns are fully automatic military issued rifles, stored in private homes. The difference is in the attitude and training of the owner. Switzerland gives a fuck, the USA doesn't for the most part. Christ, you can go online in some states to write your CCW.... never even have to pick up a gun, FFS.
how does that saying go "i would rather be judged by twelve then carried by six" someone enters my home i will take no chances with my or my loved one lives.
this whole thread is fucking disgusting.
another pro life hypocrite doing the dance of joy over someone's death

You're fuckin' disgusting, dude. ;)

What do you mean "someone's" death, like he's some honorable and decent person. Why is it you liberals ALWAYS side with the most seedy, worthless, violent sons-a-bitches?

Just in case ya'll libtards didn't get it, some people deserve to die. That thug got what's coming, sooner or later. At least us taxpayers don't have to fund his sorry ass in prison at the tune of $30,000/year only for him to get out on parole and do harm to others once again.
You're fuckin' disgusting, dude. ;)

What do you mean "someone's" death, like he's some honorable and decent person. Why is it you liberals ALWAYS side with the most seedy, worthless, violent sons-a-bitches?

Just in case ya'll libtards didn't get it, some people deserve to die. That thug got what's coming, sooner or later. At least us taxpayers don't have to fund his sorry ass in prison at the tune of $30,000/year only for him to get out on parole and do harm to others once again.
$30k a year?!

We're getting ripped off here apparently, costs us €97,500 a year to incarcerate someone.
Could be, however, it could also be that the motherfucker doesn't have the genes to behave in "civilized" society. There are families that have multiple generations that have been worthless piece of shit criminals. Why?

Defective genes.

They lack the capacity to empathize with their fellow man and believe THEIR needs outweigh those of their fellow citizens.

To say all of these worthless pieces of shit are simply "hungry" or "can't get a job" is bullshit. Most of them are just fucking lazy, have no personal discipline, and want to do their own thing at the expense of others, and amazingly enough, they pass these traits on to their spawn.

To deny genetic factors would indeed be "talking out your ass".

It is a cycle carried on from one generation to the next. I don't think it's necessarily genetic. I think such disgusting behavior is a learned response. His criminal behavior started as a child, he is a product of his environment which most likely stemmed from a dysfunctional upbringing where there was no father in house. 90% of felons had no father, no good male role models. The other problem with the black community is their ultra high rate of having kids out of wedlock. Bill O'Reilly and Bill Cosby as well as others of notoriety have pointed this out many times but the black community doesn't want to hear it. Nah sah, they want to project blame on such nonsense as the educational system....throw more money at it and such.
20 years ago a warning shot would have sufficed before I blew away an intruder entering thru my window. This day and age ammunition is expensive and I wouldn't waste a bullet on no stinking warning shot.
Does anyone remember what happened to the lady in Florida who fired a warning shot? She's sitting in prison for that warning shot.

If she had blown him away, she'd be watching cartoons with her kids this morning.
Does anyone remember what happened to the lady in Florida who fired a warning shot? She's sitting in prison for that warning shot.

If she had blown him away, she'd be watching cartoons with her kids this morning.

I have a vague memory that she is getting a new trial, i.e. conviction overturned. Am I wrong about this?

Also, the facts of that case made her look pretty guilty. Can't remember her name though.
I have a vague memory that she is getting a new trial, i.e. conviction overturned. Am I wrong about this?

Also, the facts of that case made her look pretty guilty. Can't remember her name though.

You are correct, sir. She does wear a home monitor. I would have found her not guilty, though.
You are correct, sir. She does wear a home monitor. I would have found her not guilty, though.

What is her name? Is there a link to the story? As I recall, she was in a scuffle with her ex at his house. Things got heated and she left to get a gun, which she had in her car. She then returned and put a round through the ceiling without the ex being immediately present. Not exactly "a warning shot", given those facts. Unless there is more to the story, and there might well be, it sounds to me like she was guilty of a crime although 20 years sounds a bit much.
What is her name? Is there a link to the story? As I recall, she was in a scuffle with her ex at his house. Things got heated and she left to get a gun, which she had in her car. She then returned and put a round through the ceiling without the ex being immediately present. Not exactly "a warning shot", given those facts. Unless there is more to the story, and there might well be, it sounds to me like she was guilty of a crime although 20 years sounds a bit much.

Marissa Alexander

Doesn't matter how it got to the point of the warning shot, all abusive husbands should be shot.

Marissa Alexander

Doesn't matter how it got to the point of the warning shot, all abusive husbands should be shot.


She sounds guilty to me. The only problem I see is the "mandatory minimum" sentence of 20 years.

Facts of the case:


According to court documents, on July 31, 2010, Alexander left her newborn child in the hospital days after giving birth to visit the home of Rico Gray, her husband.

Although Gray and Alexander had just been married in May of 2010, Alexander had not lived in Gray’s home for the two months prior to the shooting. When Alexander arrived at the home, Gray was not there. She parked her car in the garage, spent the night in the home, but did not see Gray until he returned home the next morning with his two sons.

When Gray returned, the family ate breakfast together without incident. The trouble began when Alexander gave her phone to Gray so he could see pictures of their newborn, who was still in the hospital. After giving the phone to Gray, Alexander went to use the bathroom in the home’s master bedroom. While looking at the pictures, Gray noticed text messages between Alexander and her ex-husband, Lincoln Alexander, which prompted Gray to confront Alexander about whether the baby was his or Lincoln Alexander’s.

An argument then ensued between Gray and Alexander, and Gray initially prevented Alexander from leaving the bathroom during the altercation. Alexander eventually managed to get around Gray to exit the bathroom.

Alexander’s actions following that moment are what differentiate her case from that of George Zimmerman.

After Alexander exited the bathroom and re-entered the master bedroom, Gray left the bedroom and headed to the living room where his sons were located. At that point, Alexander left the master bedroom, passing Gray, his two children, and the unobstructed front and back doors of the house on her way to the garage. Once in the garage, she retrieved a handgun from her vehicle’s glove box and then went back into the kitchen, where she “pointed it in the direction of all three [v]ictims.” Although Gray put his hands in the air, Alexander fired the gun, “nearly missing [Gray's] head” and sending a bullet “through the kitchen wall and into the ceiling in the living room.”

Gray and his sons fled the home and immediately called 911. Alexander stayed in the home and never called 911.

Many of Alexander’s defenders correctly note that Gray had a long history of abusing Alexander and multiple other women. He had previously been charged with domestic battery on at least three separate occasions, including charges in 1994, 2006, and 2009. The 2009 incident against Alexander sent her to the hospital with head injuries after he shoved her into a bathtub.
