Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

Cause that's what MURICA is about; having the ability to shoot people that wrong you in trivial ways.

Now that is Liberty.

How's your dainty little ivory tower working out? Comfy?

True story.

Girl I knew worked front desk third shift hotel.
Got robbed at gunpoint.
Robbers were leaving....no need to shoot them now right?
Robber turns around last second...shot her dead for no reason.

She was 18.
I knew her.

Fuck your ivory tower on this issue as you sit there armed to the teeth presuming your intellect is the weapon.
Criminals don't get respectful shots.
How is it the freedoms you enjoy today came about....fair shots?
Lined up rows of civil warfare?

Your welcome canada.
Just out of curiosity how many here have taken a human life?
Of course im talking about in war or other justifiable situation?

Its alot easier to be 10 foot tall and bullet proof behind a keyboard and honestly i think some here are trying to convince themselves.

For the record, its not something you talk about and it certainly isnt something to be taken lightly and i think if its unavoidable the SHOOTER becomes the victim because its not something that is ever forgotten.

Especially if the person was just stupid.
How's your dainty little ivory tower working out? Comfy?

True story.

Girl I knew worked front desk third shift hotel.
Got robbed at gunpoint.
Robbers were leaving....no need to shoot them now right?
Robber turns around last second...shot her dead for no reason.

She was 18.
I knew her.

Fuck your ivory tower on this issue as you sit there armed to the teeth presuming your intellect is the weapon.

If you took 2 seconds to read the rest of the thread I clearly stated that when your life is in reasonable danger, pull the trigger.

Intruder in your home? BAM.

Intruder at your neighbours stealing a handbag? NOT BAM.

Are you catching what I'm throwin'? Not a difficult concept to follow.

Turn down the suck knob.
If you took 2 seconds to read the rest of the thread I clearly stated that when your life is in reasonable danger, pull the trigger.

Intruder in your home? BAM.

Intruder at your neighbours stealing a handbag? NOT BAM.

Are you catching what I'm throwin'? Not a difficult concept to follow.

I'm picking up what you're throwing down, homie. It's just hard to back someone who's stoked about shooting people (intruders or otherwise), so dude took the premise and ran....I understand, though...
I'm picking up what you're throwing down, homie. It's just hard to back someone who's stoked about shooting people (intruders or otherwise), so dude took the premise and ran....I understand, though...

Honestly, I wouldn;t just blast an intruder either. I'd attempt to sneak up on them and apprehend them, verbal, quick cues. BUT, I can see why people would....

"Freeze or I'll shoot!"

"Move and die!" Etc....

If they moved, I'm sorry but I load slugs and SSG's in my shotty, I can't guarantee they'd survive.

EDIT: I've never trained to shoot for extremities, We always aimed for center of mass. Side note, we always called the targets "Herman the German", or "Herb the Serb".... Oh, the (not so) subtle racism of the Army. lol
8,000,000 people, around 3 million guns - 0.70 per 100,000 gun murder rate. 320,000 of those guns are fully automatic military issued rifles, stored in private homes. The difference is in the attitude and training of the owner. Switzerland gives a fuck, the USA doesn't for the most part. Christ, you can go online in some states to write your CCW.... never even have to pick up a gun, FFS.

Drug war is the main reason we have gun murders, and gangs related to the drug trade.

FWIW the Swiss don't let you keep your gun in full auto, all civilian owned military rifles are modified to only shoot semi auto.

Shooting full auto is less effective than semi auto when it comes to hitting your target.

What states can you go online and write up your very own CCW permit? Why would it be necessary to show proficiency with a gun to get the permit? Is there a rash of accidental shootings caused by CCW permit holders who have no idea which end of the gun the bullets come out of?

You can negate every single gun accident with one simple rule. don't point it at anything you don't want to hurt. It really is that easy, just do that and no accidents will ever happen. a gun has never shot anyone, ever.
Honestly, I wouldn;t just blast an intruder either. I'd attempt to sneak up on them and apprehend them, verbal, quick cues. BUT, I can see why people would....

"Freeze or I'll shoot!"

"Move and die!" Etc....

If they moved, I'm sorry but I load slugs and SSG's in my shotty, I can't guarantee they'd survive.

Putting myself out there saying that it's sort of necessary at times, but, violent pacification of intruders is a touchy subject right now. Magic that will solve the conundrum= salt rock in the kisser.
Drug war is the main reason we have gun murders, and gangs related to the drug trade.

FWIW the Swiss don't let you keep your gun in full auto, all civilian owned military rifles are modified to only shoot semi auto.

Shooting full auto is less effective than semi auto when it comes to hitting your target.

What states can you go online and write up your very own CCW permit? Why would it be necessary to show proficiency with a gun to get the permit? Is there a rash of accidental shootings caused by CCW permit holders who have no idea which end of the gun the bullets come out of?

You can negate every single gun accident with one simple rule. don't point it at anything you don't want to hurt. It really is that easy, just do that and no accidents will ever happen. a gun has never shot anyone, ever.

A different thread had a statistic that 80% of US homicides using a gun were gang related. I don't know if that is correct, but it sounds about right to me.
Putting myself out there saying that it's sort of necessary at times, but, violent pacification of intruders is a touchy subject right now. Magic that will solve the conundrum= salt rock in the kisser.

I don't load my own rounds anymore. I sold my Lee loader about 5 years ago, because I stopped shooting as regularly as I used to. :/

.300 win mag is expensive.
I don't load my own rounds anymore. I sold my Lee loader about 5 years ago, because I stopped shooting as regularly as I used to. :/

.300 win mag is expensive.


Totally. Holy fucking shit, I love guns. They made America free.
Drug war is the main reason we have gun murders, and gangs related to the drug trade.

FWIW the Swiss don't let you keep your gun in full auto, all civilian owned military rifles are modified to only shoot semi auto.

Shooting full auto is less effective than semi auto when it comes to hitting your target.

What states can you go online and write up your very own CCW permit? Why would it be necessary to show proficiency with a gun to get the permit? Is there a rash of accidental shootings caused by CCW permit holders who have no idea which end of the gun the bullets come out of?

You can negate every single gun accident with one simple rule. don't point it at anything you don't want to hurt. It really is that easy, just do that and no accidents will ever happen. a gun has never shot anyone, ever.

Correct, after you've completed your conscription your rifle is converted to semi-auto.

Full auto is only useful in small bursts. I've sprayed a target from 25m with two full 30 round mags, and might have hit it once. It sounds scary, and a mass of bullets winging past your head, regardless of how acurate, tend to make a mother fuck duck and cover.

That's the idea.

Heavier weapons, like Canada's C6 or C9 (M249? maybe?) can sustain a longer burst without jumping as much, but the accuracy at 100m is still a 20f circle at best on full auto.

EDIT: We were told to say 'sonofabitch' for a 3-5 rnd burst, and 'goddamnsonofabitch' for a 5-7 round. lol
Shooting to wound? That will get you prison time. If you shoot to wound then you obviously don't fear for your life. Ask the lady who fired a warning shot to stop her husband from beating her yet again. The husband isn't in prison.
Shooting to wound? That will get you prison time. If you shoot to wound then you obviously don't fear for your life. Ask the lady who fired a warning shot to stop her husband from beating her yet again. The husband isn't in prison.

Some truth in that, unfortunately....
If you took 2 seconds to read the rest of the thread I clearly stated that when your life is in reasonable danger, pull the trigger.

Intruder in your home? BAM.

Intruder at your neighbours stealing a handbag? NOT BAM.

Are you catching what I'm throwin'? Not a difficult concept to follow.

Turn down the suck knob.

Dude, way to avoid the meat of the new concept introduced in the convo.
All the crowd having pity on the criminal...apologies if I mistook you for them.

Intruder at the neighbors stealing a handbag?
BAM...in the leg though if you're unarmed.
Limp for life scumbag.

Armed with anything?
Never know if he might turn around and decide to go full retard.

Your attempt to make the line between right and wrong progressivly blurred is pretty silly.
I see it as a lame attempt as sophistry....hence the ivory tower.

Btw go murica....don't hear it enough.
may your crown subjugation bless your nation with creativity and invention soon.
Shooting to wound? That will get you prison time. If you shoot to wound then you obviously don't fear for your life. Ask the lady who fired a warning shot to stop her husband from beating her yet again. The husband isn't in prison.

Aw that sucks.

I amend my position then.

The neighbor getting purse jacked should shoot to kill to avoid loss of life in the form of identity theft later.
Dude, way to avoid the meat of the new concept introduced in the convo.
All the crowd having pity on the criminal...apologies if I mistook you for them.

Intruder at the neighbors stealing a handbag?
BAM...in the leg though if you're unarmed.
Limp for life scumbag.

Armed with anything?
Never know if he might turn around and decide to go full retard.

Your attempt to make the line between right and wrong progressivly blurred is pretty silly.
I see it as a lame attempt as sophistry....hence the ivory tower.

Btw go murica....don't hear it enough.
may your crown subjugation bless your nation with creativity and invention soon.
I might shoot a mother fucker in the leg for robbing my neightbour too, if I felt the need to confront them, and felt threatened, and made a verbal command, ... which they violated. The thing is, these are extenuating circumstances.... I'd rather take a picture of the escape vehicle, or persons, and accurately describe what happened, then kill someone. It's a moral thing, not something I can rationally expect everyone to adhere to, BUT seeing someone escape with ahandbag from an UNINHABITAED house, seems harsh, when considering killing a mother fucker. If my neighbours car was home, and I knew they were home and watched people enter their house, it might be different. The point is, the end game (consequences) have to at least rationally equal the potential threat. Otherwise, you're a psychopath, or at least morally bankrupt.

I guess I'm an optimist, I try to look for the good (within reason) in a person, whereas some people just see the immediate bad a person brings to a situation. This is where some people say "Shoot", and I say "I'd rather not shoot unless necessary".

Crown what? The monarchy hasn't told, (or ordered) Canada to do anything in... at least my lifetime? Not sure what your point is.

Although I have a degree in philosophy I hardly regard myself as a sophist. I do find it pertinent to understand why any side of an argument feels the way they do. Sometimes, the emotional response to a topic can seem as important as a rational one....