Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

How's your dainty little ivory tower working out? Comfy?

True story.

Girl I knew worked front desk third shift hotel.
Got robbed at gunpoint.
Robbers were leaving....no need to shoot them now right?
Robber turns around last second...shot her dead for no reason.

She was 18.
I knew her.

Fuck your ivory tower on this issue as you sit there armed to the teeth presuming your intellect is the weapon.

Same with Joe Horn who stated in the 911 call that the black thugs were coming at him on his front yard.

It's a no brainer regarding guilt.
martin bryant was borderline retarded, which would make him a conservative.

so why no massacres in australia since 1996?

Lack of "liberal" activists with guns?

Why the obsession with Oz? Did echelon find you and deliver some aussie sauce finally?

This reeks of your failed Big Mac argument btw.
He could have used a warning shot!

Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

From WTTC News in Dallas, we get this heartwarming tale of a long-time criminal, 33 year old Deyfon Pipkin, who tried to climb in a window of a Texas home.

View attachment 2993221

The elderly owner occupant saw him and fired one shot, ending Deyfon’s criminal career.

As the police do, they came by to investigate, gathered the corpse, then went to notify Deyfon's family of his unfortunate demise. It seems that the family was very upset, because they showed up at the scene.

"He could have used a warning," Lakesha Thompson, Pipkin's sister-in-law, complained. "He could have let him know that he did have a gun on his property and he would use it in self-defense."


"That's certainly true, Lakesha. He could also have invited him in and given him a beer, then helped him cart the TV out to the curb".

Unfortunately for Deyfon, Texas is a Castle Doctrine state, and the homeowner chose to shoot Deyfon, as is right and proper to do in Texas. :finger:

"For that matter, Lakesha, you could have warned Deyfon. Why didn't YOU tell him: 'Deyfon, yo' needs to quit breakin' into dose peoples' houses and Stealin dey shit. Someone is goins to pop a cap in yo' ass.'"

God must love stupid people; He made so many.

Don't you just love it when things work out right? :lol:

Fuck that shit shoot a warning shot. Then Deyfon should of sent a RSVP stating hey I'm coming through your window tonight to steal your shit.

Hears a warning don't live in Texas if you want to be a thief!

I'm tired of people justifying criminal behavior!
for example: kynes would be willing to kill someone over $26 worth of old tires sitting on his overgrown lawn.

Anyone willing to take a felony over those tires, would probably rape me for my Playstation. I wonder what they might do for my hockey skates...

amirite, clayton?

Fortune cookie says:
He who see sock puppet on every post is a sock puppet.

Works with racism, infidelity ect. the same way.
Psychology dude its not on your side.

Oh wait human robot say: reality hates you and you hate reality.

Now you know, mind your programming.
I forgot about clayton, so it's beenthere, the aussie, clayton bigsby (i assume), echelon and finsomething.
I take it all these guys were white supremacists that picked on unclebuck, amiright
I forgot about clayton, so it's beenthere, the aussie, clayton bigsby (i assume), echelon and finsomething.
I take it all these guys were white supremacists that picked on unclebuck, amiright

Go sell your bullshippy nonsense elsewhere beenthurr. Take your ridiculously tedious hitler argument witcha, too.


First Imma take a hanger and roast that shit on the stove for like a half hour, and shove that in your b-hole real slow like --ssssssSSSSSSSSssssssssssss-----

Them I'm fits to sew your b-hole up and keep steady feeding you and feeding you and feeding you.....
Fortune cookie says:
He who see sock puppet on every post is a sock puppet.

Works with racism, infidelity ect. the same way.
Psychology dude its not on your side.

Oh wait human robot say: reality hates you and you hate reality.

Now you know, mind your programming.

tell us again why civil rights is a not a good idea.
tell us again why civil rights is a not a good idea.

Civil rights are awesome and contained in Law. Such as free speech.

They are preserved even though not written in Law too....watch this:
Alcohol was abolished by constitutional amendment, then unabolished the same way.

Cannabis was never singled out and abolished, therefore it is perfectly lawful today.
It remains illegal through contract with society by and large though.

I realize you feel the civil rights act was necessary to address discrimination by Democrats though who thought they were superior.
Civil rights are awesome and contained in Law. Such as free speech.

They are preserved even though not written in Law too....watch this:
Alcohol was abolished by constitutional amendment, then unabolished the same way.

Cannabis was never singled out and abolished, therefore it is perfectly lawful today.
It remains illegal through contract with society by and large though.

I realize you feel the civil rights act was necessary to address discrimination by Democrats though who thought they were superior.

it's funny that you try to single out democrats, but really you are singling out yourself.

ya see, opposition to civil rights (that includes you) was based on geographical lines, not party lines.

northern democrats and northern republican alike favored civil rights, southern democrats and southern republicans alike opposed civil rights.

so you meant to insult democrats, but were too stupid to realize that you were actually insulting southerners like yourself.


love it when that happens.
Oh so you love it when you make stuff up?

Everyone knew that already.

let's look at who voted for and against the civil rights act.

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

do you get the picture now? it was southerners like you who voted against the civil rights act.

you even said yourself that you did not think the civil rights act was "a good idea". you went on to say that it would just make racists more hateful.

the civil rights act was there to protect people from discrimination by bigoted southerners like you, not democrats.

now tell me what i made up.
Most black people live in the south too, does that mean they are most likely racists? Or does it only apply to crackers?
Most black people live in the south too, does that mean they are most likely racists? Or does it only apply to crackers?

i'm sure blacks in the south were very opposed to the civil rights act and that all those photos of police beating blacks or shooting them with fire hoses were just innocent misunderstandings on the part of presumptuous police officers.