trick question, bucky spells it "Pawl" cuz he thinks that will keep the paulbots out of this forum.
if only there were some way to keep douches who dry their dope over cat piss out of this forum.
UB's idea of Feng Shui is cleaning out the litter box.
how did you know about my small penis?
I don't know how to make a signature, but somebody needs to use this^ lmfao
UB, why so negative brah? You seem to always go straight to name calling, its childish.
I consider any person breaking into my home as reasonably risky to life, since they obviously aren't there to help me.The only time I can fathom deadly force being at all reasonable is when another life is reasonably at risk.
Ive heard of the same thing, cop mentioned it to me once. If a persons hammered it would be easy to tell especially if they dont listen to commands while at gunpoint.My Mom told me a story when she was a kid she had woken up and there was a guy in her room looking through a drawer, she was 12 or so at the time started screaming...
Grandpa/ma and mom run outside to the little trailer used as an office, call the cops. Cops show up.
Turns out the fellow lived next door and was just so hammered he walked in the wrong house...All the houses were the same in the neighbourhood...
So your telling me this guy deserved to get shot....
Killing people doesn't solve anything... Take the butt end of the gun and smash buddy as he comes through the window... Shoot him in the leg the cops...
But at least we all get are guns right...
Does he actually dry his pot over real cat piss or does he grow the strain cat piss?
I don't know how to make a signature, but somebody needs to use this^ lmfao
UB, why so negative brah? You seem to always go straight to name calling, its childish.
Ive heard of the same thing, cop mentioned it to me once. If a persons hammered it would be easy to tell especially if they dont listen to commands while at gunpoint.
My first line of defense is pepper spray, then i can beat his blinded arse if need be, now if they where armed or i considered them a threat its still all a case by case basis.
At one point in my life i was never more than 15 feet from a loaded gun and had a permit to carry , its s serious thing and fro what i understand even Califruity was told its unconstrituional not to allow citizens to carry concealed as of today, doubt if anyone wants to be the first to test it though.
I'm with you on this when taken as a single act. But I'm curious if this shooting saves lives in the long run. You can bet that low-lifes will be avoiding that neighborhood for awhile.
nope i would citizens arrest him.
if he dropped the goods and ran, no sweat. i aint much of a track star any more. he can flee. if he tried to resist i would beat his ass, or shoot him.
i am not talking shoplifting or grabbing sixer of coors and running for the parking lot, but even if theres just $20 in change in the register i would drop the hammer on a clown trying to rob me at the quickie mart.
trusting to a robber's good will and reasonable judgement is foolish.
anybody sneaking into my neighbors house is BEGGING to get citizen's arrested and his he makes any funny moves, yeah, he is getting smoked.
calif has a statutory test for when you can pack iron: when a "reasonable person" would consider it prudent, and depending on the DA in question, that can be all the fucking time, or NEVER
i would citizens arrest him...if he tried to resist i would beat his ass, or shoot him.
so you would indeed kill someone over $26 worth of tires lying in your yard.
scenario: person walks by kynes' (no doubt) charming lot, sees the tires, and grabs them.
kynes yells at dude "hey you're under arrest for stealing my tires!"
thief "fuck you asshole"
kynes tries to arrest person, person says fuck you and shoves him away, kynes shoots the guy dead.
good job sir!
you are a fucking psycho.
another specious Buckpost(tm)
theres no old tyres lying about my place.
since all my property except my truck, and my motorbike are within the confines of my garden fence the theif has to enter my property to do his dirty work.
if he is trying to steal my truck or my bike, yeah he is gonna get blasted.
if he is in my garden, yeah he is gonna get blasted.
even if he only has one of my gold sluices in his hand, they are worth more than a theif's miserable worthless life, so yeah he is gonna get blasted.
i wouldnt bother pondering if his attempt to steal my gold sluice was his only aim, or if it was simply his first trip into my toybox. he is gonna get smoked.
there would literally be three dead bodies for last year's crop if i took that same homicidal vigilante attitude as you.
there would be two dead teenagers in my driveway over a pumpkin if i took your same attitude.
i think the mailman would stop delivering mail to my house after a while too.
and i highly doubt that there are no old tires on your undoubtedly overgrown lawn right in front of several non-running cars in the driveway and a coffee can overflowing with cigarette butts on the porch in front of some rusted out old furniture. there's probably a rusted out lawnmower somewhere in the mix that is worth $15 in scrap yet which you are just itching to kill the right person over.
.....So your telling me this guy deserved to get shot....
If you shoot a car thief who is not threatening your life, your commute to work will be considerably shortened to the prison laundry.