Busted In Houston Tx

Dismissed! In the end, we won because A: we said no to concent to search and B: because I have tiger blood! If I can grow and get off scott free you can too... FIGHT THE POWER!
That is awesome brother!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear that! Congrats! You get your kids back???

Yep, allthough cps officer still comes by once a week for a visit. We still let them come in till its closed but we refuse any more tests, counceling, classes and we refuse to sign anything more. They can take me to court.. WINNING
Two Words: Security Cameras (at the front door) even hide them if you want to, they will never know what hit them when you walk into court with a video of them pressuring your wife into letting them in. just my $.02
Nothing about this makes sense. If a child skips school they don't notify the police. I have never heard of that happening unless it's an on-going issue that needs police intervention. And the idea that police would show up to the house to search for the child doesn't make any sense either, unless it was an on-going problem of the child never showing up.

Also the fact that you had over a qp of product and 30+ plants growing and your wife was not trained to slam the door in the pigs faces baffles me. If you have a grow going you should never let them in under any circumstances. Let them bust your door down if they want in bad enough.

You do not have to register any non-automatic weapon in texas- hands guns, rifles, shotguns, etc. It is even legal to just give them to people. The castle doctrine even makes it legal to carry in your car as long as you're not a convicted felon.
ah tell me about houston cops,i use to live there and man they will make up shit one after the other,try to fuck u over bad,and u cant be on probation bro get a lawyer,u can only be on probation if see ur probation officer they are hoein u badd and they cant search teh house without a warrant,u should be aware of that.

this is not tru the police is able to search if they have probable cause and the smell is probable cause like the last guy said get a lawyer and get one fast nuff said. sorry about that i hate hear about the police locking people up for mj shit piss me off i know a few cops and they blow how could you lock someone up for doing the same shit you do.