Busted In Houston Tx

Ok, we went to court again. We were on 2 dockets, felony and misdemeanor court. Feolny dropped us and misdemeanor offered us 10 days jail or 12 months probation. Cps told us after we finnished half of our NA classes our children would be returned. We have done everything they have asked! Well now they say I have to move out of my home... Shea lets leave my 8months pregnate wife and 4 kids home alone with no car....not happining! Also now we have to do family counceling... Cps lady says it will be a difficult transition when they come home... BS! I told her where was the counciling when they were ripped from thier loving, stable home?! Also they want me in a support group cause pot is so highly addictave....lol wtf?! FIGHT THE POWER!!!
4 kids and a pregnant wife? Have you ever heard of birth control? Stop over-populating the planet just because you want to remember what you looked like before your metabolism kicked the bucket. Seriously, putty up your wife's front hole or snip your vas deferens.
This is not a site to cast stones. Go to some Religious BS Site to cast stones, so that You will feel Holier-Than-Thou.
SevenHourWorkWeek seems to be one of those trolls that has immeasurable courage behind the keyboard... I highly doubt he's got that same mouth in person (or if he did, it would be rearranged daily).
Fucking CPS. I wouldn't agree or sign shit. The original charges was dropped, because the entire incident was illegal. You need to fight this. Take it to Court. Without authority to enter your house, all the rest can't be used as evidence. Don't let them keep pushing you around. I TOLD You from the get-go that the charge was BS because they had no authority to enter; Fruit from the posionous tree. Where's that consent statement??? Don't back down. You have this thing whipped if you don't get weak & agree to some stupid shit. You have a right to a hearing by a Judge. All you have to do is tell the Judge that all the documented evidence that the CPS has is inadmissible due to the illegal meathods that it was obtained. The Judge will throw the shit out, he has no chose. Good Luck.
This is not a site to cast stones. Go to some Religious BS Site to cast stones, so that You will feel Holier-Than-Thou.
Not casting stones, just keeping it real. This guy is clearly a douche and I'm not pandering to him because he happens to grow weed. Sorry.

Why the fuck would I go to a religious site? I'm as athiest as they come. Religious zealots LOVE assholes like this OP that overpopulate the world with their stupid little miracles. Really bad false equivalancy.
4 kids and a pregnant wife? Have you ever heard of birth control? Stop over-populating the planet just because you want to remember what you looked like before your metabolism kicked the bucket. Seriously, putty up your wife's front hole or snip your vas deferens.
Oh lord this retard again. II highly hope u get castrated so you cant reproduce any more
Not casting stones, just keeping it real. This guy is clearly a douche and I'm not pandering to him because he happens to grow weed. Sorry.

Why the fuck would I go to a religious site? I'm as athiest as they come. Religious zealots LOVE assholes like this OP that overpopulate the world with their stupid little miracles. Really bad false equivalancy.

Sooo,... We got an Athiest, Elitist, AND a Socialist Democrat all rolled into one very little twisted package. By ANY moral standards, your zero & 3. Fuck your Holier than Thou outlook, with your 4th Grade mentality.
in TX, if they smell it; you handed em the keys to the premises. probable cause; child or no. domicile or business; they smell it & it's on like a pot of neckbone...

what is to stop them from just saying they smell pot any time they want to search a house with no warrant?
what is to stop them from just saying they smell pot any time they want to search a house with no warrant?
Same thing that stops them from claiming they could see 1,000 yards in the dark to describe somebody, the claim is obviously a lie. Once they SEE the shit, legally speaking, it doesn't matter what they say, it's all comes down to what they said at the door to gain entry. They REQUESTED, She said NO!, 3 times. They forced their way in, illegally. CPS had authority to ask to see the Boy, but even they could not have forced entry without an obvious imminate threat to a person. A warrant for either Police or CPS was mandatory when the Wife said NO! the first time. The Law is VERY clear of this. The Right to Privacy is guarded zealously by our Courts. It's not a Police State, the Police authority is VERY limited, certainly not walking into somebodies house without the show of a persons lif in jepordy. And the Judge will say, since there was no threat, you had plenty of time to come & see if "I" think there is probable cause that an illegal act is being comitted. The Police in one case got busted using the Game Warden to gain entry & look for drugs, The Judge burned their ass for that shit. Case cites will also show that because so many of the fuckers was caught lying, the Judges stopped taking their word against ours. Now they have to prove what they are saying. That's what a good Atty. will prove in Court.
Sooo,... We got an Athiest, Elitist, AND a Socialist Democrat all rolled into one very little twisted package. By ANY moral standards, your zero & 3. Fuck your Holier than Thou outlook, with your 4th Grade mentality.
I'm not a Dem or an elitist. You ARE a dumbshit who doesn't know how to spell or write. I have no respect for people who didn't pass the 4th grade and then use it as a reference point to imply childish behavior. What about ignorance? You need to light yourself on fire and die. Racist, ignorant, undereducated, redneck fool. I hope you die, today. Stop wasting finite resources scumbag.
I'm not a Dem or an elitist. You ARE a dumbshit who doesn't know how to spell or write. I have no respect for people who didn't pass the 4th grade and then use it as a reference point to imply childish behavior. What about ignorance? You need to light yourself on fire and die. Racist, ignorant, undereducated, redneck fool. I hope you die, today. Stop wasting finite resources scumbag.
Thanks for the Rep, Genesis.
Annother reset at court. We go again in a few weeks. Cps placed our kids back home. If any of you find yourself in this spot. DO NOT TALK TO CPS, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! They have no power unless court ordered. We didnt know...they told us to sign or we would lose our children and never see them again.
Annother reset at court. We go again in a few weeks. Cps placed our kids back home. If any of you find yourself in this spot. DO NOT TALK TO CPS, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! They have no power unless court ordered. We didnt know...they told us to sign or we would lose our children and never see them again.
thats great and im definitely gonna remember that about cps.
annother reset at court. We go again in a few weeks. Cps placed our kids back home. If any of you find yourself in this spot. Do not talk to cps, do not sign anything! They have no power unless court ordered. We didnt know...they told us to sign or we would lose our children and never see them again.
amen brother!
Annother reset at court. We go again in a few weeks. Cps placed our kids back home. If any of you find yourself in this spot. DO NOT TALK TO CPS, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! They have no power unless court ordered. We didnt know...they told us to sign or we would lose our children and never see them again.
Hey man, I went from 3 felonies and a misdemeanor to just the misdemeanor, and I am told I will be getting my truck back. They insist on keeping the $30,000 of items they robbed from my place though. I will end up with 3 years probation for the misdemeanor though. I am so glad your kids are out of the system, I know that is a huge burden off your mind. Keep fighting on man!