Busted In Houston Tx

that sux about your kids man, i really think this whole war on marijuana has got to stop. Its tearing apart families and good people. And making tax payers pay to keep them in jail for something that harms nobody. Best of luck to you my friend.

soon america will rebuild its government structure it will be by will or by force and will take a long time to do so
Went to our first NA meeting... Only 23 more meetings... We still dont have our kids... Please keep in mind, I have legitimate reasons to smoke. I am in no way a dealer or abuser. I grew my own to ensure that I was getting safe, pesticide free and organic medication. Also I am proud to say that I was not supporting violent drug cartels.
sorry bout that shit! man ...yea they passed that new law that supreme court gave cops more leinway now if they suspect,smell or anything marijuna wise its probable cause,if they think that ur smoking it or anything they can now come in your home on that alone. search warrents are a thing of the past! contact barry cooper! he lives in austin he'll help you out! ya knw the Nevergetbustedagain dvd guy! ex cop narc officer
unfortontly in TX its one the worst as far as strict laws go. if your caught w as much as a roach in your home apon convection you lose your DL for a year. plus jail!
I have good lawyers now. Besides one in Austin wouldnt be much help in Houston. Also the cops had no idea that any drugs were involved until after they gained access to my home. The legal part I have a good chance on. What really bums me out is this CPS case.
Although the Pot was found via the poisonous tree, & the taking of the Kids therein, the scales of Justice will weigh the right to privacy and the violation therein against the protection of a Child. The Protection of the Child (I fully believe) will carry more weight. This should not last long, since the potential "harmful" Pot has been removed, and the Police force can push for the release back to You in trade for not suing their fucking ass. Look up "Abuse of Power" on the net under Texas Penal Code. It is "DOCUMENTED" that they are guilty of such, a criminal offense, and a Civil Rights violation also. A formal complaint needs to be made the the DA's Office, then request to schedule a meet with the IAD, AND if You can get just ONE Civil Rights Atty. to call the DA's Office asking a few questions, that will put the heat on, because a multi-million dollar Civil Rights Action hits the Pocket book of all the City Employees, Police, DA & the CPS People. The avenue for Civil is 1983. Just stating keys words, IAD & 1983 gets peoples attention fast. They will NOT play nice until their ass is in a sling. IAD (Internal Affairs Division - Cops Hunters! ) meet is free, and a Civil Atty's call should be able to be made for around $100 bucks. It don't mater if He does or does not file on your behalf, you just need the threat made by asking innocent questions on your behalf. 3 avenues of attack beats one, trust me. Hope this helped.
I read 10 pages of this thread then jumped to the last one to see if you got your children back and I felt sick to my stomach when I read that those bastards still have them.

Even though I live on the other side of the planet you have my full support and I would gladly donate money to help you pay your legal fees, I suggest setting up a paypal account where people can make donation directly to you.

Best of luck.
She did NOT consent, and such is suppose to be reflected on the Police Report where it is stated TWICE that She said NO. Once is good enough. If this is true, it's forced entery, bal-bla. Any Atty. should have had this dismissed long ago.

In post #50 of this thread:

yeah she knows what she did was fully retarded.... they made her believe she had no choice... she has never had any experience with police not even a traffic ticket. I was pist WHY?! he was obviously not in our house...wtf... lol but NEXT time she will know lol

In response to post #48

don't hate on dallas, hottest girls in texas PERIOD.

as for getting caught, your wife's not the sharpest tool in the shed for letting the cops in the house.

the cops cannot search your house without a warrant. they told her they had to search the house. she let them in. they do that a lot. "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to open the trunk". "Well I know your doing your job but I have a constitutional right to say NO. I will not open my trunk if you cannot produce a search warrant"

My guess is it went like this:

"Ma'am, We're gonna have to search the house for your lost son, it's standard procedure, Is that ok?" she said "Yes". She should've said: "No, you cannot search my house without a search warrant, my son isn't here, why don't you go search wherever he really IS at and maybe you'll find him."


I'm guessing the DA is going to argue consent. Has the OP even been indicted yet?
Point taken... However, after He ranted & raved,.... He got a copy of the Police Report, & "quoted" from it. This is where I speak of. On Report, She said NO Twice.! Read past the ranting.
The report is inadmissible under TRE 802 and probably not going to be used in a PC hearing. If there is a PC hearing. I'm wondering if the OP has been formally charged yet. So far, I've only been able to establish that he's been arrested and out on bond.

Drain? Has the Grand Jury issued an Indictment yet? Can't have it dismissed if not formally charged.

Somebody suggested several pages ago that he execute an affidavit of non-prosecution to get the wife off the hook. I'll address that generally real quick. In Texas these are only good when the prosecution needs the other person as a witness. To sloppily put it: "when somebody else is pressing charges" like in a domestic violence case. If the State of Texas brings the charges on its own behalf and feels it does not need a witness (presume this the case if she is also being charged), then a non-pros isn't going to help. In Texas, I'd guess about 50% of the no-pros affidavits don't make a difference anyway, depending on whether or not the DA thinks they can convict without that witness cooperating or not.
Yes, we were charged with poss. 4oz to 5lbs. Went to court today and it was reset waiting on the sighned concent they say they have....
This is real shitty man.
I wish the best for you. and will be be here waiting to see you get your kids back.
UPDATE! we got a subpoena in the mail to be in court. They have lowered our charge to "more than 2oz but less than 4oz of useable marihuana"(yes they misspelled it lol). Good things are comming our way I can feel it! I will let y'all know how this ends. FIGHT THE POWER!!!
Good Luck. .... Where's the "Signed Consent" at? Funny, a reduction instead of a signed consent. MY, my, Page 12 B of the Manual which says "When the Law Dogs fucked up & falsely imprisoned somebody, stole the kids, attempted a cover-up (The claim of signed consent), keep offering a lesser plea so a Plea of Guilt will off-set a 5 million dollar Law Suit.
I say this because once the Law set foot in that house, all arbitrary actions taken from that point on is wholly illeagl & void of any Governmental sactions or impositions. They was not acting under Color of Law, and not protected by their Union or Judicial Sysyem, and are liable now, like a normal Citizen to be sued, and criminal charges filed. Your Dumb-ass Atty. should have used this case to gain documentation for a Civil Suit.
lmfao soon I bet they offer you some weak ass plea bargain.If you think you can beat this go to trial.
and you got the right to a speedy trial,if they weren't able to locate actual evidence she consented to the search this should of been dropped.Your lawyer wont do this though cause he'll end up making more money off you if it goes to trial.

I gotta ask is that 10k covering your lawyer costs if it goes to trial?Every lawyer I encountered said he'll need more if we want to go to trial.
UPDATE! we got a subpoena in the mail to be in court. They have lowered our charge to "more than 2oz but less than 4oz of useable marihuana"(yes they misspelled it lol). Good things are comming our way I can feel it! I will let y'all know how this ends. FIGHT THE POWER!!!

Good to hear that things are looking up for you man, its a scary situation. did u ever beat the kids ass for skipping school that day?...... there is probably a spanish speaking person who wrote out the letter "marihuana". i hear espanol is big down there