Busted In Houston Tx

Good Luck. .... Where's the "Signed Consent" at? Funny, a reduction instead of a signed consent. MY, my, Page 12 B of the Manual which says "When the Law Dogs fucked up & falsely imprisoned somebody, stole the kids, attempted a cover-up (The claim of signed consent), keep offering a lesser plea so a Plea of Guilt will off-set a 5 million dollar Law Suit.
I say this because once the Law set foot in that house, all arbitrary actions taken from that point on is wholly illeagl & void of any Governmental sactions or impositions. They was not acting under Color of Law, and not protected by their Union or Judicial Sysyem, and are liable now, like a normal Citizen to be sued, and criminal charges filed. Your Dumb-ass Atty. should have used this case to gain documentation for a Civil Suit.
Still no consent to my knoledge. Lawyers got it kicked to a lower court to make it easy to get dismissed.
and you got the right to a speedy trial,if they weren't able to locate actual evidence she consented to the search this should of been dropped.Your lawyer wont do this though cause he'll end up making more money off you if it goes to trial.

I gotta ask is that 10k covering your lawyer costs if it goes to trial?Every lawyer I encountered said he'll need more if we want to go to trial.

10k is only for pretrial. I will only goto trial if my wife gets a charge of anykind, I would take a small plea BUT NO PROBATION... I rarher rot in jail
Good to hear that things are looking up for you man, its a scary situation. did u ever beat the kids ass for skipping school that day?...... there is probably a spanish speaking person who wrote out the letter "marihuana". i hear espanol is big down there

No I didnt beat his ass, yet... Lol it wasnt really his fault.
Last week my stepson did not get on the school bus, instead he went to a friends house. School called the police and they met my wife at our house. The police told her that they had to search the house for him. Before i left for work i had medicated in my bedroom. Soon as the pigs entered they smelled it and told my wife to step out. they went straight to my room and found about 3oz of white widow and 1.5oz of mango kush. Then they went upstairs and saw that the bathroom linen closet had a lockset on it and wanted in... my wife told them she did not have a key and they could not enter. they popped the lock and found my grow. 25 widows and 5 mango kush 3 days into flower. She called me to give me a heads up on what had happened, so i rushed home to take responsibility for my grow and attempt to save her from jail (she does not smoke but knows that i need to) Soon as i arrived home they arrested both of us....charged with poss 4oz to 5lbs (felony) Now here is the real bitch... they called CPS and took our kids away... said that growing in my attic was dangerous to the kids health...Also we have not even been to court yet and allready we are on probation and both owe over 1,000$ each!!! one state over this is perfectly fine and normal but here it is not only illegal but dangerous......wtf fml..... FIGHT THE POWER!!!

While I feel for you... you should have used better judgement my friend. This is unfortunately the consequence that many growers suffer.. because they fail to use better judgement. Personally? If I had kids.. I would NEVER have them around my grow.. NEVER, point blank, period, end of story.

You can get mad all ya want bro.. but when it comes down to it, your at fault here... nobody else.

If you were smart.. you would have had your grow area located somewhere else, instead of growing it inside your own house.. with knowing that you have kids living there with you.. your own kids at that!

Sorry man.. but I call this one as being lack of common sense of the grower. Good luck on getting your kids back.. its going to be absolute HELL going through all the processes and everything to get your kids back to living with you. Hell, they may NOT give your kids back.. just depends on your history.. like past charges you might have.. things like that. And don't think that they can't keep your kids.. because they can.. and they WILL. Trust me, I know this.. my mother worked for DHS as a lead field investigator for almost 30 years.. I know how these things work. ;)

Good luck, your gonna need all you can get my friend.

Just a little info for ya.. next time you decide to grow.. don't grow so many plants man!! You can't tell me that 25 (5 other) plants were all for you. That claim won't hold up in court my friend.. now, if you were like me.. and were truly and honestly only growing for your personal enjoyment/consumption.. you wouldn't have almost 30 plants.. you would be like me.. and only be growing 2 maybe 3 plants MAX.. per grow. The feds/state do not consider 25 or 30 plants.. as being for "personal consumption".. they're going to look at your case.. as you being a dealer... because of the mass quantity of plants you had growing.

But yeah, lol... good luck buddy, you'll def. need all the luck you can get.

While I feel for you... you should have used better judgement my friend. This is unfortunately the consequence that many growers suffer.. because they fail to use better judgement. Personally? If I had kids.. I would NEVER have them around my grow.. NEVER, point blank, period, end of story.

You can get mad all ya want bro.. but when it comes down to it, your at fault here... nobody else.

If you were smart.. you would have had your grow area located somewhere else, instead of growing it inside your own house.. with knowing that you have kids living there with you.. your own kids at that!

Sorry man.. but I call this one as being lack of common sense of the grower. Good luck on getting your kids back.. its going to be absolute HELL going through all the processes and everything to get your kids back to living with you. Hell, they may NOT give your kids back.. just depends on your history.. like past charges you might have.. things like that. And don't think that they can't keep your kids.. because they can.. and they WILL. Trust me, I know this.. my mother worked for DHS as a lead field investigator for almost 30 years.. I know how these things work. ;)

Good luck, your gonna need all you can get my friend.

Just a little info for ya.. next time you decide to grow.. don't grow so many plants man!! You can't tell me that 25 (5 other) plants were all for you. That claim won't hold up in court my friend.. now, if you were like me.. and were truly and honestly only growing for your personal enjoyment/consumption.. you wouldn't have almost 30 plants.. you would be like me.. and only be growing 2 maybe 3 plants MAX.. per grow. The feds/state do not consider 25 or 30 plants.. as being for "personal consumption".. they're going to look at your case.. as you being a dealer... because of the mass quantity of plants you had growing.

But yeah, lol... good luck buddy, you'll def. need all the luck you can get.


You people need to learn to fucking read. He is not being charged with manufacturing/cultivation he is being charged with possesion.
While I feel for you... you should have used better judgement my friend. This is unfortunately the consequence that many growers suffer.. because they fail to use better judgement. Personally? If I had kids.. I would NEVER have them around my grow.. NEVER, point blank, period, end of story.

You can get mad all ya want bro.. but when it comes down to it, your at fault here... nobody else.

If you were smart.. you would have had your grow area located somewhere else, instead of growing it inside your own house.. with knowing that you have kids living there with you.. your own kids at that!

Sorry man.. but I call this one as being lack of common sense of the grower. Good luck on getting your kids back.. its going to be absolute HELL going through all the processes and everything to get your kids back to living with you. Hell, they may NOT give your kids back.. just depends on your history.. like past charges you might have.. things like that. And don't think that they can't keep your kids.. because they can.. and they WILL. Trust me, I know this.. my mother worked for DHS as a lead field investigator for almost 30 years.. I know how these things work. ;)

Good luck, your gonna need all you can get my friend.

Just a little info for ya.. next time you decide to grow.. don't grow so many plants man!! You can't tell me that 25 (5 other) plants were all for you. That claim won't hold up in court my friend.. now, if you were like me.. and were truly and honestly only growing for your personal enjoyment/consumption.. you wouldn't have almost 30 plants.. you would be like me.. and only be growing 2 maybe 3 plants MAX.. per grow. The feds/state do not consider 25 or 30 plants.. as being for "personal consumption".. they're going to look at your case.. as you being a dealer... because of the mass quantity of plants you had growing.

But yeah, lol... good luck buddy, you'll def. need all the luck you can get.


30plants counting moms and future clones in my attic under lock accessible only by me. It was personal and they know it.
...... there is probably a spanish speaking person who wrote out the letter "marihuana". i hear espanol is big down there

"Marihuana" is the correct legal spelling in most jurisdictions. In Texas it's spelled that way throughout Chapter 481 of the Health and Safety Code. Here's a link: http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/ It was spelled with an "h" back in the 1930s during the Tax Act. It was spelled both ways in the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. It's not uncommon to see it spelled with an "h" in court proceedings and associated documents. But it I'd agree that it's not the common spelling outside of that arena.
I have to admit that I thought the same thing Cannabisguru. 30 plants is a lot to me. But then that may not be the case for others. I'm not a smoker and only grew until my dad lost his fight with cancer, just a few years grow experience total. Once I had a good mom plant I'd clone maybe two at a time after the harvest. So, I never had more than 3 or 4 going at one time. I'd get close to 3 ounces dried from two plants, maybe a little less, maybe a little more. And it didn't get used very quickly. After a while I was letting the vegetation go longer and longer as the supply was good. But I can completely see how somebody else could go through the same amount much, much quickly.

While I get the legal stuff probably better than most here. It still pisses me off that he's getting busted for a plant that for most part is harmless. It shouldn't matter if he has 30 plants, 3 plants, or 3000 plants. If he's not hurting anybody, I don't see what's the problem. Victimless crimes are stupid to me in general. If somebody wants to smoke a bowl and buy a piece of ass and doesn't harm anybody in the process, what does the government care? Nobody wants the government to save from them from themselves.
It's less of a hell hole police state if you're white and "say the right things," and run in the approved circles. A person can fuck up a lot and get away with it if he's the kid of a prominent business owner who supports the local candidates, openly loves Jesus and guns, hates gays and liberals, and plays cards with the county judge at the country club. Do those things first and not only do the police look the other way, they may want to ask you who broke in and put those plants there. They might kindly ask you to dispose of them if it's not too inconvenient on your part. Okay, slight exaggeration. But it's not unheard of for stuff to coincidently disappear from the evidence room.

Right now I think many people are in Texas solely because the economy is doing very well in comparison to other states. Other than that I can't think of a reason to be here. Especially when the bank tower says it's 112 degrees.
Just a little info for ya.. next time you decide to grow.. don't grow so many plants man!! You can't tell me that 25 (5 other) plants were all for you. That claim won't hold up in court my friend.. now, if you were like me.. and were truly and honestly only growing for your personal enjoyment/consumption.. you wouldn't have almost 30 plants.. you would be like me.. and only be growing 2 maybe 3 plants MAX.. per grow. The feds/state do not consider 25 or 30 plants.. as being for "personal consumption".. they're going to look at your case.. as you being a dealer... because of the mass quantity of plants you had growing.

But yeah, lol... good luck buddy, you'll def. need all the luck you can get.


Plant counts don't matter in Texas. If you're big enough then they hit you with intent to distribute. Otherwise, they chop the plants down, weigh them wet, and hit you with possession for the said amount.

Just deleted the judgemental shit about kids. A grow can be kept completely away from the kids. If he is fine with his kids being around it and his kids are normal kids, then whatever he does is ok in my book (this is not an absolute statement)
It's less of a hell hole police state if you're white and "say the right things," and run in the approved circles. A person can fuck up a lot and get away with it if he's the kid of a prominent business owner who supports the local candidates, openly loves Jesus and guns, hates gays and liberals, and plays cards with the county judge at the country club. Do those things first and not only do the police look the other way, they may want to ask you who broke in and put those plants there. They might kindly ask you to dispose of them if it's not too inconvenient on your part. Okay, slight exaggeration. But it's not unheard of for stuff to coincidently disappear from the evidence room.

Right now I think many people are in Texas solely because the economy is doing very well in comparison to other states. Other than that I can't think of a reason to be here. Especially when the bank tower says it's 112 degrees.
Yeah but who wants to be a gas and oil worshiping, godbot? The people you describe are hollow shells. Get to CO and breathe the fresh mountain air with people who have an entirely different set of priorities. Won't get above 70 degrees today up high in CO! Oh and you can bring your guns!
Nobody wants the government to save from them from themselves.

That is true, but there's a small twist... Most people want government to save someone else from themself.

And for the people that are bashing TX on here... it's not as bad as you think. Much has to do with the locality you're in and more on how you act in public. Get out of the metro areas and you're left alone for the most part.
That is true, but there's a small twist... Most people want government to save someone else from themself.

And for the people that are bashing TX on here... it's not as bad as you think. Much has to do with the locality you're in and more on how you act in public. Get out of the metro areas and you're left alone for the most part.
That's right, Hell with the Cities. The problem is what Peacefull Kid said; "They can do what they want......" That line of belief is what gives them their Authority, the Cowardness, Submissive attitude, which feeds the never sated Egos. I've had them Bastards breaking out in sweat, trying to explain their actions before a Judge. I keep my mouth shut until I'm before the Judge. Then,.... "It ain't no fun when the Rabbit gets the gun !!". This Guy is letting His Lawyer fuck Him. It's the ole two-step Plea-Shit, straight from the Handbook. Oh Well.
illeagal search and seizure standards can and have worked in cases similar to this according to family lawyers. unless it is documented protocol to search a home without consnent in texas...
I'm not going to say you won't find police that overstep their bounds in rural areas, but you see far fewer of them. I tend to think the reason for this is due to the fact that in smaller communities, most everyone knows the cops (as well as everyone else). They shop at the same grocery stores, eat at all the same restaurants, go to church with them... etc. It's hard to be an asshole to people when you have to interact with them on a regular basis.
Cops all over can be bad... Follow the money... I grew up in a rural area and cops were real bad. I moved to the city cause atleast they have real criminals to pester...lol. I have worked on a houston officer's home. We used to talk alot while I worked there. "Legal mafia" was his words. How many poor cops do you know?
How many poor cops do you know?

Oddly enough a lot more than you would think. I've handled a lot of civil cases for Dallas-Ft. Worth area cops --mainly getting sued by creditors. Many made their $$$$ from off duty jobs that aren't around any more. I think you'd be surprised how many cops smoke.