Last week my stepson did not get on the school bus, instead he went to a friends house. School called the police and they met my wife at our house. The police told her that they had to search the house for him. Before i left for work i had medicated in my bedroom. Soon as the pigs entered they smelled it and told my wife to step out. they went straight to my room and found about 3oz of white widow and 1.5oz of mango kush. Then they went upstairs and saw that the bathroom linen closet had a lockset on it and wanted in... my wife told them she did not have a key and they could not enter. they popped the lock and found my grow. 25 widows and 5 mango kush 3 days into flower. She called me to give me a heads up on what had happened, so i rushed home to take responsibility for my grow and attempt to save her from jail (she does not smoke but knows that i need to) Soon as i arrived home they arrested both of us....charged with poss 4oz to 5lbs (felony) Now here is the real bitch... they called CPS and took our kids away... said that growing in my attic was dangerous to the kids health...Also we have not even been to court yet and allready we are on probation and both owe over 1,000$ each!!! one state over this is perfectly fine and normal but here it is not only illegal but fml..... FIGHT THE POWER!!!
im not sure about the laws in your state. but in most states if you have a lawyer you can get it dismissed. they went into the house looking for the child. they had no warrant. they are not legally able to go into your house looking for one thing and bust you for another. heres an example. say they go into a house looking for an arsenal of illegal weapons or materials used for terrorist weapons. they cant arrest you for the weed they find. legally they have to leave the property after not finding the weapons go get a warrant for the drugs then re-enter the property with the proper warrant for the weed. fight that shit man!!
If cops ever ask to search your house for any reason say no. To bad your wife didn't know that. W/o consent they cannot come in your house w/o warrant.
That's not true at all. ANYTHING they find that is illegal they can use against you unless it was obtained unlawfully. They are not supposed to enter without a warrant, but there are other circumstances that can gain them entrance. If they do have a warrant it is supposed to detail what they expect to find and where they expect to find it, but anything illegal that happens to be uncovered in the process will be taken as evidence.
Lawyer Up and get a medical prescription ASAP I know attorneys are expensive but freedom is worth it. anytime the law attempts to go after you seek legal advice. locate
Quick google search of Lawyers in your area I would find out from any or all of these attorneys if there is any probono work or free consultation immediately.
Cynthia Sue Pulcher
207 W Phillips
Conroe, TX
Melissa Colette Reed Morgan
Po Box 52
Aspermont, TX
Weldon Ralph Petty Jr.
Office of The District Attorney, 200 W Wall Street Suite 007
Midland, TX
Collin Dean Kennedy
1125 Legacy Dr., Ste. 250
Frisco, TX
Mark Kelly Clark
1601 Broadway
Lubbock, TX
David A. Schulman
Po Box 783
Austin, TX
You still want to exhaust all available options even if that means obtain a MMJ prescription after the fact this can help any case, if it is an option however according to beavis Texas doesn't.One of them fucking works for the D.A.'s office in Midland. Yeah call him after you get that after the fact Texas MMJ prescription. Oh wait, there is no medical marijuana in Texas.
.Quick google search of Lawyers in your area
You still want to exhaust all available options even if that means obtain a MMJ prescription after the fact this can help any case, if it is an option however according to beavis Texas doesn't.
Still seek legal advice believe it or not even if someone from the D.A office is to counsel you this conversation is bound by law ever heard of Client confidentiality this was just a general idea and as mentioned .
Sounds like @weedbeavis you have something better to offer oh wait no it doesn't...
Yep, Listen. The momentum to legalize has finally started after being pushed on for 50 plus years. The Issue keeps gaining momentum, but it's still going to take awhile. Until Texas is broke, or wants the additional tax money, it won't be legalized.
Anyway, the issue is "same as it ever was", Did the Law Dogs have the jurisdiction to act on behalf of the CPS Office? I say NO! I say that any CPS Officer can request escort from the Local Police, but the Local Police can't do their jobs for them, that's why they have seperate Offices, because it's a seperate Governmental Agency. And with, or without the CPS, the Law Dogs still needs a warrant via Probable Cause to enter unless there is imminent danger to someones life, then all bets are off. Until then, where is the warrant. I say "Forced Entery", according to the "Police Report". The issue should have been taken care of long ago. Good Luck Anyway.
Oh Jesus Christ this so isn't true. The D.A. can't offer privilege --that's what you call client confidentiality and it's not a law. So I'm gonna take the not option on this believe it or not choice. The D.A. represents the state and that is his client, not anyone else. Privilege extends only to the client. Do you really think if the opposing party tells me something I can't use it? You're incredibly naive if don't think so. I've had several of my own clients not understand how privilege works and how easily it's waived. The legal advice spelled out in these forums pertaining to Texas is absolutely atrocious. Bad advice like calling an assistant district attorney several hundred miles away isn't going to help anybody. If anything, anything you admit would be turned over to Harris County. I'd like to be there when a defendant claims privilege when the D.A. testifies to his admission. I can hear the judge now saying: "Son, this man is not your attorney. Just because you blurted out incriminating statements to him does not make him your lawyer." Texas still doesn't have MMJ even though somebody else keeps insisting and posting links to a house bill that didn't pass.
Sometimes bad info is worse than no info. In a few threads on this forum it was suggested that just because he demanded a jury trial pro se the prosecutor will be too scared to try the case. That's utter bullshit. They're going to pick a jury on Monday regardless of whomever's case it is. If the original poster can't figure out to hire an attorney in his area whom is certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in this area, there's really no hope. Asking stoners who tell him to get a MMJ card after the fact and not to hire an attorney but demand a jury and charges will be dropped is just fucking stupid.