Busted In Houston Tx

We went to court again today. Those damn pirates either faked a consent to search or had my wife sign one after she was already in jail. My lawyer is requesting this paper work to see what happened. Our lawyer is still not worried because the written statement from the cops says that my wife repeatedly said no to the search but the cops told her it was manditory and would not continue to help her find her son until they searched the house. After court we had to report to probation... met our officer she was pretty nice and seemed confused when i told her CPS took our kids over some pot. Also the PO said that there is a city in texas where medical cannabis is legal?! Anyone know where she is talking about? Anyways lawyers reset our court date until June... stay tuned till then and FIGHT THE POWER!
well keep your chin up bro and keep fighting

We went to court again today. Those damn pirates either faked a consent to search or had my wife sign one after she was already in jail. My lawyer is requesting this paper work to see what happened. Our lawyer is still not worried because the written statement from the cops says that my wife repeatedly said no to the search but the cops told her it was manditory and would not continue to help her find her son until they searched the house. After court we had to report to probation... met our officer she was pretty nice and seemed confused when i told her CPS took our kids over some pot. Also the PO said that there is a city in texas where medical cannabis is legal?! Anyone know where she is talking about? Anyways lawyers reset our court date until June... stay tuned till then and FIGHT THE POWER!
If cops ever ask to search your house for any reason say no. To bad your wife didn't know that. W/o consent they cannot come in your house w/o warrant.
always polite but yes just say no

they will come up with anything , this is guilty until proven otherwise fight the system
Good luck man, hope you get off and get your kid(s) back soon. This country is really fucked up these days and texas has got to be one of the worst places to live. Wish I could move to canada.
Also, wonder if you can sue the city for fees if you get off? I know its way too soon, but I would want them to pay for damages. I'm guessing that would be doubtful in texas.
Also, wonder if you can sue the city for fees if you get off? I know its way too soon, but I would want them to pay for damages. I'm guessing that would be doubtful in texas.
I highly doubt it... They can do pretty much anything they want and that is why I call them pirates... Honestly I dont care what happens to me just hope my wife is cleared and we get the kids back. Quite ridicules that they took my kids over something that is perfectly legal all over the US! FIGHT THE POWER!
I highly doubt it... They can do pretty much anything they want and that is why I call them pirates... Honestly I dont care what happens to me just hope my wife is cleared and we get the kids back. Quite ridicules that they took my kids over something that is perfectly legal all over the US! FIGHT THE POWER!

I bet its like that in degrees everywhere unfortunately.

Yeah, it is clearly ridiculous, but that's why they do it. To try and put as much pressure on you as possible.

Hope they get cleared.
I bet its like that in degrees everywhere unfortunately.

Yeah, it is clearly ridiculous, but that's why they do it. To try and put as much pressure on you as possible.

Hope they get cleared.
yeah well this cracker don't crumble! Thanks for all the support! FIGHT THE POWER!
bro thats the attitude to have if u lay down they will run over u
do u got to have visitation with kids and are they in foster home or a family member

yeah well this cracker don't crumble! Thanks for all the support! FIGHT THE POWER!
keep your head up man, get a good lawyer, and try and look forward to a better day thats what im doin. shit will get better.
today my CPS caseworkers supervisior calls me and wanted to "talk" to me because she heard that i had questions. I first asked her why my children were removed from the house. She said dont you know? duh... but the pirates came in and took everything... so what was the point. how is it that having cannabis is legal all over the US but here its is dangerous? she didnt have an answer for me only that it is illegal. so i asked her so what if i was speeding that is illegal would you take my kids for that? she said yes if they were in the car...cough BS cough! then i told her that there is nothing dangerous about cannabis and it was not like i smoked it with my kids and that perscription pills were more dangerous even asprin is... she then tried to tell me that my nutes (she called them chemicals) were dangerous because they were on the floor... and i responded yeah on the floor of my attic that was locked and only i had the key... would those nutes still be dangerous if i were growing tomatos with them? and that i only use cannabis for medical purposes. then she demanded to know what doctor told me this and i responded i dont go to doctors because they all want to give me pills i hate. she then told me that i said a doctor told me to smoke and that i was on speaker phone with 3 other people and they would agree that i said that! I told her i cant give her a name that i dont have but if she liked i could make stuff up too... then here is the part that really pissed me off..... she was asking me about my stepson and some of the problems he has (tourettes OCD and developmental problems he is 13 but mentally he is 6) and she told me it was because of me and that he was stealing my cannabis and using it!!!!!! and threatened me by saying that she was turning this over to a judge and they would place all 4 of my children in foster care including the one my wife is still pregnant with!! Ok so now fast forward because i hung up on her... later that day the case worker comes by to talk to my wife like nothing happened...but i called my wife and told her what they said. she was pissed also and confronted the case worker about that last part... case worker tried to cover it up and said no your husband missunderstood because my supervisor has a really thick accent and meant what if he had ingested some.... these people are so far past the line they cant even see the line anymore...what line? the line is now a dot in the distant horizon! I am so serious when i say this after this is all said and done i will do something so crazy sooo bizarro everyone will have to take notice and i will be all over the news spreading my story! FIGHT THE POWER!
I would talk to your attorney about if you should be talking with them at all. I am right with you here and would have been down their throats, but we are innocent until proven guilty (supposedly) and have our 5th amendment rights to not say anything. I would try to make them do all contacts through your attorney, then the threats will be recorded and he will be able to calmly and correctly deal with them, without your (rightly deserved) emotions getting in the way. Good luck man, FIGHT THE POWER!
I would have told the cops to suck my dick without a warrant they are not going into my house to look for my SON. I mean come on, why the fuck did they want to look for your son, cuz he was not in school? And why is the school calling the cops? I dont understand, if he did not show up to school, wouldnt they just call the house, or his parents instead of the police? And without a warrant they cannot not legally come into your house. But once inside and they smelled the bud that had been smoked in the air, that is probable cause right there to search the rest of the house. I never would let a pig into my house, EVER without a warrant, whether i have something to hide or not! That really sux bro about your kids, i have a 2 year old and that is the only reason i am not growing right now, i love my family too much and cannot risk losing them or getting in trouble over. Believe me, i really want to grow but as your story proves, its not worth it. Good luck to you, please keep us posted on how things go. Fuck the police! oh BTW, what state is this in?