
But the issue is the reality and the perception... all your facts may be the reality for you, but the perceptions of others is what is jamming you up...if the RIU members are having a hard time with this, then imagine how John Q Publicdipshit must be trying to get his head around it....

Wish you luck, as gGod's given herb needs to be shared and explored.... we are only scrathcing the the surface
get some vasaline !
thats uncalled for,just shows how much of a twat you are,saying shit like that,jail in america is no joke but there is no way the OP is going there.I am right behind this guy if I was in the states I would support him all the way the pigs are ass holes,look what they done to that Jason Wilcox,wankers.
and my lawyer would say "OBJECTION YOUR HONOR" and its 6 plants per patient. my extra goes to the dispenseries. am i not entitled to make a living. i drive a 69 bug. i dont flaunt or advertise what im doing. it takes a lot of time and money to do this properly as you well know! i have a buisness license and sellers permit from the board of equalization. by the letter of the law i am NOT doing a thing wrong. in your eyes and some others maybe i was over the top. if it werent for people like me there would not be enough medicine for the people who really need it! i have 2 M.S. patients that smoke over an ounce a day. a couple on kemo that eat that much a day to keep from puking their guts out! some of the posts i have read make me want to puke my guts out!

As long as you could prove with paperwork everything you just claimed....u'll be okay.

And yes...the law is partly about perception, and it is fallible, like all things human are.

When the general public thinks 12 is okay per person....and you have 45 per person... you have a perception problem.
i dont disagree with what the perception is. im just saying i came here to do what i love and believe in. as far as i was concerned i had broke no laws and was doing everything by the book. some people say im stupid and some say i have iron balls. whatever you want to think, your entitled to your opinions. its the idiots that leave posts about vasaline and meeting up with bubba in a prison cell. im not looking to get rich and sell dope to kids on the corner like others have refered. all i want to do is help people and take care of myself. think what you want!
Doesn't matter where you go on the internet, you will run into retards. I'm still pulling for you. Maybe the people posting those comments have first hand knowledge about both Bubba and Vaseline?
I certainly don't think you are stupid. Mostly, it has to do with the fact that the MMJ laws are written so hazily..... no one is able to interpret what is correct and what is abuse.

If you are growing 445 plants for 10 ppl & are selling the overage to dispensaries and can prove it.... you'll be fine.

But 445 makes for a steamy media headline....and you got caught in the haze of the law. In 5 years...none of this will happen. Then again, you may not be able to grow 445 plants for 10 ppl in 5 years either.... :wink:
I am rooting for you as well Kinex, really I am.

I just want people to understand the law so that they may take the appropriate precautions that the specific grower thinks is necessary.

Check this out... If you are in cali.


Notice the "update" date...

I was tripping when I read this and this is what I was referencing in one of my earlier posts.

I figured you would have done yourself the favor and read up on it more by now.
i dont disagree with what the perception is. im just saying i came here to do what i love and believe in. as far as i was concerned i had broke no laws and was doing everything by the book. some people say im stupid and some say i have iron balls. whatever you want to think, your entitled to your opinions. its the idiots that leave posts about vasaline and meeting up with bubba in a prison cell. im not looking to get rich and sell dope to kids on the corner like others have refered. all i want to do is help people and take care of myself. think what you want!

What is wrong with someone making a fair living doing what he loves when that is just providing medicinal herbs? Right behind you all the way.

I think, personally, the worst you are guilty of is enthusiasm.
Just read all 30 pages. Gotta say there are many stupid people out there. Figure maybe 5% of people who smoke pot grow pot. So half of that 5% are the idiots on here posting comments when they haven't even read what was written before.

As far as these idiots stating things like "greed", even if OP was growing for greed, who cares? Greed is what makes the world roll. Without greed, capitalism wouldn't have built your house, car, or grocery store. So you socialist retards go to hell. I say grow 1000 plants, grow 1 million plants, there should be no limit to what you are allowed to have. It will all find it's way onto the market. MJ should be LEGAL, everywhere, we would have far fewer problems.

OP- Glad you are ok and no criminal charges filed correct? Give an update please.
and this is the reason every new medmj state refuses to allow growing, because of idiots who think they are above the law ... u live in cali follow ur grow laws and you wont have any problems ... they gave u laws to follow you broke them 10x over now you should have to pay... people like you are screwing it up for everyone...

sorry if so harsh but i dont care ....

Wtf kinda crap are you spewing,this guy should be able to grow as much dope as he wants without any repercussion,so should you & all the rest of us.

Get down off your high horse telling a fellow grower he deserves to be punished,what kinda mush head says something like that to a fellow grower anyways.

Your type allways acts as if were all supposed to accept the bull shit laws government gives us & be happy with the fucking tid bits of our god given rights they "allow" us to have,then you guys allways talk shit about making the cause look bad, which is an absolute joke.

What this man now faces with the legal system is creul & unusual punishments that dont reflect fairness or justice,this man faces serious prison time,faces loosing everything he & anybody else in the home owns,he faces bloated & excessive fines & most likely faces loosing his job & you say he deserves it !

Wtf kinda pot smokin grower are you anyways ?

Karma is a bitch brother,better hope your sanctmonious bullshit dont bite you in the ass when the goon squad boots your door off the hinges at 4 am,your no better off than the 400 plant people because once the door comes down bet your sweet ass they will find a reason why you violated the med law & you too can loose everything you own.

Sorry to be so harsh but ass kissers who act as if the rest of us should obey laws "they"believe are fair make me ashamed of how this young generation of smokers has pussed out.
first let me just tell all you bashers that i have 10 215 cards. i am growing medicine for them all. second about 300 of those were seedlings and or clones in rockwool. there were only 60 mature plants. third the supreme court ruled it is unconstitutional for anyone to regulate the number of plants or the amount of dried medicine a patient can have.

What you don't understand is they say they cant regulate the amount of plants because its federally illegal. So even if they cant regulate, the feds can bang you for having over 99 plants.You are about to walk through a meat shredder and dont realize it.
first let me just tell all you bashers that i have 10 215 cards. i am growing medicine for them all. second about 300 of those were seedlings and or clones in rockwool. there were only 60 mature plants. third the supreme court ruled it is unconstitutional for anyone to regulate the number of plants or the amount of dried medicine a patient can have. i am pasting a copy from the news channel from this past fri. this is the second time in 2 weeks that the cops had to return someones medicine and equipt. the first one the plant count was over a thousand. the one i am pasting in the next paragraph the guy had 40 mature plants on 1 card!

Shasta Marijuana Case Dropped
Fri, 03/05/2010 - 16:57
It was a surprising end to a medical marijuana case in Shasta County Friday. A Redding man was facing felony charges for growing medicinal marijuana.

But now, officials say they are dismissing the case because the law he was breaking has changed.

When James Hall was in court Friday morning, protesters were outside protesting the case. Hall has a Prop 215 card (a recommendation for medical marijuana).

According to the District Attorney, at the time, Hall was breaking the law by growing too many plants. But the California Supreme Court has just changed that law, so Hall can grow as many plants as he would like.

D.A. Jerry Benito says they did not have any choice but to dismiss the charges after the law changed. Hall was notified that this case will be dismissed Friday afternoon.

Find James Hall and ask him who his attorney was!
" the plant amount sounds totally reasonable now."

I dont see how you can justify 40-50 plants a person in any state. I hope he beats it, but i don't see it. A clone is a clone. Its an exact copy of the mother plant. A clone is a plant, doesnt matter how tall it is. Thats beating around the bush, no pun intended.

I bet you were ratted out, by said person who used to live there. Theres rarely dumb luck involved, its usually something you overlooked.

Also, supreme court ruled that way because its an illegal drug, and only the federal government can set limits on illegal or scheduled drugs. Sounds good when they say they cant set limits, but not for the good reasons you are thinking. Its literally in limbo, grey area. BUT over 100 plants isnt in limbo, and is on the federal law books. It will send you to jail first before you get this grey area issue resolved. Trust me.
I just gotta ask . . . Those 10 MMJ patients you are growing for have ALL ponied up $$ for your attorney's fees, right?
[QUOTEand believe in. as far as i was concerned i had broke no laws and was doing everything by the book[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately many people get sent to jail for what they believe in. Some times its a matter of luck and where you were born. In this country it doesn't matter what you believe in if you broke the law, and knew about it. I think if you had 20 plants, even 25,but you were working on 50 . Unfortunately your the type of person the fedral goverment is targeting. They even came out and said it over and over. That they are looking for people working outside of state law. I think you are clinging to a technicality that wont help you in the long run, the plant limit the state set. The federal government already has a plant limit. I actually think you are pretty close to mandatory minimum territory being close to 500 plants. Id say you really need to stick together with those 10 patients. If they bale on you are you screwed hard imo.