
I think you need a lawyer

LMFAO ... thats sad. but damn ... thats a lotta plants dude. i hate to say that i believe greed may have played some role in your downfall. i wish you the best of luck and hope they dont go too hard on you... but thats a LOT.
yeah amsterdam does ok ... but... not that ok ..
the cafe's are allowed what 500g a day .. and they still have illegal runners and grow houses... they can have 500g a day but cant trasport it on the streets or grow much it the cafes.. its not as legal as you might think ..

i would HATE it to be legalised...
i kind of enjoy the buzz of doing it now... they would sell it in shops .. it would most likely be crap .. and we would pay a fortune for it .. and pluss i would have to get a job again .. there would be no0one to buy it from me ..

keep it illegal thanks... grow your own and dont get greedy or you will end up like this guy ...

in my opinion risks = rewards.. if there was no more risk it wouldnt be as rewarding for me .. and it would become a bad habbit and i would probably quit or find something else to work on ..
read the fucking thread all you dumb fucks claiming that he was "greedy."
he was growing for 10 documented sick people and only 60 were mature with 150 that were going outdoors and the rest were seedlings with sex still to be determined so I say he's well within reason.
good luck on your fight tho man. dont let all these people who cant even read a couple pages discourage you. I also live in northern california and if you win this case itll be a huge win for medical growers nationwide.
I too think that full legalization will fuck a lot of shit up and the tobacco companies that'll switch to actual commercial operations will lobby hard to the govt to keep an even closer eye on the home growers.
keep up the fight tho man

:leaf: :leaf: :leaf:
if you create a collective you can grow up to 100 mature plants in Mendocino county, effective march 2010
Here's the very first and OPENING post. This is the post which draws the responses from new ppl to the thread....

i am a 215 patient. i recently got served with a search warrant and to make a long story short i was arrested foe having to many plants. anybody that would like to support me i will be going to court in trinity county on march 25th at 9am. if anyone is local to that area and could come to the courthouse in my behalf would be greatly appreciated!

please come support me in the cause to be able to cultivate medicine. 445 plants were taken in the asault, only 60 were mature, the rest were seedlings or clones that did not even have roots. we need to ban together and stop big brother from limiting what we are allowed to grow for us and the people we are trying trying help.

anybody in the area that can come support the cause would be greatly appreciated! please come support the cause!

thank you all in advance!


That's what ppl are going by.... why it is important to make your first post the best post.
i got that ,,, but still 6 plants per person ... abviously every couple of weeks with that many clones etc .. so they smoke 12oz ish every 2-3 weeks ... you sure about that ..

they must be very sick ..
im sorry you got busted and yeah if i lived in cali i would rock up but .. im just saying its obv too much for what you say or others say you needed it for...

i dont want to be hated on for saying it but its just my opinion .. it will be hard to get away with it in my opinion .. all the best to you ..
i got that ,,, but still 6 plants per person ... abviously every couple of weeks with that many clones etc .. so they smoke 12oz ish every 2-3 weeks ... you sure about that ..

they must be very sick ..
im sorry you got busted and yeah if i lived in cali i would rock up but .. im just saying its obv too much for what you say or others say you needed it for...

i dont want to be hated on for saying it but its just my opinion .. it will be hard to get away with it in my opinion .. all the best to you ..

I agree with this as well.

I would suggest that Kinex start getting a hold of some doctors and he will need his "patients" to go visit their doctors as also.

Prolly the only hope is that they can prove that they need near that amount. If they can get close to the amount that was being grown and can prove the method that was to take place of sexing and only picking the best clones. Then he might get away with no charges. Or hit up the clubs for a note from them stating the he helps supply the dispensary and is a caregiver for many more than his 10 cards.
thanks notoriousb! some of you are so ignorant! im gonna say it one more time........THE SUPREME COURT SAYS IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF MEDICINE OR THE QUANTITY OF PLANTS HE MAY CULTIVATE! and thats with one single card.
Damn i just went through this whole thread. That sucks im sorry to hear this happened to you. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully with you having a good lawyer you will be able to get out of this. Wish i could be there to support you. Really sucks that you were technically doing nothing wrong and they took all your shit. That seems like the biggest pain in the ass that they took all your hard work. I have a feeling you will win the case and i hope you do but your plants are gone. Either way i wish you the best of luck and will be praying for you and will support you anyway i can. GOODLUCK
10 patients....445 plants....44.5 per patient..... I did read the bill...... and you seem to fall outside of it.

"Consistent to the patients needs" 44.5 plants per patient.

They don't want ppl growing oversupply.....because it will be abused. They figure you are going to have a HUGE amount of oversupply.....unless you are a terrible grower.....are you?

I hope it works out for you.....but reducing your plants by 3/4 would've kept you out of this mess, and still allowed you to serve your patients.
bro, only 60 were flowering! over half were seedlings that were 2" tall! so getting back to your formula its 60 divided by to. 6 plants per patient. if you people would just read! come on now!
I didn't see the part in the bill about limits on PHASES of growth.... all I saw were totalities.

Growing within reason of a patients needs....I think there is your entire source of trouble....unless you didn't have your paperwork in order as well (?).

Is there an exception for phases of growth? I didn't see it, and would appreciate you pointing it out....thanks.

One would CERTAINLY think that 12 plants of MMJ (high potency) would yield a years worth of bud.....or the patients need a better grower. be glad I am not the prosecutor trying to make points on the issue.
nothing is stated about the stage of growt, your right there. go back to page 2 and 3 of the ruling. In 1996, the California electorate approved Proposition 215 and adopted the CUA,
which provides: “Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, and Section
11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, shall not apply to a patient, or to a
patient‟s primary caregiver, who possesses or cultivates marijuana for the personal
medical purposes of the patient upon the written or oral recommendation or approval of a
physician.” a better grower, im laughing! thats why the mediacal dispenceries cant wait till im going again! i got brought here from another state to do what i do. i been doing it 20+ years and rest assured i got it down to a science. give me a break! lmao
I'm merely pointing out what is an obvious observation.... by the public.

45 plants per patient? They are going to assume weed is flowing out the back door.

That's why you got busted....

I stay high every day and am not smoking anything near as potent as some of the MMJ strains. I know that I can smoke all year on a dozen plants.

I just think you are 4 times past the "comfort" zone maybe more... and that is why you are being troubled.
Again.... if I was prosecuting you.... i would keep repeating that number over and over again .... 445.
and my lawyer would say "OBJECTION YOUR HONOR" and its 6 plants per patient. my extra goes to the dispenseries. am i not entitled to make a living. i drive a 69 bug. i dont flaunt or advertise what im doing. it takes a lot of time and money to do this properly as you well know! i have a buisness license and sellers permit from the board of equalization. by the letter of the law i am NOT doing a thing wrong. in your eyes and some others maybe i was over the top. if it werent for people like me there would not be enough medicine for the people who really need it! i have 2 M.S. patients that smoke over an ounce a day. a couple on kemo that eat that much a day to keep from puking their guts out! some of the posts i have read make me want to puke my guts out!