
Ain't that the truth. Frickin bagheads give drug users a bad name.

My best wishes also, I hope you set a good precedent to show that helping someone out by growing for them does not make you a commercial grower. I've thought about the differences in law I have learned about from this forum (I'm in the UK, which is fairly relaxed, but not towards growers, the laws in places like cali and canada would be great) quite a bit whilst dipping into this thread and a complicated situation has not become any simpler despite, it seems, the law having moved forward in the right direction in some corners of the western world.

Best of luck, hope they haven't mashed your crop (seems almost certain they would have)
My big cuz stays in Costa Mesa,he was telling me the pigs busted and shut down a lot of dispensaries.Make your mind up pigs!!I might be moving to LA and I want to continue growing but fuck,if they keep harrassing people like that I would be a paranoid android!!
It's people like you who ruin it for everyone else !!!!
The MAN gives you permission to grow, and you can't even follow his simple rules.
Your getting what you deserve !!

no one deserves to be threatened with incarceration for gardening

in my humble opinion

but i have to admit that i laughed a little when i read the number 445.

best of luck fighting "da man"
just a quick update. i got a call at 1130 wed. morning saying that i had to be in court. i get there and nobody knows anything. my lawyer goes up to the d.a.'s office to see wtf. they have the police reports and he was told it's still under review. i know trinity county is corrupt and broke but does this seem odd to anyone else?
just a quick update. i got a call at 1130 wed. morning saying that i had to be in court. i get there and nobody knows anything. my lawyer goes up to the d.a.'s office to see wtf. they have the police reports and he was told it's still under review. i know trinity county is corrupt and broke but does this seem odd to anyone else?

What does the attorney say... This is just wierd. Sounds like you may have a case to file suit for lose of medicine for you and the members of the co-op.

Charge me or give me my property. There has to be a law against holding my property without charging me with something within a given amount of time!!!!
just a quick update. i got a call at 1130 wed. morning saying that i had to be in court. i get there and nobody knows anything. my lawyer goes up to the d.a.'s office to see wtf. they have the police reports and he was told it's still under review. i know trinity county is corrupt and broke but does this seem odd to anyone else?

Yes...very odd.

ya heres what they say, some h&s codes they have 1 year and some i heard they have 2 years to file charges from date of arrest. i am not used to such a bassakwarde legal system. i dont want to start making a big stink right now but another month goes by my lawyer has to get my shit back. it has been fked starting over. im just glad i had some shit in storage to get going right away. hel ill be harvesting 12 in about 10 days. only because i tried to set a patient up to do it themselves but they started to flower them right away. i saved them because if she would have kept them thet would have been dead. just goes to show not everyone can grow good medicine!

and on a side note. i was inside a comercial set up yesterday. a medical dispensary. what do you think their plant count was? 1000 clones rooting. 100 rooted clones in small pots. 2000 plants in veg and 1000 plants flowering. and some say i was comercial, whatever!

i do think that things will work themselves out. my fingers are crossed!

and on a side note. i was inside a comercial set up yesterday. a medical dispensary. what do you think their plant count was? 1000 clones rooting. 100 rooted clones in small pots. 2000 plants in veg and 1000 plants flowering. and some say i was comercial, whatever!

Pics or BAN!!!

Good luck man. At this point, sounds like things will go your way.

well they had a search warrant looking for someone that used to live here months ago. your not going to believe this but they took 17 lights and ballasts. 14 1000 and 3 600. i know its quite a bit of electricity but the electric company didnt turn me in. it was just really bad dumb luck!

Wait a minute. Are you sure? Have you gotten your discovery paper work yet? This comment poses several issues that may work in your favor. If they were not there for marijuana and it was not listed on the warrant then your evidence should be supressed based on improper search and seizure. Do you know the person who they were looking for, or was it like a previous tenant or something?

I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist but is it possible your power company notified the coppers and they came up with some bullshit to come inside?

DEFINETLY discuss this with your lawyer.

Just got busted myself (in a non med state) looking at a possible 5-15. GL with your case and ill say my prayers for you. Please do the same.
damm sorry to hear that purrrrple! that is why i left idaho. didnt want to do the time! i am saying my prayers for ya bro! as far as the guy on the warrant goes he just used to be a tennant. been gone since nov. they did say they were here for drug sales and he did used to get his hands dirty i have heard. as far as the utility company goes i was afraid of that in idaho but not here. i have talked to the power guy. trust me they know whats going on and really they dont care. if they did the guy whos name is on the power bill would have been on the arrest warrant. the warrant did say cultivation but they were guessing. i saw the look on their faces when they saw, they didnt have a clue! it has been 6 weeks since my arrest. the d.a. has had the police reports for some time. my araignment never happened and i havent heard a thing from my lawyer. at this point i think no news is good news. i will be patient and i will ask my lawyer when he feels the time is right to ask for my shit back. i wish you the best and will say a prayer for the both of us! good luck to you!
Always sad to hear another grower gettin turned over,the cops are bastards in every country,must be the authority complex.Hope it works out for you guys,think op will beat this get your lawyer to find out if they fucked up on the warrant,and if your chancing it askin for your stuff back.Good luck!
i am a 215 patient. i recently got served with a search warrant and to make a long story short i was arrested foe having to many plants. anybody that would like to support me i will be going to court in trinity county on march 25th at 9am. if anyone is local to that area and could come to the courthouse in my behalf would be greatly appreciated!

please come support me in the cause to be able to cultivate medicine. 445 plants were taken in the asault, only 60 were mature, the rest were seedlings or clones that did not even have roots. we need to ban together and stop big brother from limiting what we are allowed to grow for us and the people we are trying trying help.

anybody in the area that can come support the cause would be greatly appreciated! please come support the cause!

thank you all in advance!


positive vibes to you

are you yankee,canuck or other?
typical white behaviour though... so scared of your women finding out... guess what? they already did bitch. they already fuck with us for better entertainment. if you knew, you'd never kiss your white mama :))) Fuck you moderator.

If your black like the half of me, you are so fucking embarrassing and dumb wtf is your problem, why being to racist on damn forum for some weed what an asshole.

People like you make other people think badly about us.
some thing kinda similar happend to me i was arrested on tickets they found some herb on me gav me a court date when time came around i went and there was no case i had to go to some special office in the court house and they told me not enough grounds to prosecute insuffiant evidence lol, but they did tell me that if they come up with anything else in the next two years it will be used in that case. it was half an o not much but still i didn t ask for it back cut your losses if you not going to jail don t press your luck dude i am sure it sucks missing all that but would you rather them looking at you harder all the time and having to worry about anything they can pull up from the past on you.another buddy of mine got raided and they siezed everything on a faulty search warrent with my name at his address they got 4k lights carbons basically all the equip. and a p and a half. he got off on giving a 1000 donation to the police a the lawyer told him cut your losses and dont push your luck its cheaper to go buy more then to keep paying him lol. to get stuff back