
Ahh shit another man down!! Sound the horns!! Yeah laws are fucked and cops are always on witch hunts. I wish you the best of luck man.

I got to pg 14 and couldn't handle the bashing so I don't know if this is in there, but could you please break down/explain how the search warrant or raid went? Did you notice anything funny a few days/weeks before? Anything that would help someone else spot the trail of doughnuts leading from your house? This person that they had the warrant for did you know them and did they live their before or something? You love to hear the details?
yep he lived here before i moved in. lets say i took his place because he was a lazy bastard. i had no idea what he was doing and to make side money he would do some big deals. 50 - 100 lb at a time. i find this out after i take over. he pissed someone off and who knows wtf happened for sure. i had all my paper work in order and never thought, based on the law and our situation that this would ever happen, even if they did come. when i tell you they didnt know what they were walking into and got lucky! they came here for a drug dealer, not a caregiver. i know under the letter of the law i am not a care giver but we have it set up as a colective with members. all extra medicine went to medical disp. and taxes were paid. business license, sellers permit and case law were in order. the cops didnt know wtf to do so they cut it down and took it. it has been over 2 mo. since my arrest and still no charges have been filed. i have a friend in mendo county. cops took 300 lbs. 20,000k and two quads after harvest last year. he was arrested begining of oct. same thing, no charges were ever filed. we are slowly getting back on our feet but that was so close to just ruining my life. im praying for a good outdoor season to make up for the 100k loss! thanks for the good wishes!
Anything that would help someone else spot the trail of doughnuts leading from your house?

Yeah...I get nervous if I see sprinkles on the sidewalk...

the cops didnt know wtf to do so they cut it down and took it. it has been over 2 mo. since my arrest and still no charges have been filed. i have a friend in mendo county. cops took 300 lbs. 20,000k and two quads after harvest last year. he was arrested begining of oct. same thing, no charges were ever filed. we are slowly getting back on our feet but that was so close to just ruining my life. im praying for a good outdoor season to make up for the 100k loss! thanks for the good wishes!

Sounds like the pigs have found a way around the law...just don't press charges...This kind of policy is fucking harassment!...Of a certain class of people...It is a hate crime!!!!!!!!!!!...Damn I hate cops:fire:
yep he lived here before i moved in. lets say i took his place because he was a lazy bastard. i had no idea what he was doing and to make side money he would do some big deals. 50 - 100 lb at a time. i find this out after i take over. he pissed someone off and who knows wtf happened for sure. i had all my paper work in order and never thought, based on the law and our situation that this would ever happen, even if they did come. when i tell you they didnt know what they were walking into and got lucky! they came here for a drug dealer, not a caregiver. i know under the letter of the law i am not a care giver but we have it set up as a colective with members. all extra medicine went to medical disp. and taxes were paid. business license, sellers permit and case law were in order. the cops didnt know wtf to do so they cut it down and took it. it has been over 2 mo. since my arrest and still no charges have been filed. i have a friend in mendo county. cops took 300 lbs. 20,000k and two quads after harvest last year. he was arrested begining of oct. same thing, no charges were ever filed. we are slowly getting back on our feet but that was so close to just ruining my life. im praying for a good outdoor season to make up for the 100k loss! thanks for the good wishes!

I hope you don't mind all the questions and you don't have to answer if I'm getting too much into personal stuff, but did you knock or kick in the doors SWAT style? Did this previous tenant grow there?

Sounds like you are all good to me now. They probably trimmed your shit since it was close like you said and sold it back to someone else that they jacked their shit and use to money to check their payroll going. Nobody wants to get laid off now. How else can they afford to bust people all the time and not file charges? Especially when they are broke. Who knows they might be selling your pot in the prisons/jails. You could sell an 1/8th for easy hundred in the slammer. Weirder things have happened, but this is just some crazy stoned idea I came up with.:?:
yes the duche bag that lived here before me tried to grow! i took his place from the recomendation of my friend at the laoal hydro shop that said i got a guy for you. i had no idea that the fucker was setting up illeagal drug deals on the side. the bottom line is he did not live here and had been gone for months. it is an election year and the fucker in charge is running for sheriff!
yes the duche bag that lived here before me tried to grow! i took his place from the recomendation of my friend at the laoal hydro shop that said i got a guy for you. i had no idea that the fucker was setting up illeagal drug deals on the side. the bottom line is he did not live here and had been gone for months. it is an election year and the fucker in charge is running for sheriff!

With the laws they way they are this is going to happen all the time and us as the people can really do too much. Don't get me wrong we can change it, but nothing in the Government is fast and eveyone knows this. So please be careful and remember lose lips sink ships. I know that you feel like you where in the right, but it might be time to move to another spot. I have read a story from a month ago in the NW where this MMJ clinic got into a small shoot out with robber, but the robber used to live there too..
All you guys who are kicking the op's ass with bs are pretty lame,what type grower do you think supplies most of your suppliers .

Ive been where your at right now & lost everything i owned including 2.5 years wasted sitting in prison.

Its all about getting the right lawyer at this point because your at the federal level of prosecution, a lawyer who is well versed in 420 laws & who has successfully defended clients with your level of charges is what you need to hire.

Even if you have to borrow from family dont fuk around & get the best,i spent over $20,000 in lawyer fees in the early 80's & it made all the difference,my charges got bumped down to the point my trial took place in local jurisdiction instead of fedeal resulting in a 2.5 yr sentance instead of a 20 yr to life sentance in federal courts.
How could you even use all of that? How is this thread still up top? He went to Court last month. LOL Or did I just not read something?
How could you even use all of that? How is this thread still up top? He went to Court last month. LOL Or did I just not read something?

Nothing happened when he showed up at court. They told him that they had not heard of his case. He is waiting for a charge and a new court date.

I stumbled upon this thread this morning. I only read the posts made by Kinex, but I will be checking back frequently for updates, keep them coming.

Good luck too homie...
Should we like..get out and vote or somethin

I think the case should be dismissed since the warrant was under someone elses name, a long gone tenant.

Or he should be able to prove that he is a caregiver, maybe get a dispensary to back him, and it should be a closed case.

To bad he had so many clones. Ultimately the law states, even on NRML's site that: although senate bill 420 was removed, the county/city still has the ability to set limits for patients. It also says on their site that; if the county does not set limits it may fall back on the limits that "were" in place per SB 420. So if not for the high clone count he would have been within those limits as well, with the 10 cards.

Kinex you may want to do some more research on the laws, sounds like your in cali.
i am a 215 patient. i recently got served with a search warrant and to make a long story short i was arrested foe having to many plants. anybody that would like to support me i will be going to court in trinity county on march 25th at 9am. if anyone is local to that area and could come to the courthouse in my behalf would be greatly appreciated!

please come support me in the cause to be able to cultivate medicine. 445 plants were taken in the asault, only 60 were mature, the rest were seedlings or clones that did not even have roots. we need to ban together and stop big brother from limiting what we are allowed to grow for us and the people we are trying trying help.

anybody in the area that can come support the cause would be greatly appreciated! please come support the cause!

thank you all in advance!


exactly why legalization (if it ever happens) will not be left up to the citizen grower. it's too hard to track and enforce.

Big Ag and tobacco will do it..... because of folks who bend whatever break they are given.

You may want to do a little research yourself.
California Supreme Court: State’s Marijuana Possession Limits Are A Floor!

I also spoke to my doctor about limits. I began discussion with him in Jan. I last spoke to him in March. In Jan I was working on getting him to authorize me to grow SOG and have "no limit" posted on my script like some of my buddies.

By the time I was going to go in and get it the supreme court ruled in favor of that gentlemen with the multiple diseases and therefore the SB 420 was lifted.

My doctor told me that in order for people to be growing that quantity they need to be able to prove that they require that much medicine.

So regardless of that ruling on prop 420, YOU are still limited. Call your doctor and ask what your limit is. Ask them how much smoke and how many you can grow under your script you might find yourself protected up to a lesser amount than prop 420 stated. Look it up by county on NRML's website. Read what their site to say about the supreme court ruling and limitations. They are the ones who have truly done the research.
exactly why legalization (if it ever happens) will not be left up to the citizen grower. it's too hard to track and enforce.

Big Ag and tobacco will do it..... because of folks who bend whatever break they are given.

Preach on brother...

I am not ready for it to go legal. I'm legal.

Everybody's all like "legalize it... there's nothing wrong with it... then we can grow and smoke..."

BS. It is still going to be governed like tobacco or alcohol. Prolly still only at dispensaries. The only reason the govern would allow it, is to get their cut. Not so you can get yours.
Preach on brother...

I am not ready for it to go legal. I'm legal.

Everybody's all like "legalize it... there's nothing wrong with it... then we can grow and smoke..."

BS. It is still going to be governed like tobacco or alcohol. Prolly still only at dispensaries. The only reason the govern would allow it, is to get their cut. Not so you can get yours.

The govt. will always take the path of least resistance when it comes to taxes....

home grown does not fit into it.... at all.
I understand the desire.....truly.... but it's simply not realistic.

Especially now....with the current govt. See them doing ANYTHING small? :lol:
At least homegrowers who just like to smoke their own will be legal, all the med guys are happy but what bout the guys who just want to get stoned?wish Britain would legalize it.Amsterdam does ok.