BUTANE OIL CAN KILL YOU!!! Any over use or abuse of smoking pot. Born in Seattle raised in Oregon master grower, hash and oil maker of all types with 3 trips to Amsterdam. In my prime I could smoke any of you under the table(was known for taking 1g knife hits and 6ft bong hits in 1 pull) I LOVE POT but, I can't smoke it anymore

because I screwed up my lungs. I smoked 1\8 to a 1/2oz of dank and hash a day, most of it had a THC % of 20% or more.I Started when I was 15 I'm now 35 and I have Pleurisy caused by Chronic Bronchial Pneumonia with massive scaring of the lungs caused by smoking pot no cigarettes. I have half the lung capacity I used to and am and a high risk for Lung Cancer. THC is an oil smoking any oil of this type is horrid for your lungs. Please! Please! Moderation is the key with what ever you do smoke only enough to get yourself high and, maybe if your lucky you wont have to quit something you love to keep yourself alive!