Butane is going to kill you guys!

There is nothing in cannabis that will cause you to lose your life so calm down a bit. Switch to edibles if needed. I am genuinely concerned that you may have gotten a contaminated batch that was either extracted with moldy trim, has harmful pesticides, or that plant growth regulators were used during growing. Either way your symptoms are unusual and not conducive to the core components of cannabis, but instead point to some source of contamination possibly not related to your concentrate consumption at all.
Yeah I know guys I'm not trying to say what it is because I don't know for sure. I was just saying they were pretty black and I don't think they were made right or something I'm sorry to bother u guys . I know they r fun and great if made correctly but not everyone makes them right and some people just try and make money don't care who they harm.
I dont believe you

I agree. Doesn't seem possible. The amount of any solvent he'd have to be taking in would be significantly more than is possible through a dab. Even if he got extremely dirty unpurged extract made from methanol, and then immediately drank it all, a quarter ounce still shouldn't be enough to do that.
BUTANE OIL CAN KILL YOU!!! Any over use or abuse of smoking pot. Born in Seattle raised in Oregon master grower, hash and oil maker of all types with 3 trips to Amsterdam. In my prime I could smoke any of you under the table(was known for taking 1g knife hits and 6ft bong hits in 1 pull) I LOVE POT but, I can't smoke it anymore :-( because I screwed up my lungs. I smoked 1\8 to a 1/2oz of dank and hash a day, most of it had a THC % of 20% or more.I Started when I was 15 I'm now 35 and I have Pleurisy caused by Chronic Bronchial Pneumonia with massive scaring of the lungs caused by smoking pot no cigarettes. I have half the lung capacity I used to and am and a high risk for Lung Cancer. THC is an oil smoking any oil of this type is horrid for your lungs. Please! Please! Moderation is the key with what ever you do smoke only enough to get yourself high and, maybe if your lucky you wont have to quit something you love to keep yourself alive!

I don't think any of that damage is from THC. I think it is entirely from how hard and often you were coughing after smoking a 1/2 oz. every day. Take as many small tokes as you want, don't hack up a lung every time, and enjoy party peoples.
Thank you to all who supplied good laughs and especially to those who took the time to defend BHO.

Where's the like button when you need it???

Only thing this thread did was reinforce what I already thought about BHO..that if made correctly it is not harmful.

Dan Kone, I too am a believer that dabbing properly purged BHO is healthier than smoking flower. Especially with a device like an e-nail which holds a proper temp, never allowing you to burn dabs.
(which sucks and could be the reason some aren't fond of the taste?)

flowers contain 10-20% THC on average, that other 80-90% isn't exactly roses and unicorns for your lungs...

That being said I smoke copius amounts of flower, water hash, and BHO..do I question the side effects? Sure.

Do I live the life I love and believe in what I do? You can bet your bottom dollar on that!

Bless up grow fam!
Okay every one you Gus want personal proof.? I'm 19 mostly healthy , workout lil bit. got dabs around a quarter . Smoke them for a week pretty chroniclly too btw an I never coughed at all ever. TRUST ME!! And then started getting all kinds of pain and burning sensation. Long story short been hospital 4times . Lost feeling in my whole body. Can't hear things. Can't see things and now I can't taste things. All from bad dabs and now I'm loosing my life. I'm not joking guys if u don't know what's in them or how there made I wouldn't dare to try. Too late for me I guess.:((

Your symptoms are remarkably absent in the heavy medical dabbers in our circles, whom have been doing so for five to ten years, leaving me question what you were dabbing.

Do you know the history of the material extracted, so as to rule out pesticides?

Have you seen a neurologist?
There is nothing in cannabis that will cause you to lose your life so calm down a bit. Switch to edibles if needed. I am genuinely concerned that you may have gotten a contaminated batch that was either extracted with moldy trim, has harmful pesticides, or that plant growth regulators were used during growing. Either way your symptoms are unusual and not conducive to the core components of cannabis, but instead point to some source of contamination possibly not related to your concentrate consumption at all.

exactly !.. im sorry but my uncle has been smoking hashoil for 15 years.. only the last 5 of butane.. the rest was all acetone or labgrade solvents.. and he runs marathons and shit.. and wen he got his lungs checked.. they said his lungs look like a healthy 20-25 year olds lungs.. and hes 59 years old.. been smoking weed for 25 years.. and hash and hashoil for 15. so all i can say is. PROPAGANDA is what the GOVERNMENT puts out there so people will side with them on the war on drugs.

and the only time we have heard of anyone getting sick or fucked up by a weed product was from pesticides and shit that was sprayed on the plants.. there was recently a batch of nugs going around that looked like and smelled like they were used to make hash and then sold as ABC NUGS.
Okay every one you Gus want personal proof.? I'm 19 mostly healthy , workout lil bit. got dabs around a quarter . Smoke them for a week pretty chroniclly too btw an I never coughed at all ever. TRUST ME!! And then started getting all kinds of pain and burning sensation. Long story short been hospital 4times . Lost feeling in my whole body. Can't hear things. Can't see things and now I can't taste things. All from bad dabs and now I'm loosing my life. I'm not joking guys if u don't know what's in them or how there made I wouldn't dare to try. Too late for me I guess.:((

Member Since:
Mar 16,
Posted on Mar 16,

Everyone was trolled on Mar, 16.

Have fun.
Yeah I know guys I'm not trying to say what it is because I don't know for sure. I was just saying they were pretty black and I don't think they were made right or something I'm sorry to bother u guys . I know they r fun and great if made correctly but not everyone makes them right and some people just try and make money don't care who they harm.
I believe you bro. Same shit happened to me. How are you doing now. I'm doing but better but still not 100 percent.
I believe it is possible for some extractions to make folks sick, but I don't accept that it has anything to do with GRAS butane.

I've seen enough BHO extractions contaminated with mold, pesticides, and residual isopropyl alcohol from winterizing to see that as a possibility.

If you are buying your concentrates from an unregulated market, the onus is on you, because it is caveat emptor.
Yeah I know guys I'm not trying to say what it is because I don't know for sure. I was just saying they were pretty black and I don't think they were made right or something I'm sorry to bother u guys . I know they r fun and great if made correctly but not everyone makes them right and some people just try and make money don't care who they harm.

Dude I agree with you I'm going through alot of shit right now from shitty made dabs. You doing ok nowm need an update from you bro. Help me out plz give me some hope here?
Okay every one you Gus want personal proof.? I'm 19 mostly healthy , workout lil bit. got dabs around a quarter . Smoke them for a week pretty chroniclly too btw an I never coughed at all ever. TRUST ME!! And then started getting all kinds of pain and burning sensation. Long story short been hospital 4times . Lost feeling in my whole body. Can't hear things. Can't see things and now I can't taste things. All from bad dabs and now I'm loosing my life. I'm not joking guys if u don't know what's in them or how there made I wouldn't dare to try. Too late for me I guess.:((

Are you doing any better bro. I'm like in same boat as you right now and could use some good news