Bwpz' Bulk Mono Tubs (Albino Penis Envy/PF Albino)

8 days since inoculation. I see growth in approximately 5 rye jars, the picture below being the biggest growth. All of the LCs are looking good (not sure how to tell contamination in an LC, any input on that?). Here's some pictures. The rye jar is APE and the LC is PF Albino.

I circled the growth in the rye jar because it's jar to see that it's on the bottom as well.


I've heard they'll get bruised or shocked or something.

Then why would waiting not bruise them? No, the point is to distribute as much hyphae as possible as quickly as possible. If you go too soon, the only thing that happens is that there isn't enough mycelium to come off on every grain and you will have to shake again. You want this to be as quick as possible, the longer it takes for full colonization the more chance there is of contamination - and the longer it will take to get your fruit.
i see them clean ass forces and what looks like a pair of sb's.sneaker head 4 life haha

Damn straight dude, those are my oldest too. I just got a fresh pair of all white mid forces and some navy blue/white AFJ's.

Gotta stay fresh man :P
i feel you bruh.i got those afj 4's the afj 10's 2 van's.and some chucks.i need some new kicks though.those are a bit tired haha.
i wanna get back on my forces shit
Bummer BWPZ :( I am concerned about mine as well... it looks awful fluffy in my jars I'm posting pics in my thread tho... sucks man! you gotta get outta that billion year old house man!!!
Damn man. If you are 100% sure it is a contam, get that shit out of there!!
As long as its only this jar. Were all bound to lose a few jars here and there ;)
Keep up the good work bro! I'm constructing my log today, too bad it's only cakes this time around.