Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

yes, yes, i can see it all clearly now..mean ole obama obstructing the VA BILL..why?..because the "last minute" amendments had absolutely nothing to do with the bill and all to do with guys would look less like losers if you just would research your statements.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) refused to allow a GOP substitute amendment to get an up-or-down vote because it included Iran sanctions, which he said were unrelated to veterans’ issues.

“I hope all the veterans groups have witnessed all the contortions the Republicans have done to defeat this bill,” Reid said Thursday. “Shame on Republicans for bringing base politics into a bill to help veterans.”

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Come November America won't have to suffer the ravings of that Alzheimer riddled racist any longer.
more man humour

Cant be a chicken sandwich, there is no breast meat....
I am not sure who you are wanting to agree with.

Dont get me wrong, I am more angry with the Republicans right now than the Democrats. The Democrats have put their party platform on steroids while the Republicans cannot seem to find their platform and are trying out some sort of Democrat-Lite platform in the hopes of courting people who theoretically should not be able to vote anyway... The Republicans are so focused on simply winning that they have abandoned

I was talking to buck but i agree with you completely! The propaganda's got this country good.
You are full of shit. .

sorry princess.

mcconnell's own quote says what obama would have to do for them to be willing to work with him. he went beyond that and backed republican ideas.

did the republicans work with him? nope. they ran away from their own ideas.

you are a piece of shit.
sorry princess.

mcconnell's own quote says what obama would have to do for them to be willing to work with him. he went beyond that and backed republican ideas.

did the republicans work with him? nope. they ran away from their own ideas.

you are a piece of shit.

Obama is toast. He can't take a step without stepping on his own dick. The most inept president I have seen since Carter.
Obama is toast. He can't take a step without stepping on his own dick. The most inept president I have seen since Carter.

At least Carter had the decency to get the fuck out of town after his term ended.

Obama is lining himself up to be the community organizer in chief. If he sticks around Washington and complains about the next presidency he will be an embarrassment to the Democratic party.
At least Carter had the decency to get the fuck out of town after his term ended.

Obama is lining himself up to be the community organizer in chief. If he sticks around Washington and complains about the next presidency he will be an embarrassment to the Democratic party.

...says the pool boy.

Why not just call it the UCF and help anyone who wants a higher education but cant afford it. Skin color will not matter.

i think they are looking to level the playing field for those that did not get the 400+ year head start.

what's your history of disadvantages? why do you need help? what persecution have you faced?