Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

If I went to Thailand I wouldn't break any local sexual laws.
You don't want to break any Thai laws at all my friend, they have public corporal punishment there for law breakers. Spit on the sidewalk? Take a bamboo cane to the soles of your feet. Its kind of like a mild form of Judge Dredd there. Beautiful country, clean.
[QUOTE="SmokeyDan, post: 10719996, member: 881561] I just don't see why you would want to give money to a fund that excludes proceeds of its charity solely by race.[/QUOTE]

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Uncle UNCF isn't giving any money to anyone, he just likes to bitch about things. Bitching like a little bitch.

A similar fund doing the same thing except for whites called the United Cracka College Fund would never stand.

remind me when white people were denied entrance to every single college and institution of higher learning across an entire geographic region.

if you can point out when this happened, i will be more than happy to donate the first $20 towards helping whites overcome this horrible act of persecution.
Hey Buck,

When are you going to demand the US gov't give Oklahoma back to the Native Americans? I'd like to hear you pound your drum for us for a change.

not a realistic goal when the right will not even agree to end workplace discrimination against gays.
Too forward thinking for the GOP, them gay rights. There were treaties, they were broken. I know those GOP types love "laws". The atrocities perpetrated by whitey against the natives is well documented and indisputable. Fight for the red people for a while, will ya?

not enough anti-red racists on the forum for me to entertain myself with.
But only black racism. Which makes you a racist.

no, i've expanded into deriving entertainment from your guys' anti-muslim racism, anti-hispanic racism, misogyny, know, whatever is popular among righties at the moment.
I just don't see why you would want to give money to a fund that excludes proceeds of its charity solely by race.

The UNCF is no different than an endowment set up by the kkk for poor white trash, and white only, to benefit from.

How dare you say such things.

Didn't you know that its only racist for white people to do such things?