Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

im not gonna read all the posts in this thread, most are pretty ignorant

i know and see alot of black folks rocking the flag ;)
You dumbass. It started being used after the civil war in many cases. Confederate Imagery didn't start in 1950.

According to MSNBC, that kkk mouthpiece, Georgia is the only state to have incorporated confederate imagry in the modern era, a response to civil rights. No where else.

What the article gets wrong is most southern state flags have confederate imagry, TN has incorporated a stripe on the edge, long time ago, as a nod to the third national flag of the confederacy.

fuck any 10 year olds lately?
In any case, I have no desire to fight with you. I would rather not even be involved in this anymore, as it's just clearly bad juju and I don't have anything truly invested in it, as I'm a Yankee like I said.
..Uncle Buck, this says "reappearance," not original appearance. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you kind of proved yourself wrong.
I guess I should say "not about racial hatred." It was racist, in that enslaving a race based on perceived racial hierarchy is still racist, but it was about money, not hatred.
I have no objections to changing the future, but you can't do that by erasing the past, even the parts we may not like. I certainly do not agree with slavery. I'm just telling you what accepted history says. I clearly wasn't there.
This is incorrect, to my knowledge. Look at the old flags of certain states before they were removed and replaced solely due to peoples' disdain for the stars and bars. It was the Rebel battle standard in certain instances, or so I've been led to believe. Otherwise, you know I have no issue with you, UB.
You're correct here. Buck would just rather distort reality to suit his agenda.
You're correct here. Buck would just rather distort reality to suit his agenda.

it wasn't the flag of the confederacy. it is no one's heritage.

its creator made it as a symbol of white supremacy and the south started flying the flag in response to the civil rights movement.

it wasn't the flag of the confederacy. it is no one's heritage.

its creator made it as a symbol of white supremacy and the south started flying the flag in response to the civil rights movement.

It was the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, the largest unit in the Confederate Army.
only for a short while. and its creator made it as a symbol of white supremacy. and it was totally forgotten about until it became time to put blacks down again.

these are simple historical facts.
I couldn't comment yea or nay on the latter, I just mean the roots of it. But I do agree that a good number of people have bastardized its original purpose, which was a battle standard like that of any other unit within a country's Army.