Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

The Germans I'm sure have war memorials to their fallen in their homes and towns. Soldiers are soldiers. No one is driving around the autobahn in an iron cross painted car fucking with people.

The Nazis started over economics at first too. Then the scapegoating with the jews and others. I know Reconstruction played a huge part in Northern resentment and the development of that rebel mentality.

I know The Marshall plan was put in place so that same defeated resentment wouldn't come back to bite America with WW3.

I guess we fucked up reconstruction but how long will that resentment last? Its been 150 years. We dropped 2 bombs on the Japanese 70 years but they aren't driving with Tojo flags around being assholes all over the place.
Allowing them to fly the flag is what makes this country great. We don't have to agree with each other. Just leave each other the hell alone. Slavery is gone. There is a black president. There is still more catching up to do but we have come a long way.

Sounds like you are a hater on southerners. Pack up daddy and roll out if you are so uncomfortable.

Your remarks are just as hateful as someone going on about gold teeth or tiny Jew hats. Looking silly is a right we all have.

Sit back and laugh at their ignorance bro. That way you are above it instead of adding to the hate.
I dunno, man. I totally understand and respect your opinions, and I know where you're coming from, though not to the same extent. I'm mostly white, but 1/8th Cherokee on my mom's side, and I check White and Native American on demographics sheets, so I can't say I know the plight of an African-American. All I'm saying is, there is a very thin line between what we're saying and it boils down to ideology and opinion. I say waste the people who bring forth to you, their hatred and violence. But I believe to the rest, live and let die.
I don't hate Southerners exclusively it's just more predominant here. My brother ate shit in upstate NY for 4 years. He looks like a 300lb Mexican. First bar he walks into he gets "we don't serve your kind here". My brother responded with "you don't serve Marines you stupid fuck?

(Everybody was kung fu fighting starts playing.)
I don't hate Southerners exclusively it's just more predominant here. My brother ate shit in upstate NY for 4 years. He looks like a 300lb Mexican. First bar he walks into he gets "we don't serve your kind here". My brother responded with "you don't serve Marines you stupid fuck?

(Everybody was kung fu fighting starts playing.)
Pretty fucked, man. Ignorant people. I saw more racists in Brooklyn than in Georgia. Around Fort Benning (Near Columbus) and near Fort Gordon (Outside of Augusta) it's predominantly Black. But I know there are those areas down there where it's nothing like that.
Still got your twang, Bud?

I know a lot of SC doesn't have the accent, but you know.
i do locally, but i was raised by my family, almost all of them migrated to sc in the late 60's, early 70's. still have familly in grand rapids, flint, bay city, ann arbor, and also columbus ohio.

they don't have an accent. i do when i'm being friendly, and even though i'm not the 'twangy' type, a lifetime in the southeast has put a tinge on my tongue. it is funny, however, that everyone here asks me where i'm from, lol.
Show articles of succesion with specific
References to the states succeeding because of slavery.
And you still say it wasn't fought over slavery
Title says it all. Why has one has ever tied the confederate flag to the proud actions of the Southern colonies and then states during the revolutionary war and war of 1812? Or why not use a different flag that honors those actions as opposed to the slavery and discrimination still attached to the stars and bars?
I've not read the thread but I'm going to answer your question.

Im sort of southern. My region of the south didbt have slaves. Not that they were illegal, so very few could afford them. The population here didn't want to break with the union and most of those who fought from the areas of Appalachia went to fight for the blue team. Today though, all the rednecks fly the rebel flag.

I see you refered to it as the "stars and bars." that is a common mistake. The rebel flag is not the stars and bars. The rebel flag is a soldiers flag. What you see today is a conglomeration of a theme that manifested itself on dozens of regimental or divisional flags of the confederate army. Each one had a unique banner to identify itself on the battle field. The rebel flag became popular on such flags.

The stars and bars is the name for the flag that represented the government of the Confederacy. Like the Stars and Stripes represents the US government/nation, the stars and bars was similar. It had a blue square in the top left, with 13 white stars. And red and white bars going horizontal. The bars were much thicker than on the US flag. This is the "First National Flag" of the confederacy.

The rebel flag is the same design as the Scottish flag. Theirs is blue with a white cross, St. Andrews cross. An X on the flag. The rebel flag is red and blue with white stars in the cross.

So the "Stars and Bars" represented the government that waged war to defend slavery. The rebel flag represented the soldiers that fought in that was. Even southern black soldiers fought under that flag.

The ironic thing is that recently when southern states, Georgia comes to mind, recieved pressure to change their flag to something that didn't represent slavery, they took the rebel flag off their state flag and made a copy of the first national flag... The stars and bars.

And those who protested the rebel flag becuaus of its connotation to slavery, they were appeased with the actual slave flag.
Honestly thanks for the lesson. Insightful and concise. So it has been co-opted by assholes. Funny you mention the Scottish flag as a few houses have them flying together with the Confederate flag around here. Nice houses too.
Honestly thanks for the lesson. Insightful and concise. So it has been co-opted by assholes. Funny you mention the Scottish flag as a few houses have them flying together with the Confederate flag around here. Nice houses too.
The Scots settled heavily in the south. I suspect that is the primary driver in why they chose the design they did for the rebel flag.

I view it as a symbol of pride tarnished with modern white trash ignorance. Their reasons were regretable. But there is something admirable about the old south. It wasn't like most would think today.

Poor whites had it bad. Slaves with bad owners had it worse. Every southern city had a population of free blacks that owned things. Hell some free blacks even owned slaves. Many owned businesses in cities and were respected members of society, although not fully accepted in society as equal. But the outright racism we saw from the 1870s thorough the early 20th century was less common and much less oppressive.

Its a much more complicated relationship and era than it is often thought of today.
Honestly thanks for the lesson. Insightful and concise. So it has been co-opted by assholes. Funny you mention the Scottish flag as a few houses have them flying together with the Confederate flag around here. Nice houses too.
It wasn't co-opted. It was resurrected from the grave and flown over the state capitals in the south when the battles for desegregation and civil rights occurred in the late 50s and 60s.
It wasn't co-opted. It was resurrected from the grave and flown over the state capitals in the south when the battles for desegregation and civil rights occurred in the late 50s and 60s.
You dumbass. It started being used after the civil war in many cases. Confederate Imagery didn't start in 1950.

According to MSNBC, that kkk mouthpiece, Georgia is the only state to have incorporated confederate imagry in the modern era, a response to civil rights. No where else.

What the article gets wrong is most southern state flags have confederate imagry, TN has incorporated a stripe on the edge, long time ago, as a nod to the third national flag of the confederacy.
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Why did you move to the south and then choose to complain about the southern flag?

that wasn't even the souther flag you retard. they only started flying it during civil rights to intimidate blacks. it was invented and used as a symbol of white supremacy. its creator even said so.

go be stupid elswhere, perhaps while failing at your business.
that wasn't even the souther flag you retard. they only started flying it during civil rights to intimidate blacks. it was invented and used as a symbol of white supremacy. its creator even said so.

go be stupid elswhere, perhaps while failing at your business.
This is incorrect, to my knowledge. Look at the old flags of certain states before they were removed and replaced solely due to peoples' disdain for the stars and bars. It was the Rebel battle standard in certain instances, or so I've been led to believe. Otherwise, you know I have no issue with you, UB.