Can God be . . .


New Member
I believe life pulses in natural cycles.

I remember long ago the fascination of watching what happens when Humanity not only focused, but utilized its FULL brain potential.


New Member
We are a link to a future model, if we make it.

Someday, there will be another figure ahead of us.............:wink: We are not the final product, that much I think is quite obvious. Only extinction can prevent the change. Maybe socialism.communism.


Well-Known Member
@ CrackerJax, that time line mocks evolution, it doesn't tell it's story.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed 5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is part of the brain's left parietal lobe which they call the "orientation association area." It is apparently the region which helps recognize where the line is between the physical self and the rest of the universe. It requires a constant stream of neural information flowing from the senses to maintain that distinction. The scans showed that during the peak moments of prayer and meditation the neural information flow was dramatically reduced. They reasoned that with the brain deprived of information about the "real world", the person would experience the sense of the limitless feeling of unity with the universe, reported by those having the religious experience.

We are hard wired to fill in the gaps...... it's a tool of evolution. I think it is intertwined to the thread topic.

Without evolution, there would be no G*D concept at all.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read many books on Neuroscience - but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.

Kidding aside, I think about the God question a lot. Sorry, but I'm warning you now I have a lot to say on this subject. I apologize before hand, because I'm getting the ideas in my head that i've been wresting with and typing them out here.

If I may respond to CrackerJack first; I think it's to easy to say it's all in our brain and that it's simply part of our evolution. The God question for me is much deeper then that. Its like asking what caused the spark of life. Why is fire innate and a bird living? As much as I wish, evolution doesn't go there. Instead, it only explains what we have observed.

Abiogenesis is so cutting edge and lacks so much funding you can't make heads or tails of what those guys are doing. Last I heard on & is that scientist have taken the outer membrane of one cell and replaced its guts (mitochondria) with another cell and it sprang alive. It's a big deal for sure, but were still breaking ice here.

Woodstock.Hippie idea of "pulse energy" makes the most sense to me. When I think about it really hard, I think of the early universe confined to a state of a singularity. To help me visual this, I get graph paper and draw a line-graph: one vertical line for height, then a horizontal line through it's center forming a "t" for width, then another line coming out of it's center for depth. If you plot numbers 0, 1, 2, 4... across each line, then the point where everything meets is zero. Now imagine grabbing an electron microscope and looking at the atoms in the center. You keep zooming until you find the atom that is at the center. You pass the orbits of electrons and you come to the nucleus. Here you'll find quarks clumped together. Quarks are the smallest unit we know of. If you accept what string theorist say, they suggest that all quarks are just vibrating energy, like strings on a guitar. Each set of nuclei just a different vibration or notes.

So everything is vibrating energy and all regions of space-time were once located in a region called a singularity 13.7 million years ago. If there is a god, he would have to be entwined in the energy itself or be outside of the singularity.

If he was entwined, why haven't we found him? He would have to be either a force energy or a particle. Either of which we should have detected by now. Oh but that's right, there is one particle called a gluon that we haven't yet detected. It's aptly named the "God Particle." If we find it using the Large Hadron Collider, then we can safely safe we have searched high and low and found every type of particle and energy in our region of small region of space, Earth.

I do think we'll find the God Particle. But I don't think we'll find that god is in there. So that's a bit of a bummer isn't it. I'm now forced to believe that if there is a god, he has to be outside of the singularity. And anything that exists outside our singularity -- be it another universe, an undetectable force, whatever... --- can have absolutely no effect on our universe. Be that as it may, might as well just call it non-existent.


Well-Known Member
This is by far the best G*D thread on Rollitup to date.

Praise ye the almighty Provider of balanced nutrition!
I haven't read many books on Neuroscience - but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.

Kidding aside, I think about the God question a lot. Sorry, but I'm warning you now I have a lot to say on this subject. I apologize before hand, because I'm getting the ideas in my head that i've been wresting with and typing them out here.

If I may respond to CrackerJack first; I think it's to easy to say it's all in our brain and that it's simply part of our evolution. The God question for me is much deeper then that. Its like asking what caused the spark of life. Why is fire innate and a bird living? As much as I wish, evolution doesn't go there. Instead, it only explains what we have observed.

Abiogenesis is so cutting edge and lacks so much funding you can't make heads or tails of what those guys are doing. Last I heard on & is that scientist have taken the outer membrane of one cell and replaced its guts (mitochondria) with another cell and it sprang alive. It's a big deal for sure, but were still breaking ice here.

Woodstock.Hippie idea of "pulse energy" makes the most sense to me. When I think about it really hard, I think of the early universe confined to a state of a singularity. To help me visual this, I get graph paper and draw a line-graph: one vertical line for height, then a horizontal line through it's center forming a "t" for width, then another line coming out of it's center for depth. If you plot numbers 0, 1, 2, 4... across each line, then the point where everything meets is zero. Now imagine grabbing an electron microscope and looking at the atoms in the center. You keep zooming until you find the atom that is at the center. You pass the orbits of electrons and you come to the nucleus. Here you'll find quarks clumped together. Quarks are the smallest unit we know of. If you accept what string theorist say, they suggest that all quarks are just vibrating energy, like strings on a guitar. Each set of nuclei just a different vibration or notes.

So everything is vibrating energy and all regions of space-time were once located in a region called a singularity 13.7 million years ago. If there is a god, he would have to be entwined in the energy itself or be outside of the singularity.

If he was entwined, why haven't we found him? He would have to be either a force energy or a particle. Either of which we should have detected by now. Oh but that's right, there is one particle called a gluon that we haven't yet detected. It's aptly named the "God Particle." If we find it using the Large Hadron Collider, then we can safely safe we have searched high and low and found every type of particle and energy in our region of small region of space, Earth.

I do think we'll find the God Particle. But I don't think we'll find that god is in there. So that's a bit of a bummer isn't it. I'm now forced to believe that if there is a god, he has to be outside of the singularity. And anything that exists outside our singularity -- be it another universe, an undetectable force, whatever... --- can have absolutely no effect on our universe. Be that as it may, might as well just call it non-existent.

kiss-ass :hump: the man dude!. if we are surrounded by small particles moved by energy, then we should be able to control the energy around us, if i remember right the brain works or make shit happened with small pulses of energy right? then wtf are we waiting we should all think positive, Make you brain fill all those little particles around you with good energy!, one thing that always makes me feel good is show how much a love my family and let them know how much they mean to me try it you might like it. sorry for my bad english, its my second language but im gettign better at it!.


Active Member
A human being has 140,000,000,000,000 cells, that make up 78 organs that make up the humans we are today...

Which congregate together in societies, clusters in between vast spaces, little hubs of activity in between major arteries and even bigger cities.

Then we have Different continents, with people of a different culture, different temperatures, different tolerances to outside aggressors and vectors. Some body systems might fight harder than others and sometimes the body creates more white blood cells than necessary in order to fight off its own immune system if it is creating problems (autoimmune response, allergies, etc)

allusions aside...
Then we see our planet among 9 others (even though we should include surprise guest nibiru and its shit trail we are going to be drug thru) in a vast expanse of space that when you look through a normal telescope.... you can look into a set of four stars... and in that same space, the Hubble Telescope can show that there are over billions of other galaxies just in that space between the four stars.

So maybe in the big scope of things, our solar system could be a small epicenter, the galaxies could be larger cities or organ systems, and maybe we are a small, insignificant cell or something in the larger overall spiritual and physical bieng that god as a whole is. Humans couldnt imagine the sight of god in his native form because he is everything and everywhere, all at once. He is the tree, the rock, and the products made from it. The stars, your thoughts, he is everything, somehow connected to the omipotent force that binds us all together. Kymatika is that force, and is something best felt with an open mind trained to feeling the connection.

I think at the very root, almost all religions get it right. Cater to basic human need, a gathering point for people to feel faith and hope for a better tomorrow, and eternal salvation in a world of sin. We all need something to believe in no matter if you call it atheism, catholicism, christianity, muslim, buddhist, taoist, etc... However, the human taint, the sin that is inherent in everyone, eventually taints areas of the church, and the message gets twisted. So dont let others interpret for you what is only for your own interpretation. Read your respective bibles or go over your beliefs, but dont let someone push some bullshit onto you. Everything is inherently right to a degree as it is morally relative to their own specific cultural/ethnic group, even part of the world or galaxy.

Look outside the box. Im high and not even sure this rant is coherent..... but its long so im posting it.

Smoke one for your God. (or the lack thereof)

(Im no eclectic but I have had a recent spiritual journey that has proven me that bigger forces control everything and nature will always follow its cycle no matter what humans or aliens, time, or whatever does to the earth.)


Well-Known Member
So maybe in the big scope of things, our solar system could be a small epicenter, the galaxies could be larger cities or organ systems, and maybe we are a small, insignificant cell or something in the larger overall spiritual and physical bieng that god as a whole is.
Cities do exhibit qualities that analogous to a living organisms, but we don't defined them as living, for obvious reasons. You can draw parallels for sure, but be careful not to make such a big leap. Scientist understand cells very well. They don't behave anything like galaxies cities. I understand how easy it is to think that.

Humans couldnt imagine the sight of god in his native form because he is everything and everywhere, all at once.
The sight of god sounds a lot like a squircle. ??? I think if you can define it, we can imagine it. Just click on google images when you lookup the word squircle. That's pretty imaginative right?

He is the tree, the rock, and the products made from it. The stars, your thoughts, he is everything, somehow connected to the omipotent force that binds us all together. Kymatika is that force, and is something best felt with an open mind trained to feeling the connection.
So god is just a word? Meaningless because it's everythingness? So can I say I belong to the Church of Everything? Or the Church of Rocks and Light and Worm Castings? I wonder if that's the kind of God Mary Jane worships. ooooh! haha. Now you got me thinking!!


New Member
a Pulse of Good energy?

Can Thought = Energy?

Can God Be A Pulse Of Good Thought?

If the physicists are on the right trail and entanglement is real and measurable today across the solar system, then perhaps thought can travel vast distances in an unexplained manner?


Well-Known Member
a Pulse of Good energy?

Can Thought = Energy?

Can God Be A Pulse Of Good Thought?

If the physicists are on the right trail and entanglement is real and measurable today across the solar system, then perhaps thought can travel vast distances in an unexplained manner?
Hmm, I think these questions are require answers that are far to technical for anyone here to comprehend, let alone be able to explain.

I don't know if thought is energy. I hope not. That would suggest that you could someday scan all the electrons in my brain and back them onto a disc. Although, a whole world of Mr. Vindicated clones wouldn't be a bad idea.

HOw this for pondering....

Say you found a worm hole and a scientist tells you one worm hole is here on Earth, while the other one is on Mars. You volunteer to jump though knowing that on the other side is a bunch of NASA researchers. But when you do, nothing appears to happen. Then you peer inside the worm hole and you suddenly see yourself walking up to the researchers. Which one is you?


Active Member
Is a rock that attracts another rock magic? Not today; it's simply a magnet. Back in the dizzay, They may have thought this some sort of witchcraft, simply because they could not explain the magnetic force. I think that if you bring positive thoughts and you try to be in positive spirits as much as possible, you will effectively make a positive change which grows over time. (see: paying it forward) However, negative is the same way. Those who breed negativity are constantly surrounded by it, bed luck, negative karma, etc.

You produce Kymatica =)

Id post more but I have to go to work and positively influence my wallet ><


New Member
It's tempting to mix metaphysics with physics, but once done, science has been left far behind.

You can tell by all of the maybes, perhaps, and what ifs.