A human being has 140,000,000,000,000 cells, that make up 78 organs that make up the humans we are today...
Which congregate together in societies, clusters in between vast spaces, little hubs of activity in between major arteries and even bigger cities.
Then we have Different continents, with people of a different culture, different temperatures, different tolerances to outside aggressors and vectors. Some body systems might fight harder than others and sometimes the body creates more white blood cells than necessary in order to fight off its own immune system if it is creating problems (autoimmune response, allergies, etc)
allusions aside...
Then we see our planet among 9 others (even though we should include surprise guest nibiru and its shit trail we are going to be drug thru) in a vast expanse of space that when you look through a normal telescope.... you can look into a set of four stars... and in that same space, the Hubble Telescope can show that there are over billions of other galaxies just in that space between the four stars.
So maybe in the big scope of things, our solar system could be a small epicenter, the galaxies could be larger cities or organ systems, and maybe we are a small, insignificant cell or something in the larger overall spiritual and physical bieng that god as a whole is. Humans couldnt imagine the sight of god in his native form because he is everything and everywhere, all at once. He is the tree, the rock, and the products made from it. The stars, your thoughts, he is everything, somehow connected to the omipotent force that binds us all together. Kymatika is that force, and is something best felt with an open mind trained to feeling the connection.
I think at the very root, almost all religions get it right. Cater to basic human need, a gathering point for people to feel faith and hope for a better tomorrow, and eternal salvation in a world of sin. We all need something to believe in no matter if you call it atheism, catholicism, christianity, muslim, buddhist, taoist, etc... However, the human taint, the sin that is inherent in everyone, eventually taints areas of the church, and the message gets twisted. So dont let others interpret for you what is only for your own interpretation. Read your respective bibles or go over your beliefs, but dont let someone push some bullshit onto you. Everything is inherently right to a degree as it is morally relative to their own specific cultural/ethnic group, even part of the world or galaxy.
Look outside the box. Im high and not even sure this rant is coherent..... but its long so im posting it.
Smoke one for your God. (or the lack thereof)
(Im no eclectic but I have had a recent spiritual journey that has proven me that bigger forces control everything and nature will always follow its cycle no matter what humans or aliens, time, or whatever does to the earth.)