Can God be . . .


New Member
This thread is about mixing metaphysics with physics and leaving Levon science far behind.

You can tell by all of the maybes, perhaps, and what ifs.

It is about probing the rules of reality.

It is about Change.

"However, negative is the same way" - For obvious Good Growth reasons, I discuss this mainly in my blog. - 1243


New Member

Emotions attract processes that generate detectable energy.

Emotional energy is not nearly as common a malady as Sitting Disease.


Active Member
IMHO, science and faith are not separate, but go hand in hand.

Science gives us evidence, logic, understanding, and solutions. Faith gives us something to believe in that fills the void to answers we dont have factual, concrete proof for. Scientific evidence such as Darwin's shows that animals evolve over time, and we are no exception. However, that humans were evolved from lower primates or out of waterbugs sliding onto dry land is a theory. Some evidence, but not enough, supports this theory. Christianity states we were from but one man and one woman, made in the image of the Creator. Completely faith based, without evidence. Throughout history, where we came from has STILL been left unanswered, and the only filler we have is some theories and books of faith.

I personally do not understand why some folks have such a hard time wrapping their mind around novel theories. I happen to live in an area exuding Southern Baptist arrogance and ignorance. (this is not meant to inflame S. Baptists, just describing my AREA) It is a mindset here that if their pastor told them something was true they would believe them 100%, truly as sheep. Unquestioning. Because they have BLIND faith, they feel their every action is covered by the Lord's grace. They can use the Earth til it is a burnt core since it was declared that man was responsible for all the animals and whatnot, save the things that creepeth and whatever. Why the hell would God want you to blast off mountain tops for non-renewable energy sources, pollute the worlds oceans by sinking entire cargo ships laden with nuclear waste and toxic cargo in the Mediterranean, why would he want us to consume resources at such a pace that we have an island of plastic/styro garbage the size of Texas floating in the middle of the pacific? Why would God NOT want you to use your damn brain?

In 100 years we have come from horse carriage to Mars rovers supposedly finding life, and sending rockets into the moon. In 100 short years, we have found and nearly depleted all of the world's OBTAINABLE and useful oil, choosing to continue the tradition of using inefficient internal combustion engines en masse rather than vigorously search for renewable, alternate energy... because it wasnt ECONOMICALLY VIABLE. Does this make any sense?

Then have FAITH that we were meant for something better than competing with viruses. A Virus is an agent that is unable to replicate or survive very long outside of it's living host. Viruses have genes (DNA), molecules to carry those genes, and a protein envelope that protects them. They reproduce and consume until their host is no longer living. So... Humans have genes. They have cells made up of molecules, and a muscular envelope covered with more protein being skin and hair. We are reproducing at an unsustainable level, all the while destroying our host. So, truly our closest relative seems to be floating around the world killing pigs and peeps alike, rather than swinging from trees. After all, monkeys havent begun destroying their own habitat.

Im not a scientist, and I dont claim to be. Im not even above average intellect. I pay attention though, question everything, and seek knowledge and understanding.

I used to be against organized religion all together until I fell down the rabbit hole and decided I needed some hope. Hope in something, anything; because our future does not look good. "Unless we change the path we are on, we are likely to end up where we are headed." ~ Chinese Proverb.

Faith in something more, combined with an inquisitive mind and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge has given me something I have never had. I have learned how to focus and exercise my third eye (figurative) and can actually feel the connection between myself and the earth, the rocks, other people, how my actions affect others along down the line, how others' actions affect myself as well as others, why a person has acted or reacted a certain way.... I could go on.

I am reluctant to tell anyone their way of thinking is wrong, or that their idea is bad or an incompetent one. I may not see things the way they have, or might not understand how they perceive the same information. This is the way I think.

I have faith in things which I have no control, and I feel confident in steering the things in which I do. I try to see well outside of the paradigm. I feel Kymatica drives everything in life as we know it -- and IS currently. I also feel that Kymatica is God (or whatever you call him/it/her/xx) and that at their core, every religion (so long as it is morally subjective) is inherently right.

Wow too long of a post already and I just got home from work. I know I am rambling again. Youll have to catch me when im NOT stoned if my thoughts are too jagged =)

I just think that if all the "educated" who deny anything faith-based, and all the religious extremists who deny anything that goes against their respective bibles/laws, proven or otherwise, should sit down and get educated in the opposite. It is all a bunch of -centrism. Seek to understand those who are not like you. Try to understand different customs and courtesies.

When we finally understand one another, we can become a team, pull our heads out of our asses, and get the human race out of the mess we are in.

but I guess that takes faith, right?


New Member
qptyqpty Rocks

We bestow upon him the honorary title of Super-Secret Secular Scientist.

If you disagree, please provide in writing your own qualifying definition of Scientist.

I and I were scientists at a very young age.


Well-Known Member
Good weed is right, bad weed is wrong. very wrong.

qptyqpty, you sound very smart, but I have no idea what you are talking about. What I got from you speech was that we should sit down and learn each others views and become team mates. But I don't want to be team mates with nazi or fanatics. Am I misguided?

And Hippy, did I hear you have a blog? :)


New Member
Blog this, blog that, everybody's got something to fucking say in some damned blog somewhere.

We believe Humanity is an inescapably teammate of Nazis and fanatics, and SSS members, too.

In fact, Humanity is on the same team as every single human being that has ever existed.

Reality is just a perception.


New Member
Writing is an action and a great invention, no doubt. But great ideas left on paper are just that. Ideas. Without action, no thing gets done.

We could all sit around and talk about inventing the WWW, but it took ICBM missiles and a cold war to make it a reality.


New Member
The written word is a missing action link in the evolution of thoughts to things.

a missing link ≠ all missing links

Do YOU believe the bacon god smells as good as the rest of the breakfast gods?


Active Member
Good weed is right, bad weed is wrong. very wrong.

qptyqpty, you sound very smart, but I have no idea what you are talking about. What I got from you speech was that we should sit down and learn each others views and become team mates. But I don't want to be team mates with nazi or fanatics. Am I misguided?

And Hippy, did I hear you have a blog? :)

Bad weed is horrible.

Sorry for the rambling. I think that as a whole people should care more about one another, and seek to understand everyone else. However there are some people who need killin. Thats why we have Marines. You cant win with everyone, and some people are just plain lost in their own ways. Be it a product of society, or whatever. Thats why we have justice (our justice system stanks tho and sho8uld be fixed)

I advocate everyone stopping a moment and see what ripples their actions create, I would not say you are misguided, just because you couldnt understand whatever im trying to get across. hehe, I just write exactly what i am thinking.

ahh lunch break over!!! hai hai


Active Member
qptyqpty Rocks

We bestow upon him the honorary title of Super-Secret Secular Scientist.

If you disagree, please provide in writing your own qualifying definition of Scientist.

I and I were scientists at a very young age.

Hey, I'll take New Age Philosopher... Like Plato or Socrates, only younger and dumber. =) Im honored that you would bestow any honorary title upon me, though! :joint: